path: root/dat
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Diffstat (limited to 'dat')
1 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dat b/dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b9ea1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dat
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+# Example glgrav data file
+# Note that when using object names, case is important. Case in commands and
+# arguments is not.
+# $Id: dat,v 2006-05-02 19:12:45 ianc Exp $
+# Define position of observer
+# camera x,y,z,yaw
+camera 0.0, 200.0, -1000.0, 0.0;
+# If supported by the environment defines the window size. Illegal window
+# sizes should be silently ignored. Default is 640x480.
+window_size 500,500;
+# Enable/disable flags. All flags are disabled by default, but can be
+# explicitly disabled with disable. Flags are:
+# solid - Draw objects as solid, not wireframe
+# lighting - Enable lighting
+# texture - Enable texturing
+enable solid;
+enable lighting;
+enable texture;
+# collide allows the values:
+# none - Masses simply pass through each other
+# shatter - Masses explode into various parts. See shatter
+# command for extra details.
+# merge - The larger mass swallows the smaller mass.
+# delta_merge - The larger mass swallows the smaller mass, gaining
+# some of the smaller masses delta in proportion to
+# the size of the masses.
+collide delta_merge;
+# Define how shatter collisions should behave
+# shatter num,dx,dy,min,max,sheild;
+# num - Each mass will split into this many equal massed
+# objects.
+# delta - Each new mass will have a pseudo random number
+# between -delta and +delta added to the parents
+# mass's delta.
+# min - Objects below this mass will not shatter and will
+# simply be merged into a larger mass (even below the
+# max control below) on collision.
+# max - Objects above this mass can only be shattered by
+# other masses above this max mass. Objects below the
+# max limit will simply be merged on collision.
+# shield - The number of 'ticks' that the newly generated
+# objects created by a collision are safe from
+# collisions with other shatter particles.
+# Note that when masses shatter they inherit the parent objects colour and
+# texture. The default is:
+# shatter 10,5.0,10.0,1000.0,100;
+shatter 10,5.0,10.0,1000.0,100;
+# Defines the maximum number of masses. This is solely to stop runaway
+# shatter collisions crippling your machine. If left defined the default
+# is 1,000,000.
+max_mass 1000;
+# Define gravitational constant
+const 0.00001;
+# By default the radius of the calcualted for each mass as if the sphere has a
+# volume equivalent to it's mass. This allows that to be scaled and defaults
+# to 1.0 if undefined.
+scale 2.5;
+# Body definition is:
+# body name,mass,x,y,z,dx,dy,dz,r,g,b,rot
+# name - Name of object
+# mass - Mass of object (0 for massless)
+# x,y,z - Position of object
+# dx,dy,dz - Initial velocity of object
+# r,g,b - Colour of object [0.0 - 1.0]
+# rot - Number of degrees to rotate per 'tick'.
+# Note on 'massless' objects:
+# Objects defined with a mass of zero indicate 'massless' objects.
+# They are attracted by other bodies, but have no effect themselves.
+# Also they are not involved with collisions. Note that so they are
+# attracted 'massless' objects actually have a mass of 0.0001.
+body Sun,
+ 200.0,
+ 0.0,0.0,-1500.0,
+ 0.0,0.0,0.0,
+ 1.0,1.0,0.0,
+ 0.0;
+# Set the plane for radial and multiple radial objects. Note that this
+# command can appear multiple times to the set the plane for objects defined
+# from the point on. The default plane is 'xy'.
+# Valid planes are:
+# xy - Create object with a Z co-ord that matches the parent
+# xz - Create object with a Y co-ord that matches the parent
+# yz - Create object with a Z co-ord that matches the parent
+plane xz;
+# Radial definition is:
+# radial name,mass,parent,distance,angle,speed,r,g,b,rot
+# name - Name of object
+# mass - Mass of object. Zero indicates body is attracted,
+# but appears massless to other objects.
+# parent - Name of object this one orbits.
+# distance - Distance from parent.
+# angle - Angle around parent in X-Y plane [0.0 - 360.0]
+# speed - Speed of object.
+# r,g,b - Colour of object [0.0 - 1.0]
+# rot - Number of degrees to rotate per 'tick'.
+# Note that the vector calculated from the distance, angle and speed will have
+# the parent's vector added to it.
+radial Earth,
+ 30.0,
+ Sun,
+ 400.0,180.0,0.3,
+ 1.0,1.0,1.0,
+ 0.5;
+radial Moon,
+ 10.0,
+ Earth,
+ 50.0,180.0,0.15,
+ 1.0,1.0,1.0,
+ 0.1;
+# A multiple radial definition is:
+# multiple name,num,mass,mass_inc,parent,distance,distance_inc,
+# angle,ang_inc,speed,speed_inc,r,g,b,rot
+# name - Name of object. A number is added to the end of
+# the name for each object, ie. name 1, name 2, ...
+# num - The number of masses to create.
