path: root/mwidget.mod
diff options
authorIan C <>2006-01-15 01:04:56 +0000
committerIan C <>2006-01-15 01:04:56 +0000
commitd58c1bcc004eb528549b53b75ea8cce369b5a859 (patch)
tree6cdd8d1a2412bdf840599ecc0f520dcde505d9e5 /mwidget.mod
parent2b568c741b63f912c25d37dd1171fc667b71b36c (diff)
Development checkin
Diffstat (limited to 'mwidget.mod')
1 files changed, 549 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/mwidget.mod/mwidget.bmx b/mwidget.mod/mwidget.bmx
index 11ff5ae..00ca593 100644
--- a/mwidget.mod/mwidget.bmx
+++ b/mwidget.mod/mwidget.bmx
@@ -339,6 +339,13 @@ Type TMWidget Abstract
End Method
+ bbdoc: Activate the widget (give it keyboard focus).
+ EndRem
+ Method Activate(state:Int)
+ ActivateGadget(gadget)
+ End Method
+ Rem
bbdoc: Enables/disables a widget.
Method Enabled(state:Int)
@@ -657,6 +664,13 @@ Type TMWindow Extends TMWidget
Field closed:Int
+ bbdoc: Activate the window.
+ EndRem
+ Method Activate(state:Int)
+ ActivateWindow(gadget)
+ End Method
+ Rem
bbdoc: Send a close event to this window.
Method Close()
@@ -782,35 +796,6 @@ End Type
-bbdoc: Defines a managed menu.
-Type TMMenu Extends TMWidget
- Rem
- bbdoc: Creates a managed menu.
- returns: The created button.
- about: @label, @tag, @group, @hotkey and @modifier act the same as the MaxGUI arguments to @CreateMenu(), except that @group is a TMWidget.
- EndRem
- Method Create:TMMenu(label:String, tag:Int, group:TMWidget, hotkey:Int=0, modifier:Int=0)
- BaseInitialise(CreateMenu(label,tag,group.gadget,hotkey,modifier),group)
- typename="TMMenu"
- Return Self
- End Method
- Method Delete()
- FreeMenu(gadget)
- End Method
- Method Handle(e:TEvent)
- Select
- Default
- super.Handle(e)
- End Select
- End Method
-End Type
bbdoc: Defines a managed button push button.
Type TMButton Extends TMWidget
@@ -1812,11 +1797,15 @@ Type TMTreeView Extends TMWidget
End Method
- bbdoc: The number of nodes in the view.
+ bbdoc: The number of nodes in the view that are direct children on the passed node.
returns: The number of nodes.
- about: @path is the path to count from. / is the root node.
+ about: @path is the path to count from. Unfortunately counting from the root (/) doesn't work, so it returns -1.
Method CountChildren:Int(path:String)
+ If path="/"
+ Return -1
+ EndIf
Local node:TMTreeNode=ResolvePath(path)
If node
@@ -1861,7 +1850,7 @@ Type TMTreeView Extends TMWidget
bbdoc: Add/modify nodes in the tree.
about: @path is the path to the node. This silently fails if the parent nodes don't exist. @tag is an Object that the entry is tagged with.
ToString() is called on this to create the text for the entry (so passing a String works fine).
- @icon is the icon to use.
+ @icon is the icon to use. Note that if you set an icon strip, then this seems to use the first icon (on Win32 at least) if set to -1.
Method Set(path:String, tag:Object, icon:Int=-1)
Local parent:TMTreeNode=ResolvePath(FixedExtractDir(path))
@@ -2033,6 +2022,499 @@ Type TMTreeView Extends TMWidget
End Type
+Type TMenuItem
+ Field id:Int
+ Field owner:TMMenu
+ Field path:String
+ Field tag:Object
+ Field gadget:TGadget
+ Field callback(menu:TMMenu, path:String, tag:Object)
+ Function Create:TMenuItem(owner:TMMenu, id:Int, path:String, gadget:TGadget, tag:Object, callback(menu:TMMenu, path:String, tag:Object))
+ Local o:TMenuItem=New TMenuItem
+ o.owner=owner
+ o.path=path
+ o.gadget=gadget
+ o.tag=tag
+ o.callback=callback
+ Return o
+ End Function
+End Type
+bbdoc: Defines a managed menu.
