This library is geared towards being compiled with MINGW, using MSYS and GNU Make. It builds OK, but has only been basically tested under Cygwin. There is certainly no reason why it shouldn't work properly under Cygwin though. To build: 1. 'cd src'. 2. Edit GNUmakefile and edit the following variables as required: INSTALLDIR This is the directory in which the headers and library will be installed as $INSTALLDIR/include and $INSTALLDIR/lib. The default is /usr/local, but if you're going to use it ouside MSYS/Cygwin set a DOS path, but use *forward* slashes. CREATECONF If set to 1 then this creates a w32dlib-config shell script. This is always installed into /usr/local/bin (as you have a proper shell, I assume your using either MSYS or Cygwin). If not edit accordingly. DEBUG Uncomment this line if you want a debug (-g) build that also sends some rudementary output to the Windows API OutputDebugString(). 3. Type 'make'. 4. If OK, 'cd test' and 'make' again. Run w32dtest.exe and make sure it looks like it's not going to fall over in a heap. 5. If all OK, 'cd ..' and 'make install'. 6. For documentation, 'cd src' and then 'make doc'. The documentation will be in ./doc/html -- use index.html to start. Copy these whereever you want. 7. Alternatively look at ./src/test/w32dtest.cpp for example code on using w32dlib. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- $Id: INSTALL,v 1.2 2005-04-05 01:01:58 ianc Exp $