path: root/game.bmx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'game.bmx')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 347 deletions
diff --git a/game.bmx b/game.bmx
index 29ebd9d..8b88300 100644
--- a/game.bmx
+++ b/game.bmx
@@ -1,347 +1,394 @@
-' Vectoroids
-' Copyright 2005 Ian Cowburn
-' $Id$
-Import noddybox.vector
-Import noddybox.bitmapfont
-Import noddybox.vectorgfx
-Import "types.bmx"
-Import "sounds.bmx"
-Type TGame
- Field score:Int
- Field astlist:TList
- Field bullets:TList
- Field lives:Int
- Field ship:TVectorGfxObject
- Field lifeship:TVectorGfxObject
- Field shotdelay:Int
- Field deaddelay:Int
- Field x:Double
- Field y:Double
- Field dx:Double
- Field dy:Double
- Field waiting:Int
- Field freq:Int
- Field hit:Int
- Field hyperdelay:Int
- Field waitdelay:Int
- Field leveldelay:Int
- Field minspeed:Double
- Field maxspeed:Double
- Field numast:Int
- Field extralife:Int
- Field saucerdelay:Int
- Field saucertime:Int
- Field saucershot:Int
- Field saucer:TSaucer
- Method New()
- score=0
- astlist=CreateList()
- bullets=CreateList()
- lives=2
- ship=GameGFX.ship.Clone()
- lifeship=GameGFX.ship.Clone()
- deaddelay=250
- waiting=True
- waitdelay=500
- x=GraphicsWidth()/2
- y=GraphicsHeight()/2
- dx=0
- dy=0
- ship.ang=0
- ship.x=x
- ship.y=y
- leveldelay=0
- extralife=10000
- lifeship.y=5
- lifeship.scale=0.5
- minspeed=0.1
- maxspeed=1.0
- numast=5
- saucertime=120*50
- saucerdelay=0
- saucershot=150
- NewLevel()
- End Method
- Method NewLevel()
- TAsteroid.minspeed=minspeed
- TAsteroid.maxspeed=maxspeed
- For Local f:Int=0 Until numast
- astlist.AddLast(TAsteroid.Create())
- Next
- freq=30
- hit=0
- bullets.Clear()
- shotdelay=0
- hyperdelay=0
- End Method
- Method CheckShipLaunch()
- Local x1:Int=GraphicsWidth()/2-100
- Local y1:Int=GraphicsHeight()/2-100
- Local x2:Int=GraphicsWidth()/2+100
- Local y2:Int=GraphicsHeight()/2+100
- If waitdelay=0 Or KeyHit(GameConfig.khyper)
- FlushKeys()
- waiting=False
- EndIf
- waitdelay:-1
- For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
- If saucer Or (a.x>x1 And a.x<x2 And a.y>y1 And a.y<y2)
- SetAlpha(0.7-Float(waitdelay)/1000.0)
- ship.Draw()
- SetColor(255,0,0)
- DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y1)
- DrawLine(x2,y1,x2,y2)
- DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y2)
- DrawLine(x1,y2,x1,y1)
- SetColor(255,255,255)
- SetAlpha(1)
- GameGFX.font.Centre("press hyperspace to launch early",150)
- Return
- EndIf
- Next
- waiting=False
- End Method
- Method Play:Int()
- Cls
- If waiting And lives>=0
- CheckShipLaunch()
- EndIf
- If astlist.Count()=0
- If leveldelay=0
- leveldelay=200
- Else
- leveldelay:-1
- If leveldelay=0
- numast=Min(20,numast+2)
- minspeed=Min(0.5,minspeed+0.05)
- maxspeed=Min(2.0,maxspeed+0.05)
- saucertime=Max(10,saucertime-20)
- saucershot=Max(25,saucershot-10)
- NewLevel()
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If lives>-1 And saucer=Null
- saucerdelay:+1
- If saucerdelay>saucertime
- saucerdelay=0
- If score<10000
- saucer=TSaucer.Create(True,saucershot)
- ElseIf score<20000
- saucer=TSaucer.Create(Rand(0,1),saucershot)
- Else
- saucer=TSaucer.Create(False,saucershot)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If lives>-1 And Not waiting
- If KeyDown(GameConfig.kleft)