+about: Note that TMMenu is <b>NOT</b> a TMWidget.
+Type TMMenu
+ Field root:TGadget
+ Field map:TMap
+ Field win:TMWindow
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Creates a managed menu that is associated as a window menu.
+ returns: The created menu.
+ about: @window is the window the menu is attached to.
+ EndRem
+ Method CreateWindowMenu:TMMenu(window:TMWindow)
+ map=New TMap
+ root=WindowMenu(window.gadget)
+ win=window
+ SetRoot()
+ Return Self
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Creates a managed menu that can be used as a popup menu.
+ returns: The created menu.
+ EndRem
+ Method CreatePopupMenu:TMMenu()
+ map=New TMap
+ root=CreateMenu("",0,Null)
+ win=Null
+ SetRoot()
+ Return Self
+ End Method
+ Method Delete()
+ Clear()
+ If Not win
+ FreeMenu(root)
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Clear all items from the menu
+ EndRem
+ Method Clear()
+ For Local m:TMenuItem=EachIn map
+ FreeMenu(m.gadget)
+ Static.DeregisterMenuItem(m)
+ Next
+ map.Clear()
+ SetRoot()
+ End Method
+ Method SetRoot()
+ map.Insert("/",TMenuItem.Create(Self,0,"/",root,Null,Null))
+ End Method
+ Method ResolvePath:TMenuItem(path:String)
+ Return TMenuItem(map.ValueForKey(path))
+ End Method
+ Method Prune(path:String)
+ Local l:TList=CreateList()
+ ' Not sure if this is overly ineffecient -- just being safe as in most languages deleting whilst iterating
+ ' is not recommended...
+ '
+ For Local k:String=EachIn map.Keys()
+ If k=path Or k.Find(path+"/")=0
+ l.AddLast(k)
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ For Local k:String=EachIn l
+ Local n:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(k)
+ map.Remove(k)
+ Static.DeregisterMenuItem(n)
+ FreeMenu(n.gadget)
+ Next
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Add a menu option.
+ about: @path is the path to the menu item. This silently fails if the parent menus don't exist. @tag is an Object that the entry is tagged with.
+ ToString() is called on this to create the text for the menu (so passing a String works fine). If @callback is not null, then it is called when
+ this option is selected.
+ @hotkey and @modifier are as in MaxGUI's CreateMenu().
+ EndRem
+ Method Set(path:String, tag:Object, callback(menu:TMMenu, path:String, tag:Object)=Null, hotkey:Int=0, modifier:Int=0)
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local parent:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(FixedExtractDir(path))
+ If parent
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ SetMenuText(node.gadget,tag.ToString())
+ Else
+ Local id:Int=Static.NextMenuID()
+ node=TMenuItem.Create(Self,id,path,CreateMenu(tag.ToString(),id,parent.gadget,hotkey,modifier),tag,callback)
+ map.Insert(path,node)
+ Static.RegisterMenuItem(node)
+ EndIf
+ node.tag=tag
+ If win
+ UpdateWindowMenu(win.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Remove menu item and its children.
+ about: @path is the path to the menu item. Root cannot be removed.
+ EndRem
+ Method Remove(path:String)
+ If path<>"/"
+ Prune(path)
+ If win
+ UpdateWindowMenu(win.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Change a menu tag (and therefore its text).
+ about: @path is the path to the menu item. Root cannot be changed.
+ EndRem
+ Method SetTag(path:String, tag:Object)
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ SetMenuText(node.gadget,tag.ToString())
+ node.tag=tag
+ If win
+ UpdateWindowMenu(win.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Change a menu check.
+ about: @path is the path to the menu item. Root cannot be changed.
