Next File Transfer Protocol =========================== Introduction ------------ Next File Transfer uses a simple protocol where a single character defines a message type. The following are standard compents of a message: > 5 ASCII digits making up a zero-padded number. > A stream of N bytes. Put File -------- The format of the message from the client is: > A Put file command > Length of filename > The filename > Length of the data for the file. > The data. The server responds with either: > OK The command completed OK or: > !E There was an error writing the file. Get File -------- The format of the message from the client is: > B Put file command > Length of filename > The filename The server responds with either: > OK The command completed OK. The file contents will follow. > The length of the following data. > The data frin from the file. or: > !E There was an error reading the file. Change Directory ---------------- The format of the message from the client is: > C Change directory command > NNNNN Length of pathname > The pathname The server responds with either: > OK The command completed OK or: > !E There was an error changing to the directory Create Directory ---------------- The format of the message from the client is: > D Create directory command > NNNNN Length of pathname > The pathname The server responds with either: > OK The command completed OK or: > !E There was an error creating the directory