/* 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 */ "@_____________________________________", "", "@HARDWIRE", "@Version 1.0", "@", "@Presented by noddybox '98", "@Written using DJGPP and Allegro 3.0", "@", "@Allegro written by Shawn Hargreaves", "", "@_____________________________________", "", "", "@RULES FOR WIRE MODE", "", "Blocks (or columns) will descend the", "screen in the time honoured tradition,", "but with the slight twist of being made", "up of pieces of circuit board.", "", "Rather than making complete horizontal", "lines you have to make connections", "between any of the connectors lining", "the sides and bottom of the pit.", "", "A complete connection will cause the", "circuitry to burn up, making more room", "for the never ending supply from", "upstairs.", "", "Likewise makeing a completely enclosed", "loop will induce a current that destroys", "those pieces of circuit.", "", "Every so often a special block will fall", "that once layed in place will blow up", "all circuit pieces that match the ones", "surrounding it.", "", "If the blocks (even a special) overflow", "the top of the pit, it's game over and", "back to the dole office.", "", "", "@RULES FOR TETRIS CLASSIC MODE", "", "Blocks drop down into a pit.", "", "Complete horizontal line disappear,", "causing the lines above to move down.", "", "The game is over once the pit overflows.", "", "I'm sure you've heard of the idea...", "", "", "", "@KEYS ON TITLE SCREEN", "", "F1 Change game mode ", "F2 Change game level ", "F3 Alter pit width ", "F4 Toggle motion sickness ", "F5 Toggle music ", "I View instructions ", "R Redefine keys ", "SPACE Play game ", "ESC Quit back to DOS ", "", "", "", "@DEFAULT KEYS DURING GAME", "", "RIGHT Move block right ", "LEFT Move block left ", "UP Rotate block clockwise/up ", "DOWN Rotate block anti-clockwise/down", "SPACE Drop block ", "P Pause ", "F9 I'm bored. Next level please. ", "ESC Give up ", "", "Movement, Rotate, Drop and Pause keys", "can be redefined from the title page", "", "", "@HINTS", "", "THINK! HARD!!!", "", "", "@-------------------------------------", "@email: ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk", "@URL: http://www.noddybox.demon.co.uk/", "", "You are free to do whatever you want", "with this code, aside from claim", "responsibility for it and charge for it", "", "", "@(c) 1998 noddybox", "", "", "", "",