+ EndRem
+ Method Check(path:String, check:Int)
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ If check
+ CheckMenu(node.gadget)
+ Else
+ UncheckMenu(node.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ If win
+ UpdateWindowMenu(win.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ about: Is a menu item checked.
+ EndRem
+ Method IsChecked:Int(path:String)
+ Local ret:Int=False
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ ret=MenuChecked(node.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Return ret
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Enable/disable a menu item.
+ about: @path is the path to the menu item. Root cannot be changed.
+ EndRem
+ Method Enable(path:String, enab:Int)
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ If enab
+ EnableMenu(node.gadget)
+ Else
+ DisableMenu(node.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ If win
+ UpdateWindowMenu(win.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ about: Is a menu item enabled.
+ EndRem
+ Method IsEnabled:Int(path:String)
+ Local ret:Int=False
+ If path<>"/"
+ Local node:TMenuItem=ResolvePath(path)
+ If node
+ ret=MenuEnabled(node.gadget)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Return ret
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the an item is selected in the menu.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnMenuItem(path:String, tag:Object)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Popup the menu.
+ about: @win is a gadget to pass to MaxGUI. For some reason you need this, and the docs say it should be a window.
+ When I've tried any gadget would suffice, but don't come crying to me if it stops working for non-window gadgets.
+ EndRem
+ Method Popup(g:TMWidget)
+ PopupWindowMenu(g.gadget,root)
+ End Method
+ Method ToString:String()
+ Return "TMMenu:"+super.ToString()
+ End Method
+End Type
+bbdoc: Defines a managed canvas.
+Type TMCanvas Extends TMWidget
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Creates a managed canvas.
+ returns: The created canvas.
+ about: @x, @y, @w, @h, @group, @style and @gfxflags act the same as the MaxGUI arguments to @CreateTreeView(), except that @group is a TMWidget.
+ EndRem
+ Method Create:TMCanvas(x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int, group:TMWidget, style:Int=0, gfxflags:Int=GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER)
+ OnRedrawEvent=New TMWEventListVoid
+ OnButtonDownEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ OnButtonUpEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ OnMouseMoveEvent=New TMWEventListIntInt
+ OnMouseWheelEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ OnKeyDownEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ OnKeyUpEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ OnKeyEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ BaseInitialise(CreateCanvas(x,y,w,h,group.gadget,style,gfxflags),group)
+ typename="TMCanvas"
+ Return Self
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Set the graphics so that the canvas can be drawn onto.
+ EndRem
+ Method SetupGraphics()
+ SetGraphics(CanvasGraphics(gadget))
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the canvas should be redrawn.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnRedraw()
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the canvas should be redrawn.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnRedrawEvent:TMWEventListVoid
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the a mouse button is pressed.
+ about: @button is the pressed button.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnButtonDown(button:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the a mouse button is pressed.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnButtonDownEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the a mouse button is released.
+ about: @button is the released button.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnButtonUp(button:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the a mouse button is released.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnButtonUpEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the mouse moves.
+ about: @x and @y are the mouse co-ordinates.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnMouseMove(x:Int, y:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the an item is selected.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnMouseMoveEvent:TMWEventListIntInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the mouse wheel moves.
+ about: @delta is the amount the wheel moves.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnMouseWheel(delta:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when the mouse wheel moves.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnMouseWheelEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key is held down.
+ about: @code is the key code.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnKeyDown(code:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key is held down.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnKeyDownEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key is released.
+ about: @code is the key code.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnKeyUp(code:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key is released.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnKeyUpEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key character is generated.
+ about: @code is the unicode value.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnKey(code:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when a key character is generated.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnKeyEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Method Handle(e:TEvent)
+ Select
+ OnRedraw()
+ OnRedrawEvent.Fire(Self)
+ OnButtonDown(
+ OnButtonDownEvent.Fire(Self,
+ OnButtonUp(
+ OnButtonUpEvent.Fire(Self,
+ OnMouseMove(e.x,e.y)
+ OnMouseMoveEvent.Fire(Self,e.x,e.y)
+ OnMouseWheel(
+ OnMouseWheelEvent.Fire(Self,
+ OnKeyDown(
+ OnKeyDownEvent.Fire(Self,
+ OnKeyUp(
+ OnKeyUpEvent.Fire(Self,
+ OnKey(
+ OnKeyEvent.Fire(Self,
+ Default
+ super.Handle(e)
+ End Select
+ End Method
+End Type
+bbdoc: Defines a toolbar.
