/* lunar - Simple X11 Lunar Lander Copyright (C) 2005 Ian Cowburn (ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef XBIT_H #define XBIT_H "$Id: Xbit.h 7 2005-05-13 01:01:08Z ianc $" /* Version 2 of the Bitmap manipulation library for X Now supports : Multiple windows Pixmaps bigger than the window Mutiple pixmap buffers (upto a maxim of 256 per window) XImage print routines Better XImage support, defaulting to shared memory usage. IMPORTANT NOTES ON MIT-SHM SUPPORT : 1. Only call CreateXImage() ONCE per window. 2. If you wish resources to be freed properly on completion, it is important that DestroyXImage() is called before exiting with the window the XImage was created in relation to set as the current window. 3. Allow the user to toggle MIT-SHM from a switch, as if the server supports it, but using it is failing for some other reason, then your program will be unable to run. */ #include #include /* Just as I'm a lazy typer */ typedef unsigned char uchar; typedef unsigned long ulong; /* Maximums for PutPlots() */ #define MAX_PUTPLOTS 4096 /* Types and constants */ #define MIN_ANG 0 #define MAX_ANG 23040 typedef enum { XFUNCCONT, XFUNCIGNORE, XFUNCSTOP } XFuncControl; typedef struct { int x,y; unsigned short w,h; int lx,ly; /* This field is 'private' */ Pixmap data; /* This field is 'private' */ Pixmap mask; /* This field is 'private' */ Pixmap save; /* This field is 'private' */ } XSprite; typedef enum { XSPRSAVE, XSPRNOSAVE } XSpriteControl; typedef struct { int r,g,b; } Colour; typedef Colour Color; typedef enum { XPRESS, XRELEASE } XPressRelease; typedef XFuncControl (*XVoidCallback)(void); typedef XFuncControl (*XMoveCallBack)(Window w, int x, int y); typedef XFuncControl (*XButtonCallback)(Window w, XPressRelease mode, int button, int x, int y); typedef XFuncControl (*XKeyCallback)(Window w, XPressRelease mode, XEvent *event); typedef struct { Window w; XMoveCallBack func; } XWindowMoveCallBack; typedef struct { Window w; XButtonCallback func; } XWindowButtonCallback; typedef struct { Window w; XKeyCallback func; } XWindowKeyCallback; /* XImage font defs */ typedef enum { XI_FONT1, XI_FONT2 } XImageFont; /* Portable sprite data definitions - allows sprite data and colormap data to be read from a list of files, returning an array of RGB triplets defining the colormap, and array of pixels corresponding to those colours and a series of sprite images with converted pixel values. This means you can use data normally read in just for the XSprite routines on any format of display mechanism. */ #define SPRD_AT(spr,x,y) (*(spr.data+(x)+((y)*(spr.w)))) typedef struct { int w,h; /* Width, height */ ulong *data; /* Data */ } SpriteData; typedef struct { int no_col; /* No of colours used by sprites */ ulong pix[256]; /* Array of pixel values */ int no_spr; SpriteData *spr; /* Array of sprite data */ } SpriteDataSet; /* Function Prototypes */ Window OpenWin ( int argc, char *argv[], char *title, int Win_X, int Win_Y, int Win_Width, int Win_Height, int Pix_Width, int Pix_Height, unsigned long event_mask, XSizeHints *hints, ulong *black, ulong *white ); Window OpenRootWin ( ulong *black, ulong *white, int *w, int *h, int Pix_Width, int Pix_Height ); void SetCurrentWin ( Window w ); int GetVisualDepth(void); XImage *CreateXImage(void); void ClsXImage ( XImage *img ); void DestroyXImage ( XImage *img ); XFontStruct *XUseFont ( const char *font_name ); void XUseCursor ( const char *bitmap_filename, const char *mask_filename, XColor fg, XColor bg ); void SetAsBackdrop(void); void DisableDoubleBuffer(void); void DisablePixmap(void); void DisableShm(void); void EnableBuffers ( int no, ulong