- ship.ang:-20
- If ship.ang<0
- ship.ang:+3600
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If KeyDown(GameConfig.kright)
- ship.ang=(ship.ang+20) Mod 3600
- EndIf
- If KeyDown(GameConfig.kthrust)
- Sounds.PlayerThrust(True)
- dx=Min(2,Max(-2,[ship.ang]*0.1))
- dy=Min(2,Max(-2,[ship.ang]*0.1))
- Else
- Sounds.PlayerThrust(False)
- EndIf
- If KeyDown(GameConfig.khyper) And hyperdelay=0
- x=Rand(10,GraphicsWidth()-10)
- y=Rand(10,GraphicsHeight()-10)
- dx=0
- dy=0
- hyperdelay=100
- EndIf
- If KeyDown(GameConfig.kfire) And shotdelay=0
- Sounds.PlayerFire()
- bullets.AddLast(TShot.Create(ship))
- shotdelay=25
- EndIf
- If shotdelay>0
- shotdelay:-1
- EndIf
- If hyperdelay>0
- hyperdelay:-1
- EndIf
- lives=-1
- TParticleMachine.AsteroidExplosion(ship.x,ship.y)
- Sounds.ShipExplosion()
- EndIf
- x:+dx
- y:+dy
- If x<0
- x:+GraphicsWidth()
- EndIf
- If x>=GraphicsWidth()
- x:-GraphicsWidth()
- EndIf
- If y<0
- y:+GraphicsHeight()
- EndIf
- If y>=GraphicsHeight()
- y:-GraphicsHeight()
- EndIf
- ship.x=x
- ship.y=y
- EndIf
- SetAlpha(0.7)
- For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
- a.Update()
- Next
- For Local f:Int=1 To lives
- lifeship.x=f*9
- lifeship.Draw()
- Next
- SetAlpha(1)
- GameGFX.font.Centre(score,0)
- SetColor(255,255,255)
- If lives<0
- For Local s:TShot=EachIn bullets
- s.Update(bullets,astlist,saucer)
- Next
- Else
- For Local s:TShot=EachIn bullets
- Local sc:Int=s.Update(bullets,astlist,saucer)
- score:+sc
- If sc
- If score>extralife
- If extralife=10000
- extralife=50000
- Else
- extralife:+50000
- EndIf
- lives:+1
- Sounds.ExtraLife()
- EndIf
- hit:+1
- If hit>3
- hit=0
- If freq>15
- freq:-1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- Local hit:Int=False
- If saucer
- SetAlpha(0.7)
- If lives>-1 And Not waiting
- hit=saucer.Update(ship)
- Else
- saucer.Update(Null)
- EndIf
- SetAlpha(1)
- If saucer.Finished()
- saucer=Null
- Sounds.NoSaucer()
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If lives<0
- deaddelay:-1
- GameGFX.font.Centre("game over",292)
- Else
- If Not waiting
- SetAlpha(0.7)
- If hit Or Collides(ship.DrawToPointList())
- TParticleMachine.ShipExplosion(ship.x,ship.y)
- Sounds.ShipExplosion()
- lives:-1
- x=GraphicsWidth()/2
- y=GraphicsHeight()/2
- dx=0
- dy=0
- ship.ang=0
- ship.x=x
- ship.y=y
- waiting=True
- waitdelay=500
- FlushKeys()
- EndIf
- SetAlpha(1)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- TParticleMachine.Process()
- Sounds.Update(freq)
- FlushMem
- Flip
- Return deaddelay>0
- End Method
- Method Collides:Int(list:TList)
- For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
- For Local p:TVectorGfxPoint=EachIn list
- If a.obj.IsInside(p.x,p.y)
- Return True
- EndIf
- Next
- Next
- Return False
- End Method
-End Type
+' Vectoroids
+' Copyright 2005 Ian Cowburn
+' $Id$
+Import noddybox.vector
+Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+Import noddybox.vectorgfx
+Import "types.bmx"
+Import "sounds.bmx"
+Type TGame
+ Field score:Int
+ Field astlist:TList
+ Field bullets:TList
+ Field lives:Int
+ Field ship:TVectorGfxObject
+ Field lifeship:TVectorGfxObject
+ Field shotdelay:Int
+ Field deaddelay:Int
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field waiting:Int
+ Field freq:Int
+ Field hit:Int
+ Field hyperdelay:Int
