Galax 1.4 Presented by Noddybox 97 You should find in the archive : README This file Makefile Simple bog standard make file for galax galax.c Main code sprdef.h Sprite definitions Xbit.[ch] Library routines for easy X11 Xlib access fontset.h XImage font definitions for Xbit library icon Icon for Xbit library BUILD INSTRUCTIONS ------------------ Though written under SunOS, it should compile OK on most flavours of unix. USAGE ----- galax [-noshm] [scale] - Use scale to magnify and impact overly fast servers. Use -noshm as well if your server is still too fast to disable MIT-SHM usage. (Note shm usage will be disabled if your server doesn't support it anyway). GALAX KEYS ---------- Z Left C Right . Shoot Q Quit (from title page), or quit back to title page P Pause while playing INSTRUCTIONS ------------ Shoot everything that looks vaguely ET shaped. NOTES ----- galax switches off auto repeat to enhance the keyboard reading when running. Auto repeat is re-enabled when you exit the game cleanly from the title page. If you kill it mid-game, auto repeat will still be off. It can be re-enabled from the shell with 'xset r on'. Have Fun. email URL Release 1.4 Wed Nov 12 11:24:23 GMT 1997