Level definitions made up of : ------------------------------ lunar.desc - Level description file - Level file Format of level description file : ---------------------------------- Name of level set ..... ..... Format of level files : ----------------------- Name of level (M=Mountain, P=Pad, X=Asteroid c/wise, Y=Asteroid a/cwise, O=Mine) (integer X,Y) (integer X,Y) (integer X,Y) ............ (integer X,Y) -666,-666 (end polygon marker) ............ ............ TIPS: ----- 1. Remember the lander starts out at (0,0) 2. Make the outside of the level the _inside_ of a large polygon - if you don't want to be able to drift out into space! 3. Asteroids are the same as mountains, but rotate to cause hassle - you could always make the outside of the level an asteriod if you wanted!! 4. The _centre_ of an asteroid doesn't have to be it's real centre - this way you can generate orbitting objects. 5. Mines cause engine damage and disappear once hit. 6. The vector routines aren't particularly flash!! Don't get carried away! 7. Use ledit to make the levels - it _will_ stop your hair falling out! :-) 8. Current limits are (double check with code) Max levels - 32 Max objetcs per level - 64 Max lines per object - 32