/* viDOOM - level editor for DOOM Copyright (C) 2000 Ian Cowburn (ianc@noddybox.demon.co.uk) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Platform specific GUI routines This is the platform specific routines for pop-up menus, dialogs and file selectors. More DOOM graphics orientied GUI is handled by the generic GUI (gui.h) that is built on top of gfx. As with the platform specific GFX all calls can be differentiated from the generic gui by starting with GUI_, rather than Gui. Note that all these routines are expected to preserve screen contents. $Id$ */ #ifndef _PLATGUI_H #define _PLATGUI_H #include "gfx.h" /* Type for a picklist, where each entry has an associated grahpic. If the image is NULL then no picture should be shown for that entry. */ typedef struct { char *text; GFX_IMAGE img; int client_index; /* Returned by GUI_image_picklist() */ } PLAT_IMG_PICKLIST; /* Type for a picklist */ typedef struct { char *text; int client_index; /* Returned by GUI_client_picklist() */ } PLAT_PICKLIST; /* Types to define a menu */ typedef struct { char *text; /* Text to display */ int client_index; /* Value returned by GUI_menu() */ } PLAT_MENU; /* Types to define a radio box */ typedef struct { char *text; /* Label for this button. NULL==end */ int client_index; /* Value returned by GUI_radio() */ } PLAT_RADIO; /* Types to define a simple dialog */ #define PLAT_DIAL_MAXSTRLEN 128 #define PLAT_DIAL_STRING 0 #define PLAT_DIAL_INTEGER 1 #define PLAT_DIAL_DOUBLE 2 typedef struct { char *text; /* Label for item. NULL==no label */ int type; /* Data type (PLAT_DIAL_xxx) */ union /* Data */ { int i; char s[PLAT_DIAL_MAXSTRLEN+1]; double d; } data; } PLAT_DIALOG; /* Inform GUI of screen size if required */ void GUI_setscreen(int w,int h); /* Display a Yes/No option box. Returns TRUE/FALSE accordingly. */ int GUI_yesno(char *question); /* Pop-up/display a menu. Return the client_index of the selected item from the menus, or defval for no selection. The co-ords can obviously be ignored or honoured, though honouring is preferable. MENU array is terminated by one with a NULL text entry. */ int GUI_menu(char *title, int x, int y, PLAT_MENU menu[], int defval); /* Allow selection of a filename. Returns NULL if cancelled, otherwise the selected path with must be Releas()'ed later. If supported then files ending with filter should only be displayed. Filter should be NULL to show all files. */ char *GUI_fsel(char *title, char *default_path, char *filter); /* Display a picklist. The items are described by the array of pointers passed in, which terminates with a NULL pointer. The index to the selected item is returned, or -1 if the pickbox was cancelled. */ int GUI_picklist(char *title,char *opts[]); /* Does a picklist as above, but works on structures cntaining client return values, rather than simple array indexes. */ int GUI_client_picklist(char *title,PLAT_PICKLIST opts[],int defval); /* Display a picklist with associated images. The items are described by the array of structs passed in, which terminates with a NULL pointer in the text field. The client index data in the selected item is returned, or defval if the pickbox was cancelled. If this cannot be supported on the platform then the minimum this should do is a sideways call to GUI_client_picklist() */ int GUI_image_picklist(char *title,PLAT_IMG_PICKLIST opts[],int defval); /* Display a radio box. The items are described by the array of structs passed in, which terminates with a NULL pointer in the text field. The client index data in the selected item is returned, or defval if the radio box was cancelled. If one of the entries client index values is the same as current then that option will be the one selected when the radio box is displayed. Otherwise the first item will be the selected one. */ int GUI_radio_box(char *title,PLAT_RADIO opts[],int current,int defval); /* Display a mutli-selection radio box. The items are described by the array of char pointers passed in, which terminates with a NULL pointer. The passed in integer pointer points to a value which is used to enable/ disable the options dependent on the integers bit setting. The integer pointed to is updated on exit of the multi-selection box is not cancelled. Note that the bit patterns are matched bit number to opt index. ie. val & 0x0001 corresponds to opts[0] val & 0x0002 corresponds to opts[1] .... val & 0x0010 corresponds to opts[4] .... val & 0x0100 corresponds to opts[8] .... val & 0x8000 corresponds to opts[15] A maximum of 16 bits should be all that needs supporting currently. Returns TRUE if dialog accepted, otherwise FALSE. */ int GUI_multi_box(char *title,char *opts[],int *val); /* Displays a very simple dialog made up of 'no' fields as defined in pd[]. Returns TRUE if the dialog is accepted, FALSE otherwise. Note that as the values in the PLAT_DIALOG array are not pointing to actual client data they need not be preserved on a cancel of the dialog. */ int GUI_dialog(char *title, int no, PLAT_DIALOG pd[]); #endif /* END OF FILE */