clscol ); void LoadBitmap ( const char *fn, int x, int y, int resize ); Pixmap GetBitmap ( const char *fn, int *width, int *height, int *hot_x, int *hot_y ); /* These 2 are for manipulating your own XImage structures */ Pixmap GetCurrentPixmap(void); GC GetCurrentGC(void); void Redraw ( int off_x, int off_y ); void DrawXImage ( XImage *img ); /* Note that if this used with EnableBuffers() on, this will move to the next buffer */ void Pageflip(void); void Resize ( int pix_w, int pix_h ); void XSetLineStyle ( unsigned int line_width, int line_style, int cap_style, int join_style ); void XUseFunction ( int GC_function ); void XCls ( ulong colour ); void XPlot ( int x, int y, ulong colour ); void XLine ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, ulong colour ); void SetSplineThresh ( int thresh ); void XSpline ( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, ulong colour ); void XPrint ( int x, int y, const char *string, ulong colour ); void Xprintf ( int x, int y, ulong colour, const char *fmt, ... ); void XISetFont ( XImageFont font_no ); void XIprintf ( XImage *img, int x, int y, int scale_x, int scale_y, ulong colour, const char *fmt, ... ); void XBox ( int x, int y, int w, int h, ulong colour ); void XFillBox ( int x, int y, int w, int h, ulong colour ); void XCircle ( int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int ang1, int ang2, ulong colour ); void XFillCircle ( int x, int y, int rx, int ry, int ang1, int ang2, ulong colour ); void XStartPlots(void); void XAddPlot ( int x, int y ); void XPutPlots ( ulong col ); void XPutPlotsAsLines ( ulong col ); void XFillPoly ( XPoint xp[], int no_points, int shape, ulong col ); void XScroll ( int dx, int dy ); void XCopy ( int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int destx, int desty ); void XPut ( Pixmap src, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int destx, int desty ); void XGet ( Pixmap dest, int srcx, int srcy, int w, int h, int destx, int desty ); void ScreenCopy(void); Display *GetDisplay(void); void XFinished(void); /* The following event routines expect mouse events to be set in the event mask */ void XDoTillButtonPress ( XVoidCallback func ); void XDoMouse ( XButtonCallback mouse_button, XMoveCallBack mouse_movement, XVoidCallback process ); void XDoWindows ( XWindowButtonCallback mouse_button[], XWindowMoveCallBack mouse_movement[], XWindowKeyCallback key_press[], XFuncControl (*process) () ); /* Sprite routines */ void LoadSprite ( const char *filename, XSprite *sprite, const XColor xc[256] ); void XDrawSprites ( XSprite *sprites[], int no, XSpriteControl control ); void XEraseSprites ( XSprite *sprites[], int no ); void LoadColormap ( const char *filename, XColor xc[256] ); #define AllocColors AllocColours void AllocColours ( int no, ulong pixels[], const char *colname[] ); #define AllocColorsRGB AllocColoursRGB void AllocColoursRGB ( int no, ulong pixels[], const Colour cols[] ); void LoadSpriteDataSet ( const char *cmap_filename, const char *sprite_filenames[], SpriteDataSet *set ); /* File Formats: NB: all ushorts are stored in network format. See ntohs(3). Colormap: red.ushort - Red component color 0 green.ushort - Red component color 0 blue.ushort - Red component color 0 ... ... red.ushort - Red component color 255 green.ushort - Red component color 255 blue.ushort - Red component color 255 Sprite: "XbitSprite" - Magic string (NULL terminated) width.ushort - width of sprite height.ushort - height of sprite byte.uchar - Pixel value for (0,0) byte.uchar - Pixel value for (1,0) ... ... byte.uchar - Pixel value for (width-1,height-1) */ #endif /* END OF FILE */