# viDOOM - level editor for DOOM # # Copyright (C) 2000 Ian Cowburn (ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # $Id: doom.cfg,v 1.26 2000/07/19 16:36:12 dosuser Exp dosuser $ # # Doom config file. The following sections may be present: # # %INCLUDE_FILES - include other config files # %THING_CLASSES - classes of things (ammo, monsters, etc) # %LINEDEF_CLASSES - classes of linedefs # %SECTOR_CLASSES - classes of sectors # %THING_TYPES - details types and IDs of things # %THING_FLAGS - details flags and meaning for things # %LINEDEF_FLAGS - details flags and meaning for linedefs # %LINEDEF_FLAGS_EXTRA - details which flags indicate certain features # %LINEDEF_TYPES - details types and IDs for linedefs # %LINEDEF_DEFAULTS - default types for linedefs # %SECTOR_STYLES - define texturing styles for linedefs # %SECTOR_TYPES - details types and IDs of sectors # %EMPTY_TEXTURE_NAME - name used for the empty texture # %NORMAL_TYPES - values for normal sectors and linedefs # %LINEDEF_CHECK_DEFAULT - optional textuire to use filling in missing # textures when performing check linedefs # # THING_CLASSES # # Classes of things. Format is "class name|colour" # # Colour is defined as a hex number, each byte either R, G or B - 0xRRGGBB # # %THING_CLASSES Ammo|0x808000 Dead Things|0x800000 Health Items|0x00a000 Other Items|0xa0a000 Keys|0x00a0a0 Monster|0xd01010 Player Start|0xa000a0 Scenery|0xa22a2a Teleport|0x00a000 Weapon|0xa0a000 # LINEDEF_CLASSES # # Classes of linedefs. Format is "class name" # # %LINEDEF_CLASSES Normal Local door Remote door Ceiling Lift Floor Stair Moving floor Crushing ceiling Exit level Teleport Light effect Special # SECTOR_CLASSES # # Classes of sectors. Format is "class name" # # %SECTOR_CLASSES Normal Lights Damage Damage/Lights Damage/Exit Door Secret # THING_TYPES section. Each lines is "class|name|id|radius|sprite_name" # # Where class is a class from the %THING_CLASSES section # # sprite_name can be "-" to incidate no graphics # %THING_TYPES Ammo|Ammo clip|2007|20|CLIPA0 Ammo|Shotgun shells|2008|20|SHELA0 Ammo|A rocket|2010|20|ROCKA0 Ammo|Cell charge|2047|20|CELLA0 Ammo|Box of ammo|2048|20|AMMOA0 Ammo|Box of shells|2049|20|SBOXA0 Ammo|Box of rockets|2046|20|BROKA0 Ammo|Big cell charge|17|20|CELPA0 Ammo|Backpack|8|20|BPAKA0 Dead Things|Exploded player|10|20|PLAYW0 Dead Things|Bloody mess|12|20|PLAYW0 Dead Things|Pool of blood and flesh|24|20|POL5A0 Dead Things|Dead player|15|20|PLAYW0 Dead Things|Dead former human|18|20|POSSU0 Dead Things|Dead sergeant|19|20|SPOSU0 Dead Things|Dead imp|20|20|TROOU0 Dead Things|Dead demon|21|20|SARGN0 Dead Things|Dead cacodemon|22|20|HEADL0 Dead Things|Dead lost soul|23|20|SKULJ0 Health Items|Stimpak|2011|20|STIMA0 Health Items|Medikit|2012|20|MEDIA0 Health Items|Health potion|2014|20|BON1A0 Health Items|Spirt armour|2015|20|BON2A0 Health Items|Green armour|2018|20|ARM1A0 Health Items|Blue armour|2019|20|ARM2A0 Health Items|Soulsphere|2013|20|SOULA0 Health Items|Berserk|2023|20|PSTRA0 Other Items|Invulnerable|2022|20|PINVA0 Other Items|Invisibility|2024|20|PINSA0 Other Items|Radiation suit|2025|20|SUITA0 Other Items|Map|2026|20|PMAPA0 