path: root/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
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Diffstat (limited to 'simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx b/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
index 712c61f..bcabdb0 100644
--- a/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
+++ b/simplegui.mod/simplegui.bmx
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+bbdoc: noddybox.simplegui
Module noddybox.simplegui
ModuleInfo "Framework: (Very) Simple GUI"
@@ -12,38 +15,92 @@ Import brl.Max2D
Import brl.Basic
Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+bbdoc: Defines the @TBitmapFont to be used by the GUI.
Type TGUIFont
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The font to use.
+ EndRem
Global font:TBitmapFont
End Type
+bbdoc: The base widget type.
Type TWidget Abstract
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: If true the widget is displayed and can be used.
+ EndRem
Field enabled:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The text displayed in the widget.
+ EndRem
Field text:String
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The X co-ordinate of the widget.
+ EndRem
Field x:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The Y co-ordinate of the widget.
+ EndRem
Field y:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The width of the widget.
+ EndRem
Field w:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The height of the widget.
+ EndRem
Field h:Int
- Field owner:TGUIHandler
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Callback to call when clicked.
+ EndRem
Field callback(w:TWidget)
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: True if the mouse is over this widget, False otherwise.
+ EndRem
Field mouse_over:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The @TGUIHandler that owns this widget.
+ EndRem
+ Field owner:TGUIHandler
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Override this accept keypresses
+ EndRem
Method HandleKey(k:Int)
End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Override this for when the mouse enters. Call this parent version to handle @mouse_over too.
+ EndRem
Method MouseEnter()
End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Override this for when the mouse leaves. Call this parent version to handle @mouse_over too.
+ EndRem
Method MouseLeave()
End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Override to handle a mouse button press.
+ EndRem
Method HandleClick()
End Method
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Must be provided by a widget to draw itself.
+ EndRem
Method Draw() Abstract
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Helper to draw a wireframe rectangle.
+ EndRem
Function DrawBox(x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int)
@@ -51,6 +108,9 @@ Type TWidget Abstract
End Function
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Helper to draw a 3D rectangle.
+ EndRem
Function Draw3DBox(x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int, invert:Int, size:Int=2)
Local f:Int
@@ -82,7 +142,15 @@ Type TWidget Abstract
End Type
+bbdoc: The label widget (simply displays the supplied string)
Type TLabel Extends TWidget
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a TLabel widget.
+ returns: The created widget.
+ about: @gui is the @TGUIHandler object managing this wiget. @x and @y are its position and @text is the text to display in the label.
+ EndRem
Function Create:TLabel(gui:TGUIHandler,x:Int, y:Int, text:String)
Local o:TLabel=New TLabel
@@ -101,9 +169,18 @@ Type TLabel Extends TWidget
End Type
+bbdoc: The text entry widget
Type TText Extends TWidget
Field maxlen:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a TText widget.
+ returns: The created widget.
+ about: @gui is the @TGUIHandler object managing this wiget. @x and @y are its position and @text is the initial text in the widget.
+ about: @maxlen is the maximum number of characters allowed. @callback is called when RETURN is pressed in the text field.
+ EndRem
Function Create:TText(gui:TGUIHandler,x:Int, y:Int, text:String, maxlen:Int, callback(w:TWidget)=Null)
Local o:TText=New TText
@@ -153,9 +230,22 @@ Type TText Extends TWidget
End Method
End Type
+bbdoc: The checkbox widget
Type TCheckbox Extends TWidget
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: True if the box is checked, False otherwise.
+ EndRem
Field checked:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a TCheckox widget.
+ returns: The created widget.
+ about: @gui is the @TGUIHandler object managing this wiget. @x and @y are its position and @text is the text to display by the checkbox.
+ about: @callback is called when the checkbox is toggled.
+ EndRem
Function Create:TCheckbox(gui:TGUIHandler, x:Int, y:Int, text:String, callback(w:TWidget)=Null)
Local o:TCheckbox=New TCheckbox
@@ -195,11 +285,20 @@ Type TCheckbox Extends TWidget
End Method
End Type
+bbdoc: The button widget
Type TButton Extends TWidget
Field ox:Int
Field oy:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a TButton widget.
+ returns: The created widget.
+ about: @gui is the @TGUIHandler object managing this wiget. @x, @y, @w and @h are its position and size, and @text is the text to display in the button.
+ about: @callback is called when the button is pressed.