+Type TMToolbar Extends TMWidget
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Creates a managed toolbar.
+ returns: The created toolbar.
+ about: @source, @group and @style act the same as the MaxGUI arguments to @CreateComboBox(), except that @group is a TMWidget.
+ If @values is not NULL it is used to load up the initial options.
+ <b>IMPORTANT</b>: It is really not recommended to use COMBOBOX_EDITABLE as OnIndexChanged() is called when the user edits the field.
+ There seems to be no easy way to remedy this.
+ EndRem
+ Method Create:TMToolbar(source:Object, group:TMWidget, style:Int=0)
+ OnSelectedEvent=New TMWEventListInt
+ BaseInitialise(CreateToolBar(source,0,0,0,0,group.gadget,style),group)
+ typename="TMToolbar"
+ Return Self
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Adds an item to the toolbar.
+ EndRem
+ Method AddItem(icon:Int, flags:Int=0, tooltip:String=Null)
+ AddGadgetItem(gadget,"",flags,icon,tooltip,Null)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Set the tooltips.
+ EndRem
+ Method SetTooltips(tips:String[])
+ SetToolBarTips(gadget,tips)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Enable or disable a particular item.
+ EndRem
+ Method ItemEnabled(index:Int, state:Int)
+ If state
+ EnableGadgetItem(gadget,index)
+ Else
+ DisableGadgetItem(gadget,index)
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when an icon is selected.
+ about: @index is the selected index.
+ EndRem
+ Method OnSelected(index:Int)
+ End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Called when an icon is selected.
+ EndRem
+ Field OnSelectedEvent:TMWEventListInt
+ Method Handle(e:TEvent)
+ Select
+ OnSelected(
+ OnSelectedEvent.Fire(Self,
+ Default
+ super.Handle(e)
+ End Select
+ End Method
+End Type
bbdoc: Enters the event processing loop.
about: @top is the top level TMWindow For the application. The loop continues Until the @closed Field of this window is TRUE.
@@ -2058,9 +2540,13 @@ End Function
Type Static
Global list:TList
+ Global menu:TList
+ Global menuid:Int
Function Init()
+ menu=CreateList()
+ menuid=0
End Function
@@ -2070,12 +2556,24 @@ Type Static
DebugLog "Got event : " + e.ToString()
If e
- For Local g:TMWidget=EachIn list
- If g And g.gadget And g.gadget=e.source
- DebugLog "Passing event to " + g.ToString()
- g.Handle(e)
- EndIf
- Next
+ If
+ For Local m:TMenuItem=EachIn menu
+ If
+ DebugLog "Passing menu event to " + m.owner.ToString()
+ m.owner.OnMenuItem(m.path,m.tag)
+ If m.callback
+ m.callback(m.owner,m.path,m.tag)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ Else
+ For Local g:TMWidget=EachIn list
+ If g And g.gadget And g.gadget=e.source
+ DebugLog "Passing event to " + g.ToString()
+ g.Handle(e)
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ EndIf
Return e
@@ -2088,18 +2586,23 @@ Type Static
End Function
Function Deregister(w:TMWidget)
- If w.children.Count()
- For Local c:TMWidget=EachIn w.children
- If c
- Deregister(c)
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
End Function
+ Function RegisterMenuItem(m:TMenuItem)
+ menu.AddLast(m)
+ End Function
+ Function DeregisterMenuItem(m:TMenuItem)
+ menu.Remove(m)
+ End Function
+ Function NextMenuID:Int()
+ menuid:+1
+ Return menuid
+ End Function
End Type
Static.Init() \ No newline at end of file