+ Field waitdelay:Int
+ Field leveldelay:Int
+ Field minspeed:Double
+ Field maxspeed:Double
+ Field numast:Int
+ Field extralife:Int
+ Field saucerdelay:Int
+ Field saucertime:Int
+ Field saucershot:Int
+ Field saucer:TSaucer
+ Method New()
+ score=0
+ astlist=CreateList()
+ bullets=CreateList()
+ lives=2
+ ship=GameGFX.ship.Clone()
+ lifeship=GameGFX.ship.Clone()
+ deaddelay=250
+ waiting=True
+ waitdelay=500
+ x=GraphicsWidth()/2
+ y=GraphicsHeight()/2
+ dx=0
+ dy=0
+ ship.ang=0
+ ship.x=x
+ ship.y=y
+ leveldelay=0
+ extralife=10000
+ lifeship.y=5
+ lifeship.scale=0.5
+ minspeed=0.1
+ maxspeed=1.0
+ numast=5
+ saucertime=120*50
+ saucerdelay=0
+ saucershot=150
+ NewLevel()
+ End Method
+ Method NewLevel()
+ TAsteroid.minspeed=minspeed
+ TAsteroid.maxspeed=maxspeed
+ For Local f:Int=0 Until numast
+ astlist.AddLast(TAsteroid.Create())
+ Next
+ freq=30
+ hit=0
+ bullets.Clear()
+ shotdelay=0
+ hyperdelay=0
+ End Method
+ Method CheckShipLaunch()
+ Local x1:Int=GraphicsWidth()/2-100
+ Local y1:Int=GraphicsHeight()/2-100
+ Local x2:Int=GraphicsWidth()/2+100
+ Local y2:Int=GraphicsHeight()/2+100
+ If waitdelay=0 Or KeyHit(GameConfig.khyper)
+ FlushKeys()
+ waiting=False
+ EndIf
+ waitdelay:-1
+ For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
+ If saucer Or (a.x>x1 And a.x<x2 And a.y>y1 And a.y<y2)
+ SetAlpha(0.7-Float(waitdelay)/1000.0)
+ ship.Draw()
+ SetColor(255,0,0)
+ DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y1)
+ DrawLine(x2,y1,x2,y2)
+ DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y2)
+ DrawLine(x1,y2,x1,y1)
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ GameGFX.font.Centre("press hyperspace to launch early",150)
+ Return
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ waiting=False
+ End Method
+ Method Pause()
+ Local i:Timage=CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),1,MASKEDIMAGE|DYNAMICIMAGE|FILTEREDIMAGE)
+ GrabImage(i,0,0)
+ MidHandleImage(i)
+ Local a:Int[]=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
+ Local ac:Int[]=[7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
+ Sounds.Pause()
+ While Not KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause)
+ Cls
+ Local al:Double=0.3
+ For Local f:Int=0 Until a.length
+ SetAlpha(al)
+ SetRotation(a[f])
+ SetScale(al,al)
+ DrawImage(i,GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2)
+ If ac[f]>0
+ ac[f]:-1
+ Else
+ a[f]:+1
+ EndIf
+ al:+0.1
+ Next
+ SetRotation(0)
+ SetScale(1,1)
+ GameGFX.font.Centre("paused",GraphicsHeight()/2-16)
+ Flip
+ Wend
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ SetRotation(0)
+ SetScale(1,1)
+ FlushKeys
+ Sounds.EndPause()
+ End Method
+ Method Play:Int()
+ Cls
+ If waiting And lives>=0
+ CheckShipLaunch()
+ EndIf
+ If astlist.Count()=0
+ If leveldelay=0
+ leveldelay=200
+ Else
+ leveldelay:-1
+ If leveldelay=0
+ numast=Min(20,numast+2)
+ minspeed=Min(0.5,minspeed+0.05)
+ maxspeed=Min(2.0,maxspeed+0.05)
+ saucertime=Max(10,saucertime-20)
+ saucershot=Max(25,saucershot-10)
+ NewLevel()
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If lives>-1 And saucer=Null
+ saucerdelay:+1
+ If saucerdelay>saucertime
+ saucerdelay=0
+ If score<10000
+ saucer=TSaucer.Create(True,saucershot)
+ ElseIf score<20000
+ saucer=TSaucer.Create(Rand(0,1),saucershot)
