path: root/types.bmx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'types.bmx')
1 files changed, 593 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/types.bmx b/types.bmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..588a152
--- /dev/null
+++ b/types.bmx
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+' Vectoroids
+' Copyright 2005 Ian Cowburn
+' $Id$
+Import noddybox.vectorgfx
+Import noddybox.vector
+Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+Import "sounds.bmx"
+Incbin "GFX/font.bmf"
+Incbin "2D/ship.2d"
+Incbin "2D/large.2d"
+Incbin "2D/medium.2d"
+Incbin "2D/small.2d"
+Incbin "2D/ssaucer.2d"
+Incbin "2D/lsaucer.2d"
+Incbin "2D/debris.2d"
+Type Lookup
+ Global si:Double[]
+ Global co:Double[]
+ Function Init()
+ si=New Double[3600]
+ co=New Double[3600]
+ For Local a:Int=0 To 3599
+ si[a]=Sin(180-Double(a)/10)
+ co[a]=Cos(180-Double(a)/10)
+ Next
+ End Function
+End Type
+Type GameGFX
+ Global font:TBitmapFont
+ Global ship:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global large:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global medium:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global small:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global debris:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global lsaucer:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global ssaucer:TVectorGfxObject
+ Function Init()
+ font=TBitmapFont.Load("incbin::GFX/font.bmf",0)
+ ship=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/ship.2d")
+ large=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/large.2d")
+ medium=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/medium.2d")
+ small=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/small.2d")
+ debris=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/debris.2d")
+ lsaucer=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/lsaucer.2d")
+ ssaucer=TVectorGfxObject.Load("incbin::2D/ssaucer.2d")
+ large.scale=1.5
+ medium.scale=1.5
+ small.scale=1.5
+ lsaucer.scale=1.5
+ ssaucer.scale=2
+ End Function
+End Type
+Type GameConfig
+ Global kleft:Int
+ Global kright:Int
+ Global kfire:Int
+ Global kthrust:Int
+ Global khyper:Int
+ Global kpause:Int
+ Function Load()
+ Local s:TStream=ReadStream("vectoroids.config")
+ If s=Null
+ kleft=KEY_O
+ kright=KEY_P
+ kfire=KEY_Q
+ kthrust=KEY_S
+ khyper=KEY_SPACE
+ kpause=KEY_P
+ Return
+ EndIf
+ s=LittleEndianStream(s)
+ kleft=s.ReadInt()
+ kright=s.ReadInt()
+ kfire=s.ReadInt()
+ kthrust=s.ReadInt()
+ khyper=s.ReadInt()
+ kpause=s.ReadInt()
+ s.Close()
+ End Function
+ Function Save()
+ Local s:TStream=WriteStream("vectoroids.config")
+ If s=Null
+ Return
+ EndIf
+ s=LittleEndianStream(s)
+ s.WriteInt(kleft)
+ s.WriteInt(kright)
+ s.WriteInt(kfire)
+ s.WriteInt(kthrust)
+ s.WriteInt(khyper)
+ s.WriteInt(kpause)
+ s.Close()
+ End Function
+Type TAsteroid
+ Global minspeed:Double
+ Global maxspeed:Double
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field obj:TVectorGfxObject
+ Field size:Int
+ Function RndSpeed:Double()
+ Local r:Double=Rnd(minspeed,maxspeed)
+ If Rand(100)<50
+ Return r
+ Else
+ Return -r
+ EndIf
+ End Function
+ Function Create:TAsteroid()
+ Local no:TAsteroid=New TAsteroid
+ no.obj=GameGFX.large.Clone()
+ no.obj.ang=Rand(3600)
+ If Rand(10)<5
+ no.x=Rnd(0,GraphicsWidth()/3.0)
+ Else
+ no.x=Rnd(GraphicsWidth()/3.0*2.0,GraphicsWidth())
+ EndIf
+ no.y=Rnd(0,GraphicsHeight())
+ no.dx=RndSpeed()/2
+ no.dy=RndSpeed()
+ no.size=2
+ Return no
+ End Function
+ Method CreateShard:TAsteroid()
+ Local no:TAsteroid=New TAsteroid
+ no.x=x
+ no.y=y
+ no.size=size-1
+ If no.size=1
+ no.obj=GameGFX.medium.Clone()
+ Else
+ no.obj=GameGFX.small.Clone()
+ EndIf
+ no.dx=RndSpeed()
+ no.dy=RndSpeed()
