
Below is a list of the major features added or bugs fixed in each release:

Version Date Changes
0.01 05/08/2000 Initial release
0.02 13/08/2000
  1. Fixed bug in step creation
  2. Added functionality to allow the selection of overlapping objects
0.03 Not yet completed
  1. Fixed embarrassingly bad file pointer leaks.
  2. Added conditional directives to config file.
  3. Altered some configuration so that thing flags, etc, can be different in HEXEN and DOOM mode.
  4. Added support for generalised linedefs and sector types.
  5. Added support for ZDOOM HEXEN maps.
  6. Added support for editting the MAPINFO lump for ZDOOM levels.
  7. Support for editting a SCRIPTS lump and generating the HEXEN BEAHVIOR.
  8. Fixed a small memory leak when closing a WAD file.

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