UNIX ==== This program unfortunately does not use the configure script, but I have been careful to write is as portably as possible to unix and posix-like systems. To build the software, type the following: make depend make Then copy the int2tap executable wherever you want (sorry there is no install, but it does only generate one executable and no other dependencies). Windows ======= The sources include the files for recognising this as a Dev-CPP project. Other or broken systems ======================= If the Makefile is not usable on your system, you simply need to compile all the .c files and produce a single kbs executable. E.g. (using a UNIX-style cc compiler as an example): cc -o int2tap *.c Documentation ============= If required, int2tap.1 can be installed along with the other man pages. If this makes no sense to you what-so-ever, just use int2tap.txt as it's the same thing in plain text.