diff options
2 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/simplegui.mod/.cvsignore b/simplegui.mod/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6644509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simplegui.mod/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+simplegui.release.win32.i \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx b/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..deb6dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Module noddybox.simplegui
+ModuleInfo "Framework: (Very) Simple GUI"
+ModuleInfo "Copyright: Public Domain"
+ModuleInfo "Author: Ian Cowburn"
+ModuleInfo "Version: $Revision$"
+' $Id$
+Import brl.Max2D
+Import brl.Basic
+Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+Type TWidget Abstract
+ Field text:String
+ Field x:Int
+ Field y:Int
+ Field w:Int
+ Field h:Int
+ Field font:TBitmapFont
+ Field owner:TGUIHandler
+ Field callback()
+ Method HandleKey(key:String)
+ End Method
+ Method MouseEnter()
+ End Method
+ Method MouseLeave()
+ End Method
+ Method HandleClick()
+ End Method
+ Method Draw() Abstract
+End Type
+Type TLabel Extends TWidget
+ Function Create:TLabel(font:TBitmapFont,x:Int, y:Int, text:String)
+ Local o:TLabel=New TLabel
+ o.font=font
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.w=font.TextWidth(text)+2
+ o.h=font.MaxHeight()+1
+ o.text=text
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Draw()
+ font.Draw(text,x+1,y+1)
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TText Extends TWidget
+ Field maxlen:Int
+ Function Create:TText(font:TBitmapFont,x:Int, y:Int, text:String, maxlen:Int)
+ Local o:TText=New TText
+ o.font=font
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.maxlen=maxlen
+ o.w=font.MaxWidth()*(maxlen+1)+2
+ o.h=font.MaxHeight()+2
+ o.text=text
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Draw()
+ Local s:String=text
+ If owner.GetFocus()=Self
+ SetColor(128,128,128)
+ s:+"_"
+ Else
+ SetColor(64,64,64)
+ EndIf
+ DrawRect(x,y,w,h)
+ font.Draw(s,x+1,y+1)
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TGUIHandler
+ ' These are private
+ '
+ Field m_widgets:TList
+ Field m_focus:TWidget
+ ' Creates a new GUI handler
+ '
+ Function Create:TGUIHandler()
+ Local o:TGUIHandler
+ o=New TGUIHandler
+ o.m_widgets=CreateList()
+ o.m_focus=Null
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ ' Register a widget
+ '
+ Method Register(w:TWidget)
+ m_widgets.AddLast(w)
+ w.owner=Self
+ End Method
+ ' Set the keyboard focus (null for none)
+ '
+ Method SetFocus(w:TWidget)
+ m_focus=w
+ End Method
+ ' Get the keyboard focus (null for none)
+ '
+ Method GetFocus:TWidget()
+ Return m_focus
+ End Method
+ ' Perform a loop and any necessary events
+ '
+ Method EventLoop()
+ For Local w:TWidget=EachIn m_widgets
+ w.Draw()
+ Next
+ End Method
+End Type