Other Items|Light amplification goggles|2045|20|PVISA0 Keys|Blue keycard|5|20|BKEYA0 Keys|Blue skullkey|40|20|BSKUA0 Keys|Red keycard|13|20|RKEYA0 Keys|Red skullkey|38|20|RSKUA0 Keys|Yellow keycard|6|20|YKEYA0 Keys|Yellow skullkey|39|20|YSKUA0 Monster|Former Human|3004|20|POSSA1 Monster|Former Sergeant|9|20|SPOSA1 Monster|Imp|3001|20|TROOA1 Monster|Demon|3002|30|SARGA1 Monster|Spectre|58|30|SARGA1 Monster|Lost soul|3006|16|SKULA1 Monster|Cacodemon|3005|31|HEADA1 Monster|Baron of Hell|3003|24|BOSSA1 Monster|Spider Mastermind|7|128|SPIDA1D1 Monster|Cyberdemon|16|40|CYBRA1 Monster|Barrel|2035|16|BAR1A0 Player Start|Player 1 start|1|16|PLAYA1 Player Start|Player 2 start|2|16|PLAYA1 Player Start|Player 3 start|3|16|PLAYA1 Player Start|Player 4 start|4|16|PLAYA1 Player Start|Deatchmatch start|11|16|PLAYA1 Scenery|Tall techno pillar|48|16|ELECA0 Scenery|Tall green pillar|30|16|COL1A0 Scenery|Tall red pillar|32|16|COL3A0 Scenery|Short green pillar|31|16|COL2A0 Scenery|Short green pillar with beating heart|36|16|COL5A0 Scenery|Short red pillar|33|16|COL4A0 Scenery|Short red pillar with skull|37|16|COL6A0 Scenery|Small brown pointy stump|47|16|SMITA0 Scenery|Gray tree|43|16|TRE1A0 Scenery|Large brown tree|54|32|TRE2A0 Scenery|Floor lamp|2028|16|COLUA0 Scenery|Candle|34|16|CANDA0 Scenery|Candelabra|35|16|CBRAA0 Scenery|Tall blue firestick|44|16|TBLUA0 Scenery|Tall green firestick|45|16|TGRNA0 Scenery|Tall red firestick|46|16|TREDA0 Scenery|Short blue firestick|55|16|SMBTA0 Scenery|Short green firestick|56|16|SMGTA0 Scenery|Short red firestick|57|16|SMRTA0 Scenery|Evil Eye|41|16|CEYEA0 Scenery|Flaming skull rock|42|16|FSKUA0 Scenery|Hanging victim, twitching|49|16|GOR1A0 Scenery|Hanging victim, twitching (let thru)|63|16|GOR1A0 Scenery|Hanging victim, arms out|50|16|GOR2A0 Scenery|Hanging victim, arms out (let thru)|59|16|GOR2A0 Scenery|Hanging pair of legs|52|16|GOR4A0 Scenery|Hanging pair of legs (let thru)|60|16|GOR4A0 Scenery|Hanging victim, 1-legged|51|16|GOR3A0 Scenery|Hanging victim, 1-legged (let thru)|61|16|GOR3A0 Scenery|Hanging leg|53|16|GOR5A0 Scenery|Hanging leg (let thru)|62|16|GOR5A0 Scenery|Impaled human|25|16|POL1A0 Scenery|Twitching impaled human|26|16|POL6A0 Scenery|Skull on a pole|27|16|POL4A0 Scenery|Skewerd skulls|28|16|POL2A0 Scenery|Pile of skulls and candles|29|16|POL3A0 Teleport|Teleport landing|14|16|TFOGA0 Weapon|Chainsaw|2005|20|CSAWA0 Weapon|Shotgun|2001|20|SHOTA0 Weapon|Chaingun|2002|20|MGUNA0 Weapon|Rocket launcher|2003|20|LAUNA0 Weapon|Plasma gun|2004|20|PLASA0 Weapon|BFG 9000|2006|20|BFUGA0 # THING_FLAGS section. Each line is "bit number|name|short hand name" # # Note there can be no gaps in the bit numbers. If there are bits that # don't matter they must still defined, eg. # 0|Bit 0 # 1|Unused # 2|Bit 2 # %THING_FLAGS 0|Skill 1 and 2|Sk 1/2 1|Skill 3|Sk 3 2|Skill 4 and 5|Sk 4/5 3|Deaf|Deaf 4|Deathmatch only|Deathmatch # LINEDEF_TYPES section. Each line is "class|id|name" # # Class is one of the classes from %LINEDEF_CLASSES # %LINEDEF_TYPES Normal|0|Normal Special|48|Scrolling wall Local door|1|SRm door med 4 - open/close Local door|26|SR door med 4 - open/close BLUE KEY Local door|28|SR door med 4 - open/close RED KEY Local door|27|SR door med 4 - open/close YELLOW KEY Local door|31|S1 door med - - open Local door|32|S1 door med - - open BLUE KEY Local door|33|S1 door med - - open RED KEY Local door|34|S1 door med - - open YELLOW KEY Local door|46|GR door med - - open Local door|117|SR blaze turbo 4 - open/close Local door|118|S1 blaze turbo - - open Remote door|4|W1 door med 4 - open,close Remote door|29|S1 door med 4 - open,close Remote door|90|WR door med 4 - open,close Remote door|63|SR door med 4 - open,close Remote door|2|W1 door med - - open Remote door|103|S1 door med - - open Remote door|86|WR door med - - open Remote door|61|SR door med - - open Remote door|3|W1 door med - - close Remote door|50|S1 door med - - close Remote door|75|WR door med - - close Remote door|42|SR door med - - close Remote door|16|W1 door med 30 - close, then opens Remote door|76|WR door med 30 - close, then opens Remote door|108|W1 blaze turbo 4 - open,close Remote door|111|WR blaze turbo 4 - open,close Remote door|105|S1 blaze turbo 4 - open,close Remote door|114|SR blaze turbo 4 - open,close Remote door|109|W1 blaze turbo - - open Remote door|112|S1 blaze turbo - - open Remote door|106|WR blaze turbo - - open Remote door|115|SR blaze turbo - - open Remote door|110|W1 blaze turbo - - close Remote door|113|S1 blaze turbo - - close Remote door|107|WR blaze turbo - - close Remote door|116|SR blaze turbo - - close Remote door|133|S1 blaze turbo - - open BLUE KEY Remote door|99|SR blaze turbo - - open BLUE KEY Remote door|135|S1 blaze turbo - - open RED KEY Remote door|134|SR blaze turbo - - open RED KEY Remote door|137|S1 blaze turbo - - open YELLOW KEY Remote door|136|SR blaze turbo - - open YELLOW KEY Ceiling|40|W1 mover slow - - up to HEC Ceiling|41|S1 mover slow - - down to floor Ceiling|43|SR mover slow - - down to floor Ceiling|44|W1 mover slow - - down to floor + 8 Ceiling|49|S1 mover slow - - down to floor + 8 Ceiling|72|WR mover slow - - down to floor + 8 Lift|10|W1 lift fast 3 - lift Lift|21|S1 lift fast 3 - lift Lift|88|WRm lift fast 3 - lift Lift|62|SR lift fast 3 - lift Lift|121|W1 lift turbo 3 - lift Lift|122|S1 lift turbo 3 - lift Lift|120|WR lift turbo 3 - lift Lift|123|SR lift turbo 3 - lift Floor|119|W1 mover slow - - up to nhEF Floor|128|WR mover slow - - up to nhEF Floor|18|S1 mover slow - - up to nhEF Floor|69|SR mover slow - - up to nhEF Floor|22|W1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF Floor|95|WR& mover slow - TX up to nhEF Floor|20|S1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF Floor|68|SR& mover slow - TX up to nhEF Floor|47|G1& mover slow - TX up to nhEF Floor|5|W1 mover slow - - up to LIC Floor|91|WR mover slow - - up to LIC Floor|101|S1 mover slow - - up to LIC Floor|64|SR mover slow - - up to LIC Floor|24|G1 mover slow - - up to LIC Floor|130|W1 mover turbo - - up to nhEF Floor|131|S1 mover turbo - - up to nhEF Floor|129|WR mover turbo - - up to nhEF Floor|132|SR mover turbo - - up to nhEF Floor|56|W1& mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH Floor|94|WR& mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH Floor|55|S1 mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH Floor|65|SR mover slow - - up to LIC - 8, CRUSH Floor|58|W1 mover slow - - up 24 Floor|92|WR mover slow - - up 24 Floor|15|S1& mover slow - TX up 24 Floor|66|SR& mover slow - TX up 24 Floor|59|W1& mover slow - TXP up 24 Floor|93|WR& mover slow - TXP up 24 Floor|14|S1& mover slow - TX up 32 Floor|67|SR& mover slow - TX up 32 Floor|140|S1 mover med - - up 512 Floor|30|W1 mover slow - - up ShortestLowerTexture Floor|96|WR mover slow - - up ShortestLowerTexture Floor|38|W1 mover slow - - down to LEF Floor|23|S1 mover slow - - down to LEF Floor|82|WR mover slow - - down to LEF Floor|60|SR mover slow - - down to LEF Floor|37|W1 mover slow - NXP down to LEF Floor|84|WR mover slow - NXP down to LEF Floor|19|W1 mover slow - - down to HEF Floor|102|S1 mover slow - - down to HEF Floor|83|WR mover slow - - down to HEF Floor|45|SR mover slow - - down to HEF Floor|36|W1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 Floor|71|S1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 Floor|98|WR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 Floor|70|SR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8 Floor|9|S1 mover slow - NXP donut (see note 12 above) Stair|8|W1 mover slow - - stairs Stair|7|S1 mover slow - - stairs Stair|100|W1 mover turbo - - stairs (each up 16 not 8) + crush Stair|127|S1 mover turbo - - stairs (each up 16 not 8) + crush Moving floor|53|W1& lift slow 3 - start moving floor Moving floor|54|W1& - - - - stop moving floor Moving floor|87|WR& lift slow 3 - start moving floor Moving floor|89|WR& - - - - stop moving floor Crushing ceiling|6|W1& crush med 0 - start crushing, fast hurt Crushing ceiling|25|W1& crush med 0 - start crushing, slow hurt Crushing ceiling|73|WR& crush slow 0 - start crushing, slow hurt Crushing ceiling|77|WR& crush med 0 - start crushing, fast hurt Crushing ceiling|57|W1& - - - - stop crush Crushing ceiling|74|WR& - - - - stop crush Crushing ceiling|141|W1& none? slow 0 - start crushing, slow hurt "Silent" Exit level|11|S- clunk - - - End level, go to next level Exit level|51|S- clunk - - - End level, go to secret level Exit level|52|W- clunk - - - End level, go to next level Exit level|124|W- clunk - - - End level, go to secret level Teleport|39|W1m tport - - - Teleport Teleport|97|WRm tport - - - Teleport Teleport|125|W1m tport - - - Teleport monsters only Teleport|126|WRm tport - - - Teleport monsters only Light effect|35|W1 - - - - 0 Light effect|104|W1 - - - - LE (light level) Light effect|12|W1 - - - - HE (light level) Light effect|13|W1 - - - - 255 Light effect|79|WR - - - - 0 Light effect|80|WR - - - - HE (light level) Light effect|81|WR - - - - 255 Light effect|17|W1 - - - - Light blinks (see [4-9-1] type 3) Light effect|138|SR clunk - - - 255 Light effect|139|SR clunk - - - 0 # LINEDEF_FLAGS section. Each line is "bit number|name|short hand char" # # Note there can be no gaps in the bit numbers. If there are bits that # don't matter they must still defined, eg. # 0|Bit 0|1 # 1|Unused|- # 2|Bit 2|1 # %LINEDEF_FLAGS 0|Impassible|I 1|Block