/* z80 - Z80 Emulator Copyright (C) 2006 Ian Cowburn <ianc@noddybox.co.uk> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: z80_dis.c 4 2006-10-04 23:05:43Z ianc $ */ static const char ident[]="$Id: z80_dis.c 4 2006-10-04 23:05:43Z ianc $"; #include "z80_config.h" #ifdef ENABLE_DISASSEM #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "z80.h" #include "z80_private.h" static Z80Relative cb_off; /* ---------------------------------------- SHARED ROUTINES */ static const char *z80_dis_reg8[]={"b","c","d","e","h","l","(hl)","a"}; static const char *z80_dis_reg16[]={"bc","de","hl","sp"}; static const char *z80_dis_condition[]={"nz","z","nc","c","po","pe","p","m"}; static const char *dis_op; static const char *dis_arg; const char *Z80_Dis_Printf(const char *format, ...) { static int p=0; static char s[16][80]; va_list arg; va_start(arg,format); p=(p+1)%16; vsprintf(s[p],format,arg); va_end(arg); return s[p]; } Z80Byte Z80_Dis_FetchByte(Z80 *cpu, Z80Word *pc) { #ifdef ENABLE_ARRAY_MEMORY return Z80_MEMORY[(*pc)++]; #else return cpu->priv->disread(cpu,(*pc)++); #endif } Z80Word Z80_Dis_FetchWord(Z80 *cpu, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Byte l,h; l=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(cpu,pc); h=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(cpu,pc); return ((Z80Word)h<<8)|l; } void Z80_Dis_Set(const char *op, const char *arg) { dis_op=op; dis_arg=arg; } const char *Z80_Dis_GetOp(void) { return dis_op ? dis_op : ""; } const char *Z80_Dis_GetArg(void) { return dis_arg ? dis_arg : ""; } static const char *GetLabel(Z80Word w) { if (z80_labels) { int f; for(f=0;z80_labels[f].label;f++) { if (z80_labels[f].address==w) { return z80_labels[f].label; } } } return NULL; } /* ---------------------------------------- CB xx BYTE OPCODES */ static void DIS_RLC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("rlc",reg); } static void DIS_RRC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("rrc",reg); } static void DIS_RL_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("rl",reg); } static void DIS_RR_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("rr",reg); } static void DIS_SLA_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("sla",reg); } static void DIS_SRA_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("sra",reg); } static void DIS_SLL_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("sll",reg); } static void DIS_SRL_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("srl",reg); } static void DIS_BIT_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; int bit; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; bit=(op-0x40)/8; Z80_Dis_Set("bit",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,reg)); } static void DIS_RES_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; int bit; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; bit=(op-0x80)/8; Z80_Dis_Set("res",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,reg)); } static void DIS_SET_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; int bit; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; bit=(op-0xc0)/8; Z80_Dis_Set("set",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,reg)); } /* ---------------------------------------- DD OPCODES */ static const char *IX_RelStr(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { static char s[80]; Z80Relative r; r=(Z80Relative)Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); if (r<0) sprintf(s,"(ix-$%.2x)",-r); else sprintf(s,"(ix+$%.2x)",r); return(s); } static const char *IX_RelStrCB(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { static char s[80]; Z80Relative r; r=(Z80Relative)cb_off; if (r<0) sprintf(s,"(ix-$%.2x)",-r); else sprintf(s,"(ix+$%.2x)",r); return(s); } static const char *XR8(Z80 *z80, int reg, Z80Word *pc) { switch(reg) { case 0: return("b"); break; case 1: return("c"); break; case 2: return("d"); break; case 3: return("e"); break; case 4: return("ixh"); break; case 5: return("ixl"); break; case 6: return(IX_RelStr(z80,0,pc)); break; case 7: return("a"); break; default: return(Z80_Dis_Printf("BUG %d",reg)); break; } } static void DIS_DD_NOP(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { dis_opcode_z80[op](z80,op,pc); } static void DIS_ADD_IX_BC(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","ix,bc"); } static void DIS_ADD_IX_DE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","ix,de"); } static void DIS_LD_IX_WORD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("ix,$%.4x",Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_ADDR_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),ix",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.4x),ix",w)); } static void DIS_INC_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","ix"); } static void DIS_INC_IXH(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","ixh"); } static void DIS_DEC_IXH(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","ixh"); } static void DIS_LD_IXH_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("ixh,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_ADD_IX_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","ix,ix"); } static void DIS_LD_IX_ADDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("ix,(%s)",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("ix,($%.4x)",w)); } static void DIS_DEC_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","ix"); } static void DIS_INC_IXL(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","ixl"); } static void DIS_DEC_IXL(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","ixl"); } static void DIS_LD_IXL_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("ixl,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_INC_IIX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStr(z80,op,pc))); } static void DIS_DEC_IIX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStr(z80,op,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_IIX_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *rel; int b; rel=IX_RelStr(z80,op,pc); b=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.2x",rel,b)); } static void DIS_ADD_IX_SP(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","ix,sp"); } static void DIS_XLD_R8_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int src_r,dest_r; const char *src,*dest; dest_r=(op-0x40)/8; src_r=op%8; /* IX can't be used as source and destination when reading z80ory */ if (dest_r==6) { dest=XR8(z80,dest_r,pc); src=z80_dis_reg8[src_r]; } else if (((dest_r==4)||(dest_r==5))&&(src_r==6)) { dest=z80_dis_reg8[dest_r]; src=XR8(z80,src_r,pc); } else { dest=XR8(z80,dest_r,pc); src=XR8(z80,src_r,pc); } Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",dest,src)); } static void