path: root/src/Noddybox.Emulation
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-07-11Added an opcode-level callback method for running the CPU.Ian C
2012-07-01UpdatesIan C
2012-06-23Added classes for save/load of emulation state. Added to Z80 CPU.Ian C
2012-05-15Changed the cycle counter to an arbitrarily resettable counter.Ian C
2012-05-08Added property to get ticks. To be extended to allow timing from arbitary po...Ian C
2012-04-09Updated clock.Ian C
2012-03-19Added Reset()Ian C
2012-03-09Further bug fixes to Z80. Now starts the Spectrum ROM OK.Ian C
2012-03-01Initial working version of test suite. Fixed INC8 and DEC8 with results.Ian C
2012-01-08Added rest of ED opcodes and GPL fixed headers.Ian C
2012-01-06Added some shifted ED opcodes and added GPL headers to all files.Ian C
2012-01-02Added some opcodes and removed unnecessary using statements.Ian C
2012-01-01Moved sources to help in compilation for other platforms and isolated phone p...Ian C