czx81 - A CURSES based ZX81 emulator
Copyright (C) 2020 Ian Cowburn
ZX81 ROM Copyright (C) 1981 Nine Tiles Networks LTD
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
All normal characters should produce the equivalent character if it exists
on the ZX81. The emulator assumes you can generate the characters A-Z which
will be mapped to the equivalent ZX81 key when a lower case character is
entered. An upper case character will generate the shifted version of the
character as it appeared on the ZX81 keyboard.
The cursor keys should act as cursor keys.
The ESCAPE key will display the runtime menu.
The following keys have the following effects:
F1 - Emulate the EDIT key (shift 1)
F2 - Emulate the AND key (shift 2)
F3 - Emulate the THEN key (shift 3)
F4 - Emulate the TO key (shift 4)
F5 - Emulate the GRAPHICS key (shift 9)
F6 - Emulate the FUNCTION key (shift new line)
F7 - Emulate the BREAK key (shift space)
BACKSPACE - Emulate the RUBOUT key (shift 0)
DELETE - Emulate the RUBOUT key (shift 0)
When emulating the keyboard the key is held down for a default of one frame.
This can be altered in the runtime menu.
czx81 will try and load the filename you give it in a LOAD command. It
looks in a configured directory (the current directory if none is
configured). The file must be a ZX81 snapshot .P file. The directory
that it loads from can be configured. See the CONFIGURATION FILE section.
If you SAVE a file it will save it in the current directory, or the
configured one if one is configured. Note that the ability to save must
be enabled. See the CONFIGURATION FILE section.
When you press ESCAPE the runtime menu is displayed and offers the following
F1 - Toggle tracing on and off. When on tracing will display the
disassembly at the PC and the state of the Z80 registers.
F2 - Alter the number of frames the key is held down following a
keypress. The default of 1 works OK for BASIC.
F3 - Reset the ZX81.
F4 - Quit the emulator.
On startup czx81 will read configuration from the file $HOME/.czx81rc
The following directive can be used:
snappath - Specifies the location of .P files for loading
and saving, if enabled.
allowsave - Allow the saving of files.
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