DIS_XADD_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XADC_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("adc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XSUB_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sub",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XSBC_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sbc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XAND_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("and",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XXOR_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("xor",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_X_OR_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("or",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_XCP_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",XR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_POP_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("pop","ix"); } static void DIS_EX_ISP_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ex","(sp),ix"); } static void DIS_PUSH_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("push","ix"); } static void DIS_JP_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("jp","(ix)"); } static void DIS_LD_SP_IX(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","sp,ix"); } static void DIS_DD_CB_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; cb_off=(Z80Relative)Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_DD_CB_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_DD_DD_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_DD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_DD_ED_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_ED_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_DD_FD_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_FD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } /* ---------------------------------------- DD CB OPCODES */ static void DIS_RLC_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rlc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else { Z80_Dis_Set("rlc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } } static void DIS_RRC_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rrc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rrc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RL_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RR_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SLA_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sla",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sla",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SRA_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sra",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sra",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SRL_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("srl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("srl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SLL_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sll",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sll",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_BIT_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0x40)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("bit",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("bit",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RES_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0x80)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("res",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("res",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SET_IX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0xc0)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("set",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("set",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IX_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } /* ---------------------------------------- ED OPCODES */ static const char *ER8(int reg) { switch(reg) { case 0: return("b"); break; case 1: return("c"); break; case 2: return("d"); break; case 3: return("e"); break; case 4: return("h"); break; case 5: return("l"); break; case 6: return("0"); break; case 7: return("a"); break; } return "?"; } /* Assumes illegal ED ops are being used for break points */ static void DIS_ED_NOP(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("brk",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.2x",op)); } static void DIS_IN_R8_C(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("in",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,(c)",ER8((op-0x40)/8))); } static void DIS_OUT_C_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("out",Z80_Dis_Printf("(c),%s",ER8((op-0x40)/8))); } static void DIS_SBC_HL_R16(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sbc",Z80_Dis_Printf("hl,%s",z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16])); } static void DIS_ED_LD_ADDR_R16(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),%s",p,z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16])); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.4x),%s",w,z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16])); } static void DIS_NEG(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("neg",NULL); } static void DIS_RETN(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("retn",NULL); } static void DIS_IM_0(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("im","0"); } static void DIS_LD_I_A(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","i,a"); } static void DIS_ADC_HL_R16(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("adc",Z80_Dis_Printf("hl,%s",z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16])); } static void DIS_ED_LD_R16_ADDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,(%s)",z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16],p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,($%.4x)",z80_dis_reg16[(op-0x40)/16],w)); } static void DIS_RETI(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("reti",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_R_A(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","r,a"); } static void DIS_IM_1(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("im","1"); } static void DIS_LD_A_I(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","a,i"); } static void DIS_IM_2(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("im","2"); } static void DIS_LD_A_R(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","a,r"); } static void DIS_RRD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rrd",NULL); } static void DIS_RLD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rld",NULL); } static void DIS_LDI(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ldi",NULL); } static void DIS_CPI(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cpi",NULL); } static void DIS_INI(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ini",NULL); } static void DIS_OUTI(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("outi",NULL); } static void DIS_LDD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ldd",NULL); } static void DIS_CPD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cpd",NULL); } static void DIS_IND(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ind",NULL); } static void DIS_OUTD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("outd",NULL); } static void DIS_LDIR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ldir",NULL); } static void DIS_CPIR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cpir",NULL); } static void DIS_INIR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inir",NULL); } static void DIS_OTIR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("otir",NULL); } static void DIS_LDDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("lddr",NULL); } static void DIS_CPDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cpdr",NULL); } static void DIS_INDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("indr",NULL); } static void DIS_OTDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("otdr",NULL); } /* ---------------------------------------- FD OPCODES */ static const char *IY_RelStr(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { static char s[80]; Z80Relative r; r=(Z80Relative)Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); if (r<0) sprintf(s,"(iy-$%.2x)",-r); else sprintf(s,"(iy+$%.2x)",r); return(s); } static const char *IY_RelStrCB(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { static char s[80]; Z80Relative r; r=(Z80Relative)cb_off; if (r<0) sprintf(s,"(iy-$%.2x)",-r); else sprintf(s,"(iy+$%.2x)",r); return(s); } static const char *YR8(Z80 *z80, int reg, Z80Word *pc) { switch(reg) { case 0: return("b"); break; case 1: return("c"); break; case 2: return("d"); break; case 3: return("e"); break; case 4: return("iyh"); break; case 5: return("iyl"); break; case 6: return(IY_RelStr(z80,0,pc)); break; case 7: return("a"); break; default: return(Z80_Dis_Printf("BUG %d",reg)); break; } } static void DIS_FD_NOP(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { dis_opcode_z80[op](z80,op,pc); } static void DIS_ADD_IY_BC(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","iy,bc"); } static void DIS_ADD_IY_DE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","iy,de"); } static void DIS_LD_IY_WORD(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("iy,$%.4x",Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_ADDR_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),iy",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.4x),iy",w)); } static void DIS_INC_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","iy"); } static void DIS_INC_IYH(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","iyh"); } static void DIS_DEC_IYH(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","iyh"); } static void DIS_LD_IYH_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("iyh,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_ADD_IY_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","iy,iy"); } static void DIS_LD_IY_ADDR(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("iy,(%s)",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("iy,($%.4x)",w)); } static void DIS_DEC_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","iy"); } static void DIS_INC_IYL(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc","iyl"); } static void DIS_DEC_IYL(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec","iyl"); } static void DIS_LD_IYL_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("iyl,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_INC_IIY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("inc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStr(z80,op,pc))); } static void DIS_DEC_IIY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("dec",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStr(z80,op,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_IIY_BYTE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *rel; int b; rel=IY_RelStr(z80,op,pc); b=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.2x",rel,b)); } static void DIS_ADD_IY_SP(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add","iy,sp"); } static void DIS_YLD_R8_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int src_r,dest_r; const char *src,*dest; dest_r=(op-0x40)/8; src_r=op%8; /* IY can't be used as source and destination when reading z80ory */ if (dest_r==6) { dest=YR8(z80,dest_r,pc); src=z80_dis_reg8[src_r]; } else if (((dest_r==4)||(dest_r==5))&&(src_r==6)) { dest=z80_dis_reg8[dest_r]; src=YR8(z80,src_r,pc); } else { dest=YR8(z80,dest_r,pc); src=YR8(z80,src_r,pc); } Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",dest,src)); } static void DIS_YADD_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YADC_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("adc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YSUB_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sub",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YSBC_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sbc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YAND_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("and",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YYOR_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("xor",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_Y_OR_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("or",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_YCP_R8(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",YR8(z80,(op%8),pc))); } static void DIS_POP_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("pop","iy"); } static void DIS_EY_ISP_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ex","(sp),iy"); } static void DIS_PUSH_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("push","iy"); } static void DIS_JP_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("jp","(iy)"); } static void DIS_LD_SP_IY(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","sp,iy"); } static void DIS_FD_CB_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; cb_off=(Z80Relative)Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_FD_CB_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_FD_DD_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_DD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_FD_ED_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_ED_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_FD_FD_DECODE(Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_FD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } /* ---------------------------------------- FD CB OPCODES */ static void