/* ds81 - Nintendo DS ZX81 emulator. Copyright (C) 2006 Ian Cowburn This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include "ds81_global.h" #include "framebuffer.h" /* ---------------------------------------- PUBLIC INTERFACES */ int GUI_Menu(const char *opts[]) { int x,y; int h; int w; int no; int sel; int f; bool done; bool defer; w=0; h=0; sel=0; done=false; defer=false; for(no=0;opts[no];no++) { h+=16; if (strlen(opts[no])>w) { w=strlen(opts[no]); } } w=w*8+16; x=SCREEN_WIDTH/2-w/2; y=SCREEN_HEIGHT/2-h/2; while(!done) { uint32 key=0; FB_FillBox(x,y,w,h,FB_RGB(0,0,0)); FB_Box(x,y,w,h,FB_RGB(31,31,31)); FB_FillBox(x+1,y+sel*16+1,w-2,14,FB_RGB(8,8,31)); for(f=0;f=x && tp.px<(w+w) && tp.py>=y && tp.py<(y+h)) { defer=true; sel=(tp.py-y)/16; } } } } return sel; } void GUI_Alert(int fatal, const char *text) { char line[80]; int h; const char *p; char *d; h=40; p=text; while(*p) { if (*p++=='\n') { h+=8; } } FB_FillBox(0,0,SCREEN_WIDTH,h,FB_RGB(0,0,0)); FB_Box(1,1,SCREEN_WIDTH-2,h-2,FB_RGB(31,0,0)); p=text; h=4; d=line; while(*p) { if (*p=='\n') { *d++=0; p++; FB_Centre(line,h,FB_RGB(31,31,31),-1); h+=8; d=line; } else { *d++=*p++; } } if (d>line) { *d=0; FB_Centre(line,h,FB_RGB(31,31,31),-1); h+=8; } if (!fatal) { FB_Centre("PRESS ANY BUTTON OR SCREEN",h+16,FB_RGB(31,31,0),-1); while(!keysDown()) { swiWaitForVBlank(); } while(keysHeld()) { swiWaitForVBlank(); } } else { FB_Centre("PLEASE RESET YOUR CONSOLE",h+16,FB_RGB(31,31,0),-1); while(1) { swiWaitForVBlank(); } } }