/* casm - Simple, portable assembler Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Ian Cowburn (ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Expands an expression. */ #include #include #include #include #include "global.h" #include "expr.h" #include "label.h" #include "state.h" #include "util.h" /* ---------------------------------------- MACROS */ #define TYPE_OPERAND 0 #define TYPE_LABEL 1 #define TYPE_OPERATOR 2 /* This acts as a base for operator tokens */ #define TYPE_LPAREN 3 #define TYPE_RPAREN 4 #define TYPE_DIVIDE 5 #define TYPE_MULTIPLY 6 #define TYPE_ADD 7 #define TYPE_SUBTRACT 8 #define TYPE_NOT 9 #define TYPE_AND 10 #define TYPE_OR 11 #define TYPE_XOR 12 #define TYPE_UNARY_PLUS 13 #define TYPE_UNARY_NEG 14 #define TYPE_SHIFTL 15 #define TYPE_SHIFTR 16 #define TYPE_EQUALITY 17 #define TYPE_BOOL_AND 18 #define TYPE_BOOL_OR 19 #define TYPE_MODULUS 20 #define TYPE_LT 21 #define TYPE_GT 22 #define TYPE_LTEQ 23 #define TYPE_GTEQ 24 #define TYPE_INEQUALITY 25 #define SYM_LPAREN "{" #define SYM_RPAREN "}" #define SYM_DIVIDE "/" #define SYM_MULTIPLY "*" #define SYM_ADD "+" #define SYM_SUBTRACT "-" #define SYM_NOT "~" #define SYM_AND "&" #define SYM_OR "|" #define SYM_XOR "^" #define SYM_UNARY_PLUS "+" #define SYM_UNARY_NEG "-" #define SYM_SHIFTL "<<" #define SYM_SHIFTR ">>" #define SYM_EQUALITY "==" #define SYM_BOOL_AND "&&" #define SYM_BOOL_OR "||" #define SYM_MODULUS "%" #define SYM_LT "<" #define SYM_GT ">" #define SYM_LTEQ "<=" #define SYM_GTEQ ">=" #define SYM_INEQUALITY "!=" #define OPERATOR_CHARS "{}/*+-~&|^<>=%!" #define IS_OPERATOR_TYPE(a) ((a)>=TYPE_OPERATOR) #define IS_PAREN(c) ((c)==SYM_LPAREN[0] || (c)==SYM_RPAREN[0]) #define IS_OPERATOR(c) (strchr(OPERATOR_CHARS,(c))) #define IS_OPERAND_END(c) ((c)==' ' || (c)=='\t' || IS_OPERATOR(c)) /* ---------------------------------------- TYPES */ typedef struct stk { int token; int priority; int is_unary; char *text; struct stk *next; } Stack; typedef enum {OpBinary, OpPretendUnary, OpUnary} OpType; typedef struct { const char *symbol; int priority; int token; OpType type; int allow_unary; } Operator; typedef enum {OpOk, OpSyntaxError, OpUnknown} OpError; /* ---------------------------------------- GLOBALS */ static char error[1024]; static const Operator op_info[]= { /* Unary ops - must be first in list. Note that LPAREN is treated as a unary as it must be preceeded by another operator, rather than an operand. */ {SYM_NOT, 9, TYPE_NOT, OpUnary, TRUE}, {SYM_UNARY_PLUS,9, TYPE_UNARY_PLUS,OpUnary, TRUE}, {SYM_UNARY_NEG, 9, TYPE_UNARY_NEG, OpUnary, TRUE}, {SYM_LPAREN, 99, TYPE_LPAREN, OpPretendUnary, TRUE}, /* Binary ops and don't care ops */ {SYM_RPAREN, 99, TYPE_RPAREN, OpBinary, FALSE}, {SYM_SHIFTL, 6, TYPE_SHIFTL, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_SHIFTR, 6, TYPE_SHIFTR, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_MULTIPLY, 5, TYPE_MULTIPLY, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_DIVIDE, 5, TYPE_DIVIDE, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_MODULUS, 5, TYPE_MODULUS, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_ADD, 4, TYPE_ADD, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_SUBTRACT, 4, TYPE_SUBTRACT, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_EQUALITY, 1, TYPE_EQUALITY, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_INEQUALITY,1, TYPE_INEQUALITY,OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_LTEQ, 1, TYPE_LTEQ, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_GTEQ, 