DIS_RLC_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rlc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rlc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RRC_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rrc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rrc",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RL_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RR_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("rr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("rr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SLA_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sla",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sla",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SRA_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sra",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sra",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SRL_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("srl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("srl",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SLL_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; reg=(op%8); if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("sll",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("sll",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s[%s]",IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_BIT_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0x40)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("bit",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("bit",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_RES_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0x80)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("res",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("res",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } static void DIS_SET_IY (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int reg; int bit; reg=(op%8); bit=(op-0xc0)/8; if (reg==6) Z80_Dis_Set("set",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc))); else Z80_Dis_Set("set",Z80_Dis_Printf("%d,%s[%s]",bit,IY_RelStrCB(z80,op,pc),z80_dis_reg8[reg])); } /* ---------------------------------------- SINGLE BYTE OPCODES */ static void DIS_NOP (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("nop",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_R16_WORD (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.4x",reg,Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_R16_A (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),a",reg)); } static void DIS_INC_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("inc",reg); } static void DIS_INC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[(op&0x38)/0x8]; Z80_Dis_Set("inc",reg); } static void DIS_DEC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[(op&0x38)/0x8]; Z80_Dis_Set("dec",reg); } static void DIS_LD_R8_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[(op&0x38)/0x8]; Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.2x",reg,Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_RLCA (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rlca",NULL); } static void DIS_EX_AF_AF (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ex","af,af'"); } static void DIS_ADD_HL_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("add",Z80_Dis_Printf("hl,%s",reg)); } static void DIS_LD_A_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,(%s)",reg)); } static void DIS_DEC_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op&0x30)/0x10]; Z80_Dis_Set("dec",reg); } static void DIS_RRCA (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rrca",NULL); } static void DIS_DJNZ (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word new; #ifdef ENABLE_ARRAY_MEMORY new=*pc+(Z80Relative)Z80_MEMORY[*pc]+1; #else new=*pc+(Z80Relative)z80->priv->disread(z80,*pc)+1; #endif (*pc)++; Z80_Dis_Set("djnz",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.4x",new)); } static void DIS_RLA (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rla",NULL); } static void DIS_JR (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word new; const char *p; #ifdef ENABLE_ARRAY_MEMORY new=*pc+(Z80Relative)Z80_MEMORY[*pc]+1; #else new=*pc+(Z80Relative)z80->priv->disread(z80,*pc)+1; #endif (*pc)++; if ((p=GetLabel(new))) Z80_Dis_Set("jr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("jr",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.4x",new)); } static void DIS_RRA (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("rra",NULL); } static void DIS_JR_CO (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *con; Z80Word new; const char *p; con=z80_dis_condition[(op-0x20)/8]; #ifdef ENABLE_ARRAY_MEMORY new=*pc+(Z80Relative)Z80_MEMORY[*pc]+1; #else new=*pc+(Z80Relative)z80->priv->disread(z80,*pc)+1; #endif (*pc)++; if ((p=GetLabel(new))) Z80_Dis_Set("jr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",con,p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("jr",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.4x",con,new)); } static void DIS_LD_ADDR_HL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),hl",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.4x),hl",w)); } static void DIS_DAA (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("daa",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_HL_ADDR (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("hl,(%s)",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("hl,($%.4x)",w)); } static void DIS_CPL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cpl",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_ADDR_A (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("(%s),a",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.4x),a",w)); } static void DIS_SCF (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("scf",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_A_ADDR (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,(%s)",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,($%.4x)",w)); } static void DIS_CCF (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ccf",NULL); } static void DIS_LD_R8_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *src,*dest; dest=z80_dis_reg8[(op-0x40)/8]; src=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("ld",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",dest,src)); } static void DIS_HALT (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("halt",NULL); } static void DIS_ADD_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("add",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",reg)); } static void DIS_ADC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("adc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",reg)); } static void DIS_SUB_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("sub",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",reg)); } static void DIS_SBC_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("sbc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,%s",reg)); } static void DIS_AND_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("and",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",reg)); } static void DIS_XOR_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("xor",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",reg)); } static void DIS_OR_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("or",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",reg)); } static void DIS_CP_R8 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg8[op%8]; Z80_Dis_Set("cp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",reg)); } static void DIS_RET_CO (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *con; con=z80_dis_condition[(op-0xc0)/8]; Z80_Dis_Set("ret",con); } static void DIS_POP_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op-0xc0)/16]; if (!strcmp(reg,"sp")) reg="af"; Z80_Dis_Set("pop",reg); } static void DIS_JP (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("jp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("jp",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.4x",w)); } static void DIS_PUSH_R16 (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *reg; reg=z80_dis_reg16[(op-0xc0)/16]; if (!strcmp(reg,"sp")) reg="af"; Z80_Dis_Set("push",reg); } static void DIS_ADD_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("add",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_RST (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int add; add=(op&0x3f)-7; Z80_Dis_Set("rst",Z80_Dis_Printf("%.2xh",add)); } static void DIS_RET (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ret",NULL); } static void DIS_JP_CO (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *con; Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); con=z80_dis_condition[(op-0xc0)/8]; if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("jp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",con,p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("jp",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.4x",con,w)); } static void DIS_CB_DECODE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_CB_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_CALL_CO (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { const char *con; Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); con=z80_dis_condition[(op-0xc0)/8]; if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("call",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,%s",con,p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("call",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s,$%.4x",con,w)); } static void DIS_CALL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80Word w; const char *p; w=Z80_Dis_FetchWord(z80,pc); if ((p=GetLabel(w))) Z80_Dis_Set("call",Z80_Dis_Printf("%s",p)); else Z80_Dis_Set("call",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.4x",w)); } static void DIS_ADC_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("adc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_OUT_BYTE_A (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("out",Z80_Dis_Printf("($%.2x),a",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_SUB_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sub",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_EXX (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("exx",NULL); } static void DIS_IN_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("in",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,($%.2x)",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_DD_DECODE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_DD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_SBC_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("sbc",Z80_Dis_Printf("a,$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_EX_ISP_HL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ex","(sp),hl"); } static void DIS_AND_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("and",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_JP_HL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("jp","(hl)"); } static void DIS_EX_DE_HL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ex","de,hl"); } static void DIS_ED_DECODE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_ED_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_XOR_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("xor",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_DI (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("di",NULL); } static void DIS_OR_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("or",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } static void DIS_LD_SP_HL (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ld","sp,hl"); } static void DIS_EI (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("ei",NULL); } static void DIS_FD_DECODE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { int nop; nop=Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc); dis_FD_opcode[nop](z80,nop,pc); } static void DIS_CP_A_BYTE (Z80 *z80, Z80Byte op, Z80Word *pc) { Z80_Dis_Set("cp",Z80_Dis_Printf("$%.2x",Z80_Dis_FetchByte(z80,pc))); } /* ---------------------------------------- TABLES */ /* CB opcodes */ DIS_OP_CALLBACK dis_CB_opcode[0x100]= { /* 0x00 - 0x03 */ DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, /* 0x04 - 0x07 */ DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, DIS_RLC_R8, /* 0x08 - 0x0b */ DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, /* 0x0c - 0x0f */ DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, DIS_RRC_R8, /* 0x10 - 0x13 */ DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, /* 0x14 - 0x17 */ DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, DIS_RL_R8, /* 0x18 - 0x1b */ DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, /* 0x1c - 0x1f */ DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, DIS_RR_R8, /* 0x20 - 0x23 */ DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, /* 0x24 - 0x27 */ DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, DIS_SLA_R8, /* 0x28 - 0x2b */ DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, /* 0x2c - 0x2f */ DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, DIS_SRA_R8, /* 0x30 - 0x33 */ DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, /* 0x34 - 0x37 */ DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, DIS_SLL_R8, /* 0x38 - 0x3b */ DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, /* 0x3c - 0x3f */ DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, DIS_SRL_R8, /* 0x40 - 0x43 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x44 - 0x47 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x48 - 0x4b */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x4c - 0x4f */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x50 - 0x53 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x54 - 0x57 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x58 - 0x5b */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x5c - 0x5f */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x60 - 0x63 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x64 - 0x67 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x68 - 0x6b */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x6c - 0x6f */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x70 - 0x73 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x74 - 0x77 */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x78 - 0x7b */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x7c - 0x7f */ DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, DIS_BIT_R8, /* 0x80 - 0x83 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x84 - 0x87 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x88 - 0x8b */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x8c - 0x8f */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x90 - 0x93 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x94 - 0x97 