diff options
-rw-r--r--default.vec2dbin0 -> 620 bytes
-rw-r--r--font.bmfbin0 -> 21036 bytes
-rw-r--r--pointer.pngbin0 -> 237 bytes
5 files changed, 660 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.cvsignore b/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd2c4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/default.vec2d b/default.vec2d
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..175a5d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/default.vec2d
Binary files differ
diff --git a/font.bmf b/font.bmf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..364f158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/font.bmf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pointer.png b/pointer.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9f0ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pointer.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/vec2ddes.bmx b/vec2ddes.bmx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bc65bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vec2ddes.bmx
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+' 2D Vewctor Object desinger.
+' Looks a bit odd as ripped from another in-game designer.
+' Copyright 2005 Ian Cowburn
+' $Id$
+Import noddybox.vectorgfx
+Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+Import noddybox.simplegui
+' Included binaries
+Incbin "font.bmf"
+Incbin "pointer.png"
+' Initialise
+SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
+Graphics 800,600,32,60
+' Globals
+Global font:TBitmapFont=TBitmapFont.Load("incbin::font.bmf",0)
+Global pointer:TImage=LoadImage("incbin::pointer.png",0)
+Global quit:Int=False
+Global filename:String="Default.vec2d"
+Global scale:Double=1.0
+' **** Main
+' **** Types
+Type TDesObj Abstract
+ Field selsize:Int
+ Function LoadFromObject:TDesObj(o:Object) Abstract
+ Method CreateForObject:Object() Abstract
+ Method Draw(normals:Int) Abstract
+ Method DrawSelect() Abstract
+ Method MouseOver:Int(x:Int, y:Int) Abstract
+ Method Drag(x:Int, y:Int) Abstract
+ Method Edit() Abstract
+ Method SetInfo(w:TLabel) Abstract
+ Method Snap() Abstract
+ Method DrawSelBox(x:Double, y:Double)
+ Local x1:Int=x*scale-selsize
+ Local y1:Int=y*scale-selsize
+ Local x2:Int=x*scale+selsize
+ Local y2:Int=y*scale+selsize
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y1)
+ DrawLine(x2,y1,x2,y2)
+ DrawLine(x2,y2,x1,y2)
+ DrawLine(x1,y2,x1,y1)
+ End Method
+ Method InSelBox(px:Double, py:Double, x:Double, y:Double)
+ Local x1:Int=x*scale-selsize
+ Local y1:Int=y*scale-selsize
+ Local x2:Int=x*scale+selsize
+ Local y2:Int=y*scale+selsize
+ Return px>=x1 And px<=x2 And py>=y1 And py<=y2
+ End Method
+ Method DrawCoord(x:Int, y:Int)
+ font.Draw(x+","+y,0,0)
+ End Method
+ Method DoubleString:String(v:Double)
+ Local s:String=v
+ If s.Find(".")<>-1
+ While s.length>1 And s[s.length-1]=Asc("0")
+ s=s[..s.length-1]
+ Wend
+ While s.length>1 And s[s.length-1]=Asc(".")
