.TH int2tap 1 "20 August 2004" .SH NAME hex2tap \- Converts an Intel format segment dump to a Spectrum emulator TAP file. .SH SYNOPSIS .B int2tap [ .B \-b ] [ .B \-s ] [ .B \-a address ] .I output-file .I input-file ... .SH DESCRIPTION .B hex2tap takes one or more Intel format segment files \- as produced by an assembler like .B tpasm(1) \- and produces a Spectrum compatible tape file (TAP file). .SH OPTIONS .B int2tap accepts these switches .TP .B \-b Just produce the binary file. By default .B int2tap will generate a TAP file with two files in - a BASIC loader and then the code itself. This switch disables the generation of the BASIC loader portion. disabled if this switch is provided (see USAGE). .TP .B \-s By default .B int2tap will generate a single CODE file in the tape file. Using this switch means that each input file will generate a seperate CODE file. .TP .B \-a address By default .B int2tap assumes that the base address of the first input file is the start address. This switch allows that to be overridden. Note this switch will have no effect if the .B \-b switch is used. The address can be passed either in decimal, octal (starting with a 0), or hex (starting with 0x). .SH SEE ALSO .BR tpasm (1) .SH DIAGNOSTICS The diagnostics produced by .B int2tap are intended to be self-explanatory. .SH NOTES This is the initial version of int2tap. .SH BUGS Please report any bugs to ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk