' ' Main code for NutterShoot ' ' $Id$ ' Strict Import noddybox.bitmapfont ' Includes ' Include "font_fade.bmx" ' Included binaries ' Incbin "GFX/font.bmf" Incbin "GFX/font_shadow.bmf" Incbin "GFX/backdrop.bmp" SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver() Graphics 800,600,32,60 HideMouse SetBlend(ALPHABLEND) ' Globals ' Global font:BitmapFont=BitmapFont.Load("incbin::GFX/font.bmf",0) Global font_shadow:BitmapFont=BitmapFont.Load("incbin::GFX/font_shadow.bmf",0) Global quit:Int=True Global fade:FontFade=FontFade.Create(font) Global fade_shadow:FontFade=FontFade.Create(font_shadow) Global bdrop:TImage=LoadImage("incbin::GFX/backdrop.bmp",0) SetImageHandle(bdrop,400,300) Intro() MainMenu() While Not quit MainMenu() Wend End Function StartPage(bground:Int=True,sx:Float=1,sy:Float=1) Cls If bground Local x:Float,y:Float,r:Float,a:Float a=GetAlpha() r=GetRotation() GetScale(x,y) SetAlpha(2) SetTransform(0,sx,sy) DrawImage(bdrop,400,300) SetAlpha(a) SetTransform(r,x,y) EndIf End Function Function EndPage(flush:Int=True) If flush Then FlushMem Flip End Function Function Intro() Local c=20 Local a$ Local f:FontFade=fade_shadow SetTransform(0,2,2) RestoreData intro_data While Not KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) StartPage() c:-1 If c=0 c=20 ReadData a$ If a$="XXX" RestoreData intro_data c=200 Else f.Centre(a$,500,$ffff80,0,0.008,-2) EndIf EndIf f.Process() EndPage() Wend SetTransform(0,1,1) End Function Function MainMenu() End Function Rem sc=10 t$="THIS IS SOME VERY, VERY, *VERY* ~~LARGE SCROLLING TEXT....." x#=0 ang#=0 angi#=0.2 While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Cls For f=0 Until NO st[f].Update() Next SetTransform(ang,sc,sc) ang:+angi If ang<=-10 Or ang>=10 Then angi=-angi fnt.DrawColoured(t$,x,0,255,255,255)'128,128) If Not KeyDown(KEY_P) x:-5 If x<-fnt.TextWidth(t[0..1]) x:+fnt.TextWidth(t[0..1]) t=t[1..]+t[0..1] EndIf EndIf FlushMem Flip Wend End Rem ' PROGRAM DATA ' #intro_data DefData "NUTTER SHOOT" DefData " " DefData "(C) IAN C 2005" DefData " " DefData "THIS IS FREE SOFTWARE." DefData "SEE THE GNU GENERAL" DefData "PUBLIC LICENSE FOR" DefData "DETAILS." DefData " " DefData " " DefData "PRESS SPACE TO PLAY" DefData " " DefData " " DefData "DEVELOPED WITH BLITZMAX" DefData "HTTP://WWW.BLITZBASIC.COM" DefData "XXX"