/* casm - Simple, portable assembler Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Ian Cowburn (ianc@noddybox.co.uk) This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tokeniser. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "global.h" #include "codepage.h" #include "parse.h" /* ---------------------------------------- MACROS/TYPES */ typedef enum { CONSUME_WS, CONSUME_TOKEN, FINISHED } State; /* ---------------------------------------- GLOBALS */ static char error[1024]; static const ValueTable bool_table[] = { YES_NO_ENTRIES(TRUE, FALSE), {NULL} }; /* ---------------------------------------- PRIVATE FUNCTIONS */ static void AddToken(const char *start, const char *end, Line *line, int quoted) { char *tok = Malloc(end - start + 2); char *p; p = tok; while(start != end + 1) { *p++ = *start++; } *p = 0; Trim(tok); /* Special case to convert single characters in quotes to their character code. */ if (*tok && *(tok+1) == 0 && (quoted == '\'' || quoted == '"')) { char b[64]; snprintf(b, sizeof b, "%d", CodepageConvert(*tok)); free(tok); tok = DupStr(b); quoted = 0; } line->no_tokens++; line->token = Realloc(line->token, (sizeof *line->token) * line->no_tokens); line->quoted = Realloc(line->quoted, (sizeof *line->quoted) * line->no_tokens); line->token[line->no_tokens - 1] = tok; line->quoted[line->no_tokens - 1] = quoted; } static int IsClosure(const char *p, const char *sep) { while(*p && isspace(*p)) { p++; } return !*p || strchr(sep, *p); } /* ---------------------------------------- INTERFACES */ int ParseLine(Line *line, const char *source) { static const char *sep_chars[2] = { " \t:", "," }; static const char *quote_start_chars[2] = { "", "\"'([" }; static const char *quote_end_chars[2] = { "", "\"')]" }; const char *p = NULL; const char *start = NULL; State state = CONSUME_WS; int stage = 0; char open_quote = 0; char quote = 0; int status = TRUE; p = source; line->first_column = FALSE; line->token = NULL; line->comment = NULL; line->quoted = NULL; line->no_tokens = 0; while(state != FINISHED) { switch(state) { case CONSUME_WS: if (!*p) { state = FINISHED; } else if (*p == ';') { state = FINISHED; line->comment = DupStr(p + 1); Trim(line->comment); } else { const char *ptr; if ((ptr = strchr(quote_start_chars[stage], *p))) { open_quote = *p; quote = quote_end_chars [stage] [ptr - quote_start_chars[stage]]; state = CONSUME_TOKEN; start = ++p; } else { if (isspace((unsigned char)*p) || strchr(sep_chars[stage], *p)) { p++; } else { state = CONSUME_TOKEN; start = p; open_quote = 0; quote = 0; } } if (source == start && state == CONSUME_TOKEN) { line->first_column = TRUE; } } break; case CONSUME_TOKEN: if (!*p) { if (quote) { snprintf (error, sizeof error, "Unterminated quoted string; expected %c", quote); status = FALSE; } else if (start != p) { AddToken(start, p, line, FALSE); } state = FINISHED; } else { if (quote) { /* When we find a closing quote check if the following character is a seperator or end-of-line. If not this wasn't really a quoted string. */ if (*p == quote) { if (IsClosure(p + 1, sep_chars[stage])) { state = CONSUME_WS; } else { /* Wasn't a real closue, so add the quote as a character onto the string. */ quote = 0; open_quote = 0; start--; } } } else if (strchr(sep_chars[stage], *p) || *p == ';') { state = CONSUME_WS; } if (state == CONSUME_WS) { AddToken(start, p - 1, line, open_quote); if (quote) { open_quote = 0; quote = 0; p++; } if ((line->no_tokens == 2 && line->first_column) || (line->no_tokens == 1 && !line->first_column)) { stage = 1; } } else { p++; } } break; default: break; } } return status; } void ParseFree(Line *line) { int f; if (line->token) { for(f = 0; f < line->no_tokens; f++) { free(line->token[f]); } free(line->token); free(line->quoted); } if (line->comment) { free(line->comment); } line->token = NULL; line->quoted = NULL; line->comment = NULL; } const char *ParseError(void) { return error; } const ValueTable *ParseTable(const char *str, const ValueTable *table) { while(table && table->str) { if (CompareString(str, table->str)) { return table; } table++; } return NULL; } int ParseTrueFalse(const char *str, int def) { const ValueTable *val; val = ParseTable(str, bool_table); return val == NULL ? def : val->value; } int ParseInTable(const char *str, const char *names[]) { int f; for(f = 0; names[f]; f++) { if (CompareString(str, names[f])) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /* vim: ai sw=4 ts=8 expandtab */