path: root/native
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2012-07-24Fixed native solution and move badly placed source file into src tree.Ian C
2012-03-09Further bug fixes to Z80. Now starts the Spectrum ROM OK.Ian C
2012-03-07Safe-keeping commit. Currently debugging emulation using FUSE tests.Ian C
2012-03-05None compiling safe-keeping commit. Started on Z80 disassembler.Ian C
2012-03-01Initial working version of test suite. Fixed INC8 and DEC8 with results.Ian C
2012-02-28Added ability to set/get the state of Z80 registers.Ian C
2012-02-27Rolled test memory and devices into machine.Ian C
2012-02-27Added initial files for Z80 tests.Ian C
2012-02-27Added native .NET build of assemblies for testing purposes.Ian C