+ EndRem
Function Create:TButton(gui:TGUIHandler, x:Int, y:Int, w:Int, h:Int, text:String, callback(w:TWidget))
Local o:TButton=New TButton
@@ -233,6 +332,74 @@ Type TButton Extends TWidget
End Method
End Type
+bbdoc: A drop down list type widget
+Type TButtonList Extends TWidget
+ Field options:String[]
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: The selected item.
+ EndRem
+ Field selected:Int
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a TButtonList widget.
+ returns: The created widget.
+ about: @gui is the @TGUIHandler object managing this wiget. @x and @y are its position. @options are the options for the list and
+ about: @selected is the currently selected item. @callback is called when the selection changes.
+ EndRem
+ Function Create:TButtonList(gui:TGUIHandler, x:Int, y:Int, options:String[], selected:Int, callback(w:TWidget))
+ Local o:TButtonList=New TButtonList
+ Local maxw:Int=0
+ o.enabled=True
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.options=options
+ o.selected=selected
+ o.text=options[selected]
+ For Local s:String=EachIn options
+ maxw=Max(maxw,TGUIFont.font.TextWidth(s))
+ Next
+ o.w=maxw+TGUIFont.font.MaxHeight()+4
+ o.h=TGUIFont.font.MaxHeight()+2
+ o.callback=callback
+ gui.Register(o)
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Method HandleClick()
+ Local sel:Int=GUIMenu("Select value",options,x,y)
+ If sel<>-1
+ selected=sel
+ text=options[selected]
+ If callback<>Null
+ callback(Self)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Method Draw()
+ If (mouse_over)
+ SetColor(128,128,128)
+ Else
+ SetColor(64,64,64)
+ EndIf
+ DrawRect(x,y,w,h)
+ Draw3DBox(x+2,y+2,h-4,h-4,False,1)
+ TGUIFont.font.Draw(text,x+TGUIFont.font.MaxHeight()+3,y+1)
+ End Method
+End Type
+bbdoc: Handles the GUI.
Type TGUIHandler
' These are private
@@ -242,8 +409,10 @@ Type TGUIHandler
Field m_over:TWidget
Field m_clicked:TWidget
- ' Creates a new GUI handler
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Create a GUI Handler.
+ returns: The GUI Hanbler.
+ EndRem
Function Create:TGUIHandler()
Local o:TGUIHandler
@@ -257,41 +426,51 @@ Type TGUIHandler
Return o
End Function
- ' Register a widget
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Register a widget.
+ about: Widgets call this themselves.
+ EndRem
Method Register(w:TWidget)
End Method
- ' Clear widgets
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Remove all widgets.
+ EndRem
Method Clear()
End Method
- ' Set the keyboard focus (null for none)
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Sets the keyboard focus to the supplied widget. Pass null for no focus.
+ EndRem
Method SetFocus(w:TWidget)
End Method
- ' Get the keyboard focus (null for none)
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Gets the keyboard focus.
+ returns: The currently focused TWidget, or null for no focus.
+ EndRem
Method GetFocus:TWidget()
Return m_focus
End Method
- ' Gets the last clicked widget
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Gets the last clicked widget.
+ returns: The last clicked TWidget. Null is returned if this is called again before another widget is clicked.
+ EndRem
Method Clicked:TWidget()
Local last:TWidget=m_clicked
Return last
End Method
- ' Perform a loop and any necessary events
- '
+ Rem
+ bbdoc: Perform the event loop and pass any necessary events.
+ about: KeyHit(KEY_MOUSELEFT) and GetChar() are used to consume events for the interface.
+ EndRem
Method EventLoop()
Local x:Int=MouseX()
Local y:Int=MouseY()
@@ -340,6 +519,9 @@ Type TGUIHandler
End Type
+bbdoc: Displays a notification alert with the supplied string.
Function GUINotify(s:String)
Local back:TImage=CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),1,0)
@@ -368,6 +550,10 @@ Function GUINotify(s:String)
End Function
+bbdoc: Displays a yes/no alert with the supplied string.
+returns: True if Yes selected, otherwise False.
Function GUIYesNo:Int(s:String)
Local back:TImage=CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),1,0)
@@ -400,6 +586,11 @@ Function GUIYesNo:Int(s:String)
End Function
+bbdoc: Displays a pop-up menu.
+returns: The index of the selected option, -1 for none.
+about: @title is the menu title, @options the options to display and @x and @y specify its position,.
Function GUIMenu(title:String, options:String[],x,y)
Local f:Int
Local back:TImage=CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight(),1,0)