monsters|M 2|Two-sided|2 3|Upper unpegged|U 4|Lower unpegged|L 5|Secret|S 6|Blocks sound|B 7|Not on map|N 8|Already on map|A # LINEDEF_FLAGS_EXTRA # # Simply defines which of the LINEDEF flag bits are the ones that indicates # certain eatures. This will probably never change anyhow, but is configurable # in case. The format is: # # || # | # # This section MUST appear before LINEDEF_DEFAULTS # %LINEDEF_FLAGS_EXTRA 2|0|3|4 # LINEDEF_DEFAULTS # # Defaults to use for linedefs. Should appear after LINEDEF_FLAGS. Format: # Name|Flags values # %LINEDEF_DEFAULTS Empty|0x00 Wall|0x01 2-sided wall|0x47 2-sided passable|0x04 2-sided blocks monsters|0x46 # SECTOR_TYPES # # Defines values and descriptions for the SECTOR special value # # Format: # Class|Id|Long Name|Short Name # # Long name should be no longer than 60 characters, Short no longer than 30 # Class is one of the classes from %SECTOR_CLASSES # %SECTOR_TYPES Normal|0|Normal|Normal Lights|1|Light random off|Random off Lights|2|Blink lights 0.5 second|0.5 blink Lights|3|Blink lights 1.0 second|1.5 blink Damage/Lights|4|Lose -10/20% health & blink lights 0.5 sec|-10/20% & 0.5 blink Damage|5|Lose -5/10% health|-5/10% Damage|7|Lose -2/5% health|-2/5% Lights|8|Oscillating light|Oscillating light Secret|9|Secret|Secret Door|10|Door closes after 30 seconds|30 sec door Damage/Exit|11|-10/20% health - end level if < 11%|Damage/end level Lights|12|Blink lights synchronised 0.5 second|0.5 blink sync Lights|13|Blink lights synchronised 1.0 second|1.5 blink sync Door|14|Door opens after 300 seconds|300 sec door Damage|16|Lose -10/20% health|-10/20% Lights|17|Light random on/off|Random on/off # SECTOR_STYLES # # Sector textureing styles. Note this section is not additive like the # other sections (as different DOOMs can have different texture names). # # Format : # # Mode|Name|Upper|Middle|Lower|Floor|Ceiling # # Mode is made up of the following bit fields: # # Bit 0 - Paint textures on the sidedefs facing into this sector # Bit 1 - Paint textures on the sidedefs facing out of this sector # Bit 2 - Leave current lower/upper settings # Bit 3 - Set upper unpegged if an upper texture is painted # Bit 4 - Set lower unpegged if a lower texture is painted # # If none of bits 2,3 or 4 are set it is assumed that lower/upper unpegged will # be cleared on painting those textures. # %SECTOR_STYLES 0x19|Quarry|ASHWALL|ASHWALL|ASHWALL|MFLR8_2|F_SKY1 0x19|Fire Quarry|ROCKRED1|ROCKRED1|ROCKRED1|MFLR8_2|F_SKY1 0x19|Computer Room|COMPTALL|COMPTALL|COMPTALL|CRATOP1|FLAT2 0x19|Demon Room|MARBFACE|MARBFACE|MARBFACE|DEM1_6|DEM1_5 # EMPTY_TEXTURE_NAME # # The empty texture name. For DOOM this is '-'. # %EMPTY_TEXTURE_NAME - # NORMAL_TYPES # # The type values used to represent normal sectors and linedefs # # Format: # Value for sectors|Value for linedefs # %NORMAL_TYPES 0|0 # LINEDEF_CHECK_DEFAULT # # This controls the linedef F12 checking. Where it finds missing textures # it will replace them with this one, rather than asking, unless this section # is not defined or is defined to the same value as EMPTY_TEXTURE_NAME. # # Format: # texture_name # %LINEDEF_CHECK_DEFAULT ASHWALL2