viDOOM v0.00 viDOOM is released as Free Software. Please see LICENSE for conditions. To build viDOOM: 1. Edit makfile. Follow the instructions for configuration at the top of the makefile. 2. Type 'make'. To install viDOOM: 1. Type 'make install'. If install fails, or you wish to do it manully, simply copy the viDOOM executable and the files doom.cfg and doom2.cfg to a directory. Copy base.ini to the directory and rename it as vidoom.ini. 2. In the directory into which viDOOM has been installed, edit vidoom.ini to set the paths to various IWAD files. See doc/overview.htm for details. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: README,v 1.4 2000/07/21 16:23:57 dosuser Exp dosuser $