exe2app ------- exe2app.bash is a script to create a macOS Application bundle from a passed executable and icon file and other information. usage: exe2app.bash -x -i -o -v -n -c The path to the executable to run as the app. The path to the image to use as an icon. Imagemagick convert is used to generate the icons, so anything that can understand should work. The name of the generated app. The app will be named as the basename of this path. ".app" will be added to this in the generated app so shouldn't be supplied. The version string to put in the plist file. The bundle identifier. This string must be a uniform type identifier (UTI) that contains only alphanumeric (A-Z,a-z,0-9), hyphen (-), and period (.) characters. The string should also be in reverse-DNS format. For example "com.yourdomain.appname". A 4-character string unique to the bundle. Quite how you know it's unique I don't know.