DASH 1.2 Preseneted by Noddybox 97 You should find in the archive : README This file Makefile Simple bog standard make file for dash and spred. dash.c Main code Xbit.[ch] Library routines for easy X11 Xlib access spred.c Simple sprite editor CLEVELS/* Curses Level files. See CLEVELS/README for info. XLEVELS/* X11 Level files. See XLEVELS/README for info. lib/* Library files. Used for hiscore table GFX8/* X11 Bitmap format files for use in 8x8 B&W version GFX16/* X11 Bitmap format files for use in 16x16 B&W version GFX8COL/* spred generated sprite files for use in 8x8 colour version. GFX16COL/* spred generated sprite files for use in 16x16 colour version. Note that the reason the level files have been split into 2 directories (even though currently in the distribution they have the same contents) is that the curses mode does not give the same degree of control as the X11 version, so in that mode certain levels could become very unplayable. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ Though written primarily on SunOS, this should work on most flavours of unix. The only thing to look out for is to include the -DUSLEEP line in the makfile if your system does not support the call 'usleep(int usec)'. If your system doesn't support select() either, the implementation of LocalUsleep() using poll() is left as an exercise for the reader :-) Try and ignore any incompatible pointer warnings. Unless they make it not work... :-) USAGE ----- dash [switches] -s Use small version -b Use black and white sprites -d delay usleep() by delay for fast servers (eg, 90000 on Sun4) -l lev start from level lev -c use curses on tty (not yet perfect) -h Dump hi-score table X11 KEYS -------- Escape Quit (from title page) Cursor Keys Move SHIFT + Cursor Keys Dig/Pick up/Push in direction P Pause Space Un-pause Q Suicide (for if you get stuck in a rockfall!) CURSES KEYS ----------- ^C Quit (from title page) Cursor Keys Move A,D,W,X Dig/Pick up/Push in direction P Pause Space Un-pause Q Suicide (for if you get stuck in a rockfall!) INSTRUCTIONS ------------ The object of the game is to collect a certain number of gems (as indicated at the top of the screen) and once collected make your way to the exit before the time limit expires. As you dig around the level to collect gems, boulders will fall as you dig the ground out from under them. Letting a boulder or gem fall on your head will kill you. As well as these basic mechanics they are extra objects that are waiting to cause you trouble... Butterflys These move around empty spaces, and will explode into a number of gems if a boulder or gem is dropped on top of them. Note that if they hit a wall, they like to turn to the right if at all possible... This _could_ be handy to remember. Chasers They move slowly, but always towards you. Getting touched by one of these ghosts is fatal! They explode into a number of boulders if a boulder or gem falls on top of them. Ameoba This green blob grows outwards into any available space. If sealed in (so it can grow no more) it will die and leave behind gems. If it is allowed to grow too large it will also die, leaving behind boulders! Filter This swallows falling boulders and gems, and if there is space on the other side spits out a gem for a boulder and visa versa. Rock switch This switch swaps all the breakable walls and boulders around in the level. Generators There are 3 flavours of generators. Rock generators will drop out a rock downwards if there is room, while butterfly and chaser generators produce the appropriate monster in all 4 compass directions if there is room. Exit This is where you have to get too!!! Make sure you can still get to it at the end of the level! The line at the top of the screen contains : SCORE NO OF GEMS TO COLLECT NO OF GEMS GOT LIVES TIME LEFT NOTES ----- dash switches off auto repeat to enhance the keyboard reading when run in X11 mode. Auto repeat is re-enabled while the game is paused and when you exit the game cleanly from the title page. If you kill it mid-game, auto repeat will still be off. It can be re-enabled from the shell with 'xset r on'. Have Fun. email ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk URL http://www.noddybox.demon.co.uk Release 1.2 Wed Nov 12 11:21:21 GMT 1997