+# mass - Mass of objects. Zero indicates body is attracted,
+# but appears massless to other objects.
+# mass_inc - Amount to change from initial mass per object.
+# parent - Name of object this one orbits.
+# distance - Distance from parent.
+# distance_inc - Amount to change distance per object.
+# angle - Angle around parent in X-Y plane [0.0 - 360.0]
+# angle_inc - Amount to change angle per object.
+# speed - Speed of object.
+# speed_inc - Amount to change speed per object.
+# r,g,b - Colour of object [0.0 - 1.0]
+# rot - Number of degrees to rotate per 'tick'.
+multiple Belt,
+ 10,
+ 4.0,
+ 0.0,
+ Sun,
+ 150.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 30.0,
+ 0.5,
+ 0.0,
+ 1.0,1.0,1.0,
+ 0.0;
+# Defines the object which will be a light source:
+# light name,r,g,b
+# name - Name of object
+# r,g,b - Colour of light [0.0 - 1.0]
+light Sun,1.0,1.0,1.0;
+# Provide a list of the objects you wish to look from and at
+# look name;
+# mlook name,num; (Mutiple look for multiple objects)
+look Sun;
+look Earth;
+look Moon;
+mlook Belt,10;
+# Initial objects to look at and travel as. Must be after any look commands
+look_at Sun;
+#travel_as Belt 1;
+# Define textures for objects. Textures have to be in raw RGB format.
+# num_texture number (Define no. of textures)
+# number - Number of textures to allocate. Note this also
+# includes ring textures.
+# texture name,file,width,height (Bind a texture to a body)
+# name - Name of object
+# file - File holding texture image
+# width,height - Size of texture
+# reuse name,other (Reuse a previously bound texture)
+# name - Name of object
+# other - Object name to which the texture is associated
+# Note that ring textures can be reused too.
+# mreuse name,num,other (Mutliply reuse a texture)
+# name - Name of object
+# num - Number of objects. name 1, name 2, etc will be
+# derived from this to get the real object name.
+# other - Object name to which the texture is associated
+# Note that ring textures can be reused too.
+# eg.
+# num_texture 3;
+# texture Moon,moon.raw,256,256;
+# texture Earth,earth.raw,512,256;
+# mreuse Belt,10,Moon;
+# Define rings
+# ring name,from,to,r,g,b,alpha,rot,angle (Define a ring)
+# name - Name of object
+# from,to - The inner and outer radius of the ring in terms
+# of the radius of the body.
+# r,g,b - Colour of the ring [0.0 - 1.0]
+# alpha - Transparency of the ring [0.0 - 1.0]
+# rot - Number of degrees to rotate per 'tick'.
+# angle - Tilt from 'north' pole.
+# mring name,num,from,to,r,g,b,alpha (Multiply define rings)
+# name - Name of object
+# num - Number of objects. name 1, name 2, etc will be
+# derived from this to get the real object name.
+# from,to - The inner and outer radius of the ring in terms
+# of the radius of the body.
+# r,g,b - Colour of the ring [0.0 - 1.0]
+# alpha - Transparency of the ring [0.0 - 1.0]
+# ring_texture name,file,width,height (Texture a ring)
+# name - Name of object
+# file - Filename to use for ring texture
+# width,height - Size of texture
+# ring_reuse name,other (Reuse a previously bound ring texture)
+# name - Name of object
+# other - Object name to which the texture is associated
+# Note that normal textures can be reused too.
+# ring_mreuse name,num,other (Mutliply reuse a ring texture)
+# name - Name of object
+# num - Number of objects. name 1, name 2, etc will be
+# derived from this to get the real object name.
+# other - Object name to which the texture is associated
+# Note that normal textures can be reused too.
+ring Earth,2.0,2.1,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.6,0.5,45;
+# eg.
+# ring_texture Earth,ring.raw,256,256;
+# Define trails. If enabled objects leave behind a point as they travel.
+# Each point lives for a time defined by it's alpha decay.
+# particles life,max,size;
+# decay - The amount to decrease the alpha per tick.
+# min - The minimum alpha. Once this is reached, the particle
+# is destoryed.
+# size - Size of each point (currently ignored)
+particles 0.001,0.0,1.0;
+# Define sparks from collisions
+# sparks num,max,life,length,delta;
+# num - The number of sparks per collision.
+# decay - The amount to decrease the alpha per tick.
+# min - The minimum alpha. Once this is reached, the particle
+# is destoryed.
+# length - The length of a spark. The actual length will be
+# (length * delta).
+# delta - Each spark will have a pseudo random number
+# between -delta and +delta set for it's speed.
+sparks 50,0.01,0.0,5,2.0;
+# Define a 'fog' to increase depth perception
+# fog dist,r,g,b,light;
+# dist - The max distance you can see into the fog
+# r,g,b - The colour of the fog
+# light - Whether the light source is effected by fog (yes/no)
+fog 1000.0,0.2,0.0,0.0,no;