+ Else
+ saucer=TSaucer.Create(False,saucershot)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If lives>-1 And Not waiting
+ If KeyDown(GameConfig.kleft)
+ ship.ang:-20
+ If ship.ang<0
+ ship.ang:+3600
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If KeyDown(GameConfig.kright)
+ ship.ang=(ship.ang+20) Mod 3600
+ EndIf
+ If KeyDown(GameConfig.kthrust)
+ Sounds.PlayerThrust(True)
+ dx=Min(2,Max(-2,[ship.ang]*0.1))
+ dy=Min(2,Max(-2,[ship.ang]*0.1))
+ Else
+ Sounds.PlayerThrust(False)
+ EndIf
+ If KeyDown(GameConfig.khyper) And hyperdelay=0
+ x=Rand(10,GraphicsWidth()-10)
+ y=Rand(10,GraphicsHeight()-10)
+ dx=0
+ dy=0
+ hyperdelay=100
+ EndIf
+ If KeyDown(GameConfig.kfire) And shotdelay=0
+ Sounds.PlayerFire()
+ bullets.AddLast(TShot.Create(ship))
+ shotdelay=25
+ EndIf
+ If shotdelay>0
+ shotdelay:-1
+ EndIf
+ If hyperdelay>0
+ hyperdelay:-1
+ EndIf
+ lives=-1
+ TParticleMachine.AsteroidExplosion(ship.x,ship.y)
+ Sounds.ShipExplosion()
+ EndIf
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ If x<0
+ x:+GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If x>=GraphicsWidth()
+ x:-GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If y<0
+ y:+GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ If y>=GraphicsHeight()
+ y:-GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ ship.x=x
+ ship.y=y
+ EndIf
+ SetAlpha(0.7)
+ For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
+ a.Update()
+ Next
+ For Local f:Int=1 To lives
+ lifeship.x=f*9
+ lifeship.Draw()
+ Next
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ GameGFX.font.Centre(score,0)
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ If lives<0
+ For Local s:TShot=EachIn bullets
+ s.Update(bullets,astlist,saucer)
+ Next
+ Else
+ For Local s:TShot=EachIn bullets
+ Local sc:Int=s.Update(bullets,astlist,saucer)
+ score:+sc
+ If sc
+ If score>extralife
+ If extralife=10000
+ extralife=50000
+ Else
+ extralife:+50000
+ EndIf
+ lives:+1
+ Sounds.ExtraLife()
+ EndIf
+ hit:+1
+ If hit>3
+ hit=0
+ If freq>15
+ freq:-1
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ EndIf
+ Local hit:Int=False
+ If saucer
+ SetAlpha(0.7)
+ If lives>-1 And Not waiting
+ hit=saucer.Update(ship)
+ Else
+ saucer.Update(Null)
+ EndIf
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ If saucer.Finished()
+ saucer=Null
+ Sounds.NoSaucer()
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If lives<0
+ deaddelay:-1
+ GameGFX.font.Centre("game over",292)
+ Else
+ If Not waiting
+ SetAlpha(0.7)
+ If hit Or Collides(ship.DrawToPointList())
+ TParticleMachine.ShipExplosion(ship.x,ship.y)
+ Sounds.ShipExplosion()
+ lives:-1
+ x=GraphicsWidth()/2
+ y=GraphicsHeight()/2
+ dx=0
+ dy=0
+ ship.ang=0
+ ship.x=x
+ ship.y=y
+ waiting=True
+ waitdelay=500
+ FlushKeys()
+ EndIf
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ TParticleMachine.Process()
+ Sounds.Update(freq)
+ Flip
+ If KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause)
+ Pause()
+ EndIf
+ Return deaddelay>0
+ End Method
+ Method Collides:Int(list:TList)
+ For Local a:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
+ For Local p:TVectorGfxPoint=EachIn list
+ If a.obj.IsInside(p.x,p.y)
+ Return True
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ Next
+ Return False
+ End Method
+End Type