+ s=s[..s.length-1]
+ Wend
+ EndIf
+ Return s
+ End Method
+ Method BoolString:String(b:Int)
+ If b
+ Return "Yes"
+ Else
+ Return "No "
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Method CalcSnap:Int(p:Int)
+ Return (p+(Designer.GRID/2*Sgn(p)))/Designer.GRID*Designer.GRID
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TDesLine Extends TDesObj
+ Field p1:TDesPoint
+ Field p2:TDesPoint
+ Field r:Int
+ Field g:Int
+ Field b:Int
+ Field id:Int
+ Function Create:TDesLine(p1:TDesPoint,p2:TDesPoint)
+ Local o:TDesLine=New TDesLine
+ o.p1=p1
+ o.p2=p2
+ o.r=255
+ o.g=255
+ o.b=255
+ o.selsize=3
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Function LoadFromObject:TDesObj(o:Object)
+ Local lp:TVectorGfxLine=TVectorGfxLine(o)
+ Local no:TDesLine=New TDesLine
+ no.p1=FindPoint(lp.i1)
+ no.p2=FindPoint(lp.i2)
+ no.r=lp.r
+ no.g=lp.g
+ no.b=lp.b
+ no.selsize=3
+ Return no
+ End Function
+ Method CreateForObject:Object()
+ Return TVectorGfxLine.Create(FindPointIndex(p1),FindPointIndex(p2),r,g,b,id)
+ End Method
+ Method CX:Double()
+ Return p1.x+(p2.x-p1.x)/2.0
+ End Method
+ Method CY:Double()
+ Return p1.y+(p2.y-p1.y)/2.0
+ End Method
+ Method Draw(normals:Int)
+ If normals
+ Local v:TVector=TVector.Create(p2.y-p1.y,p1.x-p2.x)
+ v.Normalise()
+ SetColor(r/2,g/2,b/2)
+ DrawLine(CX()*scale,CY()*scale,CX()*scale+v.x*10,CY()*scale+v.y*10)
+ EndIf
+ SetColor(r,g,b)
+ DrawLine(p1.x*scale,p1.y*scale,p2.x*scale,p2.y*scale)
+ End Method
+ Method DrawSelect()
+ DrawSelBox(CX(),CY())
+ End Method
+ Method MouseOver:Int(x:Int, y:Int)
+ Return InSelBox(x,y,CX(),CY())
+ End Method
+ Method Drag(x:Int, y:Int)
+ x:-CX()
+ y:-CY()
+ p1.x:+x
+ p2.x:+x
+ p1.y:+y
+ p2.y:+y
+ DrawCoord(x,y)
+ End Method
+ Method Edit()
+ Designer.ld_red.text = r
+ Designer.ld_green.text = g
+ Designer.ld_blue.text = b
+ Designer.ld_id.text = id
+ If GUIDialog(Designer.ldialog,Designer.ld_ok,Designer.ld_cancel,pointer)
+ r = Min(255,Designer.ld_red.text.ToInt())
+ g = Min(255,Designer.ld_green.text.ToInt())
+ b = Min(255,Designer.ld_blue.text.ToInt())
+ id = Designer.ld_id.text.ToInt()
+ EndIf
+ End Method
+ Method SetInfo(w:TLabel)
+ w.text=p1.x+","+p1.y+" -> "+p2.x+","+p2.y+" ID:"+id
+ EndMethod
+ Method Snap()
+ p1.x=CalcSnap(p1.x)
+ p1.y=CalcSnap(p1.y)
+ p2.x=CalcSnap(p2.x)
+ p2.y=CalcSnap(p2.y)
+ End Method
+ Method FlipNormal()
+ Local t:TDesPoint=p1
+ p1=p2
+ p2=t
+ End Method
+End Type
+Type TDesPoint Extends TDesObj
+ Field x:Int
+ Field y:Int
+ Function Create:TDesObj(x:Int, y:Int)
+ Local o:TDesPoint=New TDesPoint
+ o.x=x
+ o.y=y
+ o.selsize=3
+ Return o
+ End Function
+ Function LoadFromObject:TDesObj(o:Object)
+ Local lp:TVectorGfxPoint=TVectorGfxPoint(o)
+ Local no:TDesPoint=New TDesPoint
+ no.x=lp.x
+ no.y=lp.y
+ no.selsize=3
+ Return no
+ End Function
+ Method CreateForObject:Object()
+ Return TVectorGfxPoint.Create(x,y)
+ End Method
+ Method Draw(normals:Int)
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ DrawRect(x*scale-1,y*scale-1,3,3)
+ End Method
+ Method DrawSelect()
+ DrawSelBox(x,y)