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x98 - 0x9b */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0x9c - 0x9f */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xa0 - 0xa3 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xa4 - 0xa7 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xa8 - 0xab */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xac - 0xaf */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xb0 - 0xb3 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xb4 - 0xb7 */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xb8 - 0xbb */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xbc - 0xbf */ DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, DIS_RES_R8, /* 0xc0 - 0xc3 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xc4 - 0xc7 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xc8 - 0xcb */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xcc - 0xcf */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xd0 - 0xd3 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xd4 - 0xd7 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xd8 - 0xdb */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xdc - 0xdf */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xe0 - 0xe3 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xe4 - 0xe7 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xe8 - 0xeb */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xec - 0xef */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xf0 - 0xf3 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xf4 - 0xf7 */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xf8 - 0xfb */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, /* 0xfc - 0xff */ DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, DIS_SET_R8, }; /* DIS_DD opcodes */ DIS_OP_CALLBACK dis_DD_opcode[0x100]= { /* 0x00 - 0x03 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x04 - 0x07 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x08 - 0x0b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_ADD_IX_BC, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x0c - 0x0f */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x10 - 0x13 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x14 - 0x17 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x18 - 0x1b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_ADD_IX_DE, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x1c - 0x1f */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x20 - 0x23 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_LD_IX_WORD, DIS_LD_ADDR_IX, DIS_INC_IX, /* 0x24 - 0x27 */ DIS_INC_IXH, DIS_DEC_IXH, DIS_LD_IXH_BYTE, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x28 - 0x2b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_ADD_IX_IX, DIS_LD_IX_ADDR, DIS_DEC_IX, /* 0x2c - 0x2f */ DIS_INC_IXL, DIS_DEC_IXL, DIS_LD_IXL_BYTE, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x30 - 0x33 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x34 - 0x37 */ DIS_INC_IIX, DIS_DEC_IIX, DIS_LD_IIX_BYTE, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x38 - 0x3b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_ADD_IX_SP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x3c - 0x3f */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x40 - 0x43 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x44 - 0x47 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x48 - 0x4b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x4c - 0x4f */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x50 - 0x53 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x54 - 0x57 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x58 - 0x5b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x5c - 0x5f */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x60 - 0x63 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x64 - 0x67 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x68 - 0x6b */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x6c - 0x6f */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x70 - 0x73 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x74 - 0x77 */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, /* 0x78 - 0x7b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x7c - 0x7f */ DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_XLD_R8_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x80 - 0x83 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x84 - 0x87 */ DIS_XADD_R8, DIS_XADD_R8, DIS_XADD_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x88 - 0x8b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x8c - 0x8f */ DIS_XADC_R8, DIS_XADC_R8, DIS_XADC_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x90 - 0x93 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x94 - 0x97 */ DIS_XSUB_R8, DIS_XSUB_R8, DIS_XSUB_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x98 - 0x9b */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0x9c - 0x9f */ DIS_XSBC_R8, DIS_XSBC_R8, DIS_XSBC_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xa0 - 0xa3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xa4 - 0xa7 */ DIS_XAND_R8, DIS_XAND_R8, DIS_XAND_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xa8 - 0xab */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xac - 0xaf */ DIS_XXOR_R8, DIS_XXOR_R8, DIS_XXOR_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xb0 - 0xb3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xb4 - 0xb7 */ DIS_X_OR_R8, DIS_X_OR_R8, DIS_X_OR_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xb8 - 0xbb */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xbc - 0xbf */ DIS_XCP_R8, DIS_XCP_R8, DIS_XCP_R8, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xc0 - 0xc3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xc4 - 0xc7 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xc8 - 0xcb */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_CB_DECODE, /* 0xcc - 0xcf */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xd0 - 0xd3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xd4 - 0xd7 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xd8 - 0xdb */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xdc - 0xdf */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_DD_DECODE, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xe0 - 0xe3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_POP_IX, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_EX_ISP_IX, /* 0xe4 - 0xe7 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_PUSH_IX, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xe8 - 0xeb */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_JP_IX, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xec - 0xef */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_ED_DECODE, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, /* 0xf0 - 0xf3 */ DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, DIS_DD_NOP, 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DIS_EI, /* 0xfc - 0xff */ DIS_CALL_CO, DIS_FD_DECODE, DIS_CP_A_BYTE, DIS_RST, }; #endif /* END OF FILE */