
It is assumed that some knowledge of DOOM is known by the reader, but in case here are some general terms that are used in the documentation.


A WAD file is the name given to the files used to define the graphics, sound, music and maps that make up a game of DOOM. WAD files are split into two different types, IWAD and PWAD files.


An IWAD file is is the 'Internal WAD' file. The IWAD file is the main WAD file as supplied by id Software. Note that only id Software are meant to produce IWAD files.


An PWAD file is is the 'Patch WAD' file. This WAD file is read in by the game after the IWAD file, and an entries in it replace entries defined in the IWAD file. So for instance a PWAD file that has an entry for the first MAP will mean that DOOM will read the first map from the PWAD file, rather than it's own IWAD file.

Hmmmm.... Sure I could have explained that better.


A map is taken to mean a DOOM level. Note there is two naming conventions for maps, ExMy (where x is the episode number, and y the map number in that episode) used in DOOM and Ultimate DOOM, and MAPnn (where nn is a number between 01 and 32) used in DOOM 2 and Final Doom.

A map is made up of a number of different elements, namely sectors, linedefs, sidedefs, things and vertexes. Following are some (very) basic definitions for these things, but you would be better reading the Unofficial DOOM specs for more accurate definitions.

MAPs generated in viDOOM must be built with a Node Builder before they can be used in DOOM.


A vertex is simply an X,Y co-ordinate in the DOOM world.


Things are all the different objects on the DOOM map that are not the actual walls and doors. All the monsters, weapons, ammo, non-wall based scenery and even your starting point and teleport locations are all counted as THINGS in DOOM.


A LINEDEF is a line that connects two vertexes. A LINEDEF at it's most basic is used to make up the walls that make up the DOOM levels. A LINEDEF must always have a right SIDEDEF associated with it. 2 sided LINEDEFS will also have a left SIDEDEF associated with it.

In addition special types of LINEDEF can be used so that when the player crosses or activates them actions happen in the DOOM world - lighting changes, teleportation happens, doors open, levels are exited and so on.


A SIDEDEF is basically used to describe the textures that are painted upon a LINEDEF.


Though technically incorrect, it is simplest to picture a SECTOR as an object enclosed by LINEDEFS. A sector is used to define the floor and ceiling heights and flats used to draw the floor and ceiling, in addition to the lighting for that area.


A texture is the graphics used to paint the walls in DOOM.


A flat is the graphics used to paint the floors and ceiling in DOOM.

Node Builder

Does some of the nastier work of level building by creating the extra information over and above the parts mentioned in MAPS so that DOOM can actually understand the level data enough to play it.

BSP is perhaps the best known of these, and the one that was used all through viDOOM's development.


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$Id: glossary.htm,v 1.2 2000/07/18 16:49:48 dosuser Exp dosuser $