+ no.x:+no.dx*8
+ no.y:+no.dy*8
+ no.obj.ang=Rand(3600)
+ Return no
+ End Method
+ Method Update()
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ If x<-obj.width
+ x:+GraphicsWidth()+obj.width*2
+ ElseIf x>GraphicsWidth()+obj.width
+ x:-GraphicsWidth()+obj.width*2
+ EndIf
+ If y<-obj.height
+ y:+GraphicsHeight()+obj.height*2
+ ElseIf y>GraphicsHeight()+obj.height
+ y:-GraphicsHeight()+obj.height*2
+ EndIf
+ obj.x=x
+ obj.y=y
+ obj.Draw()
+ End Method
+ Method Blowup:Int(astlist:TList)
+ Local sc:Int=100-size*20
+ If size>0
+ astlist.AddLast(CreateShard())
+ astlist.AddLast(CreateShard())
+ EndIf
+ astlist.Remove(Self)
+ Return sc
+ End Method
+Type TShot
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field life:Int
+ Function Create:TShot(ship:TVectorGfxObject)
+ Local o:TShot=New TShot
+ o.x=ship.x+o.dx*4
+ o.y=ship.y+o.dy*4
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Update:Int(shotlist:TList, astlist:TList, saucer:TSaucer)
+ life:-1
+ If life=0
+ shotlist.Remove(Self)
+ Return 0
+ EndIf
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ If x<0
+ x:+GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If x>=GraphicsWidth()
+ x:-GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If y<0
+ y:+GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ If y>=GraphicsHeight()
+ x:-GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ If saucer And saucer.obj.IsInside(x,y)
+ TParticleMachine.ShipExplosion(saucer.x,saucer.y)
+ Sounds.ShipExplosion()
+ Sounds.NoSaucer()
+ shotlist.Remove(Self)
+ saucer.dead=True
+ If saucer.big
+ Return 500
+ Else
+ Return 1000
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ For Local o:TAsteroid=EachIn astlist
+ If o.obj.IsInside(x,y)
+ TParticleMachine.AsteroidExplosion(o.x,o.y)
+ Sounds.AsteroidExplosion(o.size)
+ shotlist.Remove(Self)
+ Return o.Blowup(astlist)
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ Plot(x,y)
+ Return 0
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TEnemyShot
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field life:Int
+ Function Create:TEnemyShot(ship:TVectorGfxObject, v:TVector)
+ Local o:TEnemyShot=New TEnemyShot
+ o.dx=v.x
+ o.dy=v.y
+ o.x=ship.x
+ o.y=ship.y
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Update:Int(shotlist:TList, ship:TVectorGfxObject)
+ life:-1
+ If life=0
+ shotlist.Remove(Self)
+ Return False
+ EndIf
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ If x<0
+ x:+GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If x>=GraphicsWidth()
+ x:-GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ If y<0
+ y:+GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ If y>=GraphicsHeight()
+ x:-GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ If ship And ship.IsInside(x,y)
+ Sounds.ShipExplosion()
+ shotlist.Remove(Self)
+ Return True
+ EndIf
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ Plot(x,y)
+ Return False
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TSaucer
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field dirx:Int
+ Field dirchange:Int
+ Field shotdel:Int
+ Field shotwait:Int
+ Field shotlist:TList
+ Field big:Int
+ Field obj:TVectorGfxObject
+ Field dead:Int
+ Function Create:TSaucer(big:Int, shotdel:Int)
+ Local o:TSaucer=New TSaucer
+ o.dead=False
+ o.dirx=Rand(100)<50
+ If o.dirx
+ If Rand(100)<50
+ o.x=0
+ o.dx=Rnd(1,2)
+ Else
+ o.x=GraphicsWidth()-1
+ o.dx=Rnd(-2,-1)
+ EndIf
+ o.y=Rand(10,GraphicsHeight()-10)
+ Else
+ If Rand(100)<50
+ o.y=0
+ o.dy=Rnd(1,2)
+ Else
+ o.y=GraphicsHeight()-1
+ o.dy=Rnd(-2,-1)
+ EndIf
+ o.x=Rand(10,GraphicsWidth()-10)
+ EndIf
+ o.Turn()
+ o.shotlist=New TList
+ o.big=big
+ o.shotdel=shotdel
+ o.shotwait=Rand(shotdel)
+ If big
+ Sounds.LargeSaucer()
