On loading the website you will be greeted by a passphrase prompt, a load button, a group selection box and a text box to enter a new group name. To start, enter your passphrase and hit Load. If you have previously saved entries they should be displayed. If there are no records just one blank row will be displayed. Note if you get your passphrase wrong there is no indication except for the passwords being blank or jumbled. If this is the case alter the passphrase and hit Load again. The last row displayed is the row where new entries can be added. If a group name is entered in the New Group box then the entry will be added to that group. To add the record enter a description, username and password and hit the Add link. To edit an existing entry modify the fields as desired and hit the Edit link. To delete an existing record simply hit the Delete link. The Copy Username and Copy Password links can be used to copy the username or password respectively to the clipboard. The Show link can be used to reveal the password while the button is down. Alternatively all passwords (including the pass phrase) can be seen by ticking the Show Passwords checkbox. The Up/Down links move the entry up/down as appropriate in the list.