BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterAdded global last_dir[] to record last file selector dir.Ian C22 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2023-04-23Added global last_dir[] to record last file selector dir.HEADmasterIan C
2023-04-23Added backspace key to GUI_Input()Ian C
2023-04-23Updated input keys to map ZX81 keyboardIan C
2023-04-23Updated ZX81SNAP to ZX81 in help textsIan C
2023-04-23Initial work to add debug menu from 3dsspecIan C
2023-04-23Updated Z80 emulationIan C
2023-04-12Changed default snapshot dir to ZX81Ian C
2023-04-12Added .gitignore and added icon info to MakefileIan C
2022-03-17Updated Makefile for newer devkitproIan C
2021-06-26Fast mode working and partial text mode. Plan on attempting a ULA emulation.Ian C