+ o.obj=GameGFX.lsaucer.Clone()
+ Else
+ Sounds.SmallSaucer()
+ o.obj=GameGFX.ssaucer.Clone()
+ EndIf
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Turn()
+ dirchange=Rand(10,100)
+ If dirx
+ dy=Rnd(-2,2)
+ Else
+ dx=Rnd(-2,2)
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Method Fire(ship:TVectorGfxObject)
+ shotwait=0
+ Local v:TVector
+ If big
+ v=TVector.Create(ship.x-x+Rnd(-40,40),ship.y-y+Rnd(-40,40))
+ Else
+ v=TVector.Create(ship.x-x+Rnd(-10,10),ship.y-y+Rnd(-10,10))
+ EndIf
+ v.SetLength(2)
+ Sounds.SaucerFire()
+ shotlist.AddLast(TEnemyShot.Create(obj,v))
+ End Method
+ Method OffScreen:Int()
+ If dirx
+ Return x<0 Or x>GraphicsWidth()
+ Else
+ Return y<0 Or y>GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Method Finished:Int()
+ Return shotlist.Count()=0 And (dead Or OffScreen())
+ End Method
+ ' Returns True if ship hit by saucer's bullets
+ '
+ Method Update:Int(ship:TVectorGfxObject)
+ If Not dead
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ If dirx
+ If y<0
+ y:+GraphicsHeight()
+ ElseIf y>GraphicsHeight()
+ y:-GraphicsHeight()
+ EndIf
+ Else
+ If x<0
+ x:+GraphicsWidth()
+ ElseIf x>GraphicsWidth()
+ x:-GraphicsWidth()
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ dirchange:-1
+ If dirchange=0
+ Turn()
+ EndIf
+ obj.x=x
+ obj.y=y
+ obj.Draw()
+ If ship And Not OffScreen()
+ shotwait:+1
+ If shotwait>shotdel
+ Fire(ship)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Local ret:Int=False
+ For Local s:TEnemyShot=EachIn shotlist
+ ret=s.Update(shotlist,ship) Or ret
+ Next
+ Return ret
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TParticle
+ Field obj:TVectorGfxObject
+ Field x:Double
+ Field y:Double
+ Field a:Double
+ Field dx:Double
+ Field dy:Double
+ Field ai:Double
+ Function CreatePoint:TParticle(x:Int, y:Int, v:TVector, ai:Double=-0.05)
+ Local o:TParticle=New TParticle
+ o.obj=Null
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.dx=v.x+Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
+ o.dy=v.y+Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
+ o.a=1
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Function CreateDebris:TParticle(x:Int, y:Int, v:TVector, ai:Double=-0.01)
+ Local o:TParticle=New TParticle
+ o.obj=GameGFX.debris.Clone()
+ o.obj.ang=Rand(0,3599)
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.dx=v.x+Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
+ o.dy=v.y+Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
+ o.a=1
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method Update()
+ x:+dx
+ y:+dy
+ a:+ai
+ If a>0
+ SetAlpha(a)
+ If obj
+ obj.x=x
+ obj.y=y
+ obj.ang=(obj.ang+30) Mod 3600
+ obj.Draw()
+ Else
+ Plot(x,y)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TParticleMachine
+ Global list:TList
+ Function Init()
+ list=CreateList()
+ End Function
+ Function Clear()
+ list.Clear()
+ End Function
+ Function AsteroidExplosion(x:Int,y:Int)
+ For Local f:Int=0 To 20
+ list.AddLast(TParticle.CreatePoint(x+Rand(-3,3),y+Rand(-3,3),TVector.Create(Rnd(-2,2),Rnd(-2,2))))
+ Next
+ End Function
+ Function ShipExplosion(x:Int,y:Int)
+ For Local f:Int=0 To 30
+ list.AddLast(TParticle.CreatePoint(x+Rand(-1,1),y+Rand(-1,1),TVector.Create(Rnd(-2,2),Rnd(-2,2)),-0.02))
+ Next
+ For Local f:Int=0 To 3
+ list.AddLast(TParticle.CreateDebris(x+Rand(-1,1),y+Rand(-1,1),TVector.Create(Rnd(-2,2),Rnd(-2,2)),-0.01))
+ Next
+ End Function
+ Function Process()
+ Local l:TLink=list.FirstLink()
+ Local t:TLink
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ While l<>Null
+ Local p:TParticle=TParticle(l.Value())
+ p.Update()
+ If p.a<0.01
+ t=l.NextLink()
+ l.Remove()
+ l=t
+ Else
+ l=l.NextLink()
+ EndIf
+ Wend
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ End Function
+End Type