1, TYPE_GTEQ, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_LT, 1, TYPE_LT, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_GT, 1, TYPE_GT, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_BOOL_AND, 0, TYPE_BOOL_AND, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_AND, 0, TYPE_AND, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_BOOL_OR, 0, TYPE_BOOL_OR, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_OR, 0, TYPE_OR, OpBinary, TRUE}, {SYM_XOR, 0, TYPE_XOR, OpBinary, TRUE}, {0,0,0} }; /* ---------------------------------------- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS */ /* Empty a stack */ static Stack *ClearStack(Stack *stack) { while(stack) { Stack *tmp=stack; stack=stack->next; free(tmp->text); free(tmp); } return stack; } /* Push onto the stack */ static Stack *Push(Stack *stack, int token, int priority, int is_unary, const char *text) { Stack *e=Malloc(sizeof *e); e->text=DupStr(text); e->priority=priority; e->token=token; e->is_unary=is_unary; e->next=stack; stack=e; return stack; } /* Destroy the top element on the stack */ static Stack *Pop(Stack *stack) { if (stack) { Stack *tmp=stack; stack=stack->next; free(tmp->text); free(tmp); } return stack; } /* Debug to dump a stack non-destructively */ static void Dump(const char *name, Stack *stack) { while (stack) { printf("%-10s: Type: %-2d is_unary: %d text: %s\n", name,stack->token,stack->is_unary,stack->text); stack=stack->next; } } /* Find the symbol for an operator */ static const char *ToString(int token) { static char buff[32]; int f; strcpy(buff,"UNKNOWN"); for(f=0;op_info[f].symbol;f++) { if (op_info[f].token==token) { strcpy(buff,op_info[f].symbol); return buff; } } return "UNKNOWN"; } /* Search the operator info */ static const OpError FindOp(const char *p, int prev_was_op, const Operator **op) { int f; int found=FALSE; *op=NULL; for(f=0;op_info[f].symbol;f++) { if (strncmp(op_info[f].symbol,p,strlen(op_info[f].symbol))==0) { found=TRUE; if ((prev_was_op && op_info[f].type!=OpBinary) || (!prev_was_op && op_info[f].type==OpBinary)) { *op=op_info+f; return OpOk; } } } if (found) return OpSyntaxError; else return OpUnknown; } static Stack *ToPostfix(const char *expr) { Stack *stack=NULL; Stack *output=NULL; char buff[1024]; char *p; int prev_was_op=TRUE; /* Parse the infix expression into postfix */ while(*expr) { if (IS_OPERATOR(*expr)) { /* Found an operator - parse it */ const Operator *op; OpError op_err; op_err=FindOp(expr,prev_was_op,&op); /* Unknown operator in expression */ if (!op) { if (op_err==OpSyntaxError) sprintf(error,"Syntax error with operator %c",*expr); else sprintf(error,"Unknown operator %c",*expr); stack=ClearStack(stack); output=ClearStack(output); return NULL; } /* Special handling for closing parenthesis */ if (op->token==TYPE_RPAREN) { while(stack && stack->token!=TYPE_LPAREN) { output=Push(output, stack->token, stack->priority, stack->is_unary, stack->text); stack=Pop(stack); } /* Syntax error in expression */ if (!stack) { sprintf(error,"Missing %s", SYM_LPAREN); stack=ClearStack(stack); output=ClearStack(output); return NULL; } /* Remove the opening bracket and continue */ stack=Pop(stack); } else { /* Output the stack until an operator of lower precedence is found */ if (op->type==OpUnary) { while(stack && !IS_PAREN(stack->text[0]) && !stack->is_unary && (stack->priority >= op->priority)) { output=Push(output, stack->token, stack->priority, stack->is_unary, stack->text); stack=Pop(stack); } } else { while(stack && !IS_PAREN(stack->text[0]) && (stack->priority >= op->priority)) { output=Push(output, stack->token, stack->priority, stack->is_unary, stack->text); stack=Pop(stack); } } stack=Push(stack, op->token, op->priority, op->type==OpUnary, op->symbol); } /* Move past token */ expr+=strlen(op->symbol); prev_was_op=op->allow_unary; } else { /* Found an operand - parse and store the operand */ p=buff; while(*expr && !IS_OPERAND_END(*expr)) { *p++=*expr++; } *p=0; /* Note that operands are marked as unary just to chose one over the other branch in EvalPostfix() - no other reason */ output=Push(output,TYPE_OPERAND,0,TRUE,buff); prev_was_op=FALSE; } while(isspace((unsigned char)*expr)) { expr++; } } while(stack) { output=Push(output, stack->token, stack->priority, stack->is_unary, stack->text); stack=Pop(stack); } /* Return the stack */ return output; } static int EvalPostfix(Stack **stack, int *result) { Stack *expr; int token; expr=*stack; if (!expr) { sprintf(error,"Called with empty postfix stack"); return FALSE; } token=expr->token; if (expr->is_unary) { if (token==TYPE_OPERAND) { if (!LabelExpand(expr->text, result) && IsFinalPass()) { sprintf(error,"Invalid value '%s'",expr->text); return FALSE; } expr = Pop(expr); } else if (token==TYPE_LABEL) { const Label *label = NULL; if (IsFinalPass()) { if (!(label = LabelFind(expr->text, ANY_LABEL))) { sprintf(error,"Undefined label '%s'",expr->text); return FALSE; } } *result = (label == NULL ? 0 : label->value); expr = Pop(expr); } else { int val; expr=Pop(expr); if (!expr || !EvalPostfix(&expr,&val)) { sprintf(error,"Operator '%s' expects an argument", ToString(token)); *stack=expr; return FALSE; } switch(token) { case TYPE_NOT: *result=~val; break; case TYPE_UNARY_PLUS: *result=+val; break; case TYPE_UNARY_NEG: *result=-val; break; default: sprintf(error,"Execpected unary token '%s' processed", ToString(token)); *stack=expr; return FALSE; break; } } } else { int left,right; expr=Pop(expr); if (!expr || !EvalPostfix(&expr,&right)) { sprintf(error,"Operator '%s' expects two " "arguments (unknown label?)", ToString(token)); *stack=expr; return FALSE; } if (!expr || !EvalPostfix(&expr,&left)) { sprintf(error,"Operator '%s' expects two " "arguments (unknown label?)", ToString(token)); *stack=expr; return FALSE; } switch(token) { case TYPE_DIVIDE: *result=left/right; break; case TYPE_MULTIPLY: *result=left*right; break; case TYPE_MODULUS: *result=left%right; break; case TYPE_ADD: *result=left+right; break; case TYPE_SUBTRACT: *result=left-right; break; case TYPE_AND: *result=left&right; break; case TYPE_OR: *result=left|right; break; case TYPE_BOOL_AND: *result=left&&right; break; case TYPE_BOOL_OR: *result=left||right; break; case TYPE_XOR: *result=left^right; break; case TYPE_SHIFTL: if (right<0) { sprintf(error,"Cannot shift left by a " "negative number (%d)",right); *stack=expr; return FALSE; } *result=left<>right; break; case TYPE_EQUALITY: *result=left==right; break; case TYPE_INEQUALITY: *result=left!=right; break; case TYPE_LT: *result=leftright; break; case TYPE_LTEQ: *result=left<=right; break; case TYPE_GTEQ: *result=left>=right; break; default: sprintf(error,"Unexpected binary token '%s' processed", ToString(token)); *stack=expr; return FALSE; break; } } *stack=expr; return TRUE; } /* ---------------------------------------- INTERFACES */ int ExprConvert(int no_bits, int value) { if (value<0) { value=-value; value--; value=~value; } return value & ((1<