+ End Method
+ Method MouseOver:Int(x:Int, y:Int)
+ Return InSelBox(x,y,self.x,self.y)
+ End Method
+ Method Drag(x:Int, y:Int)
+ self.x=x
+ self.y=y
+ DrawCoord(x,y)
+ End Method
+ Method Edit()
+ End Method
+ Method SetInfo(w:TLabel)
+ w.text=x+","+y
+ EndMethod
+ Method Snap()
+ x=CalcSnap(x)
+ y=CalcSnap(y)
+ End Method
+End Type
+' **** Globals
+' This type acts as a namespace for global variables
+Type Designer
+ Global GRID:Int=5
+ Global init:Int=False
+ Global obj:TList
+ Global gfx:TVectorGfxObject
+ Global done:Int
+ Global gui:TGUIHandler
+ Global fname_txt:TText
+ Global fname_load:TButton
+ Global fname_save:TButton
+ Global fname_new:TButton
+ Global scale_number:TNumberInt
+ Global grid_number:TNumberInt
+ Global info:TLabel
+ Global grid_check:TCheckbox
+ Global normal_check:TCheckbox
+ Global quitbut:TButton
+ Global ldialog:TGUIHandler
+ Global ld_red:TText
+ Global ld_green:TText
+ Global ld_blue:TText
+ Global ld_id:TText
+ Global ld_ok:TButton
+ Global ld_cancel:TButton
+ Function Initialise()
+ If Not init
+ Local l:TLabel
+ Local p:TPanel
+ obj = CreateList()
+ gfx = New TVectorGfxObject
+ gui = TGUIHandler.Create()
+ TLabel.Create(gui,0,0,"File")
+ fname_txt = TText.Create(gui,70,0,"default.vec2d",32)
+ fname_load = TButton.Create(gui,fname_txt.x+fname_txt.w+10,0,50,15,"Load",LoadCallback)
+ fname_save = TButton.Create(gui,fname_load.x+fname_load.w+10,0,50,fname_load.h,"Save",SaveCallback)
+ fname_new = TButton.Create(gui,fname_save.x+fname_save.w+10,0,50,fname_load.h,"New",NewCallback)
+ TLabel.Create(gui,0,15,"Scale")
+ scale_number = TNumberInt.Create(gui,70,15,ScaleCallback)
+ scale_number.value=scale
+ scale_number.minval=1
+ scale_number.maxval=10
+ scale_number.change=1
+ TLabel.Create(gui,0,30,"Grid size")
+ grid_number = TNumberInt.Create(gui,70,30,GridSizeCallback)
+ grid_number.value=GRID
+ grid_number.minval=2
+ grid_number.maxval=10
+ grid_number.change=1
+ info = TLabel.Create(gui,0,45,"")
+ grid_check = TCheckbox.Create(gui,740,0,"Grid")
+ normal_check = TCheckbox.Create(gui,740,15,"Normals")
+ grid_check.checked= True
+ quitbut = TButton.Create(gui,750,570,49,29,"Quit",QuitCallback)
+ ldialog = TGUIHandler.Create()
+ p = TPanel.Create(ldialog,-1,-1,400,150)
+ l = TLabel.Create(ldialog,p.x+5,p.y+10,"Red:")
+ ld_red = TText.Create(ldialog,l.x+l.w+10,l.y,"",3,TText.NUMERIC|TText.INTEGER|TText.POSITIVE)
+ l = TLabel.Create(ldialog,p.x+5,p.y+30,"Green:")
+ ld_green = TText.Create(ldialog,l.x+l.w+10,l.y,"",3,TText.NUMERIC|TText.INTEGER|TText.POSITIVE)
+ l = TLabel.Create(ldialog,p.x+5,p.y+50,"Blue:")
+ ld_blue = TText.Create(ldialog,l.x+l.w+10,l.y,"",3,TText.NUMERIC|TText.INTEGER|TText.POSITIVE)
+ l = TLabel.Create(ldialog,p.x+5,p.y+70,"Collision ID:")
+ ld_id = TText.Create(ldialog,l.x+l.w+10,l.y,"",30,TText.NUMERIC|TText.INTEGER|TText.POSITIVE)
+ ld_ok = TButton.Create(ldialog,p.x+5,p.y+p.h-25,p.w/2-10,20,"OK",Null)
+ ld_cancel = TButton.Create(ldialog,p.x+p.w/2+5,p.y+p.h-25,p.w/2-10,20,"Cancel",Null)
+ init=True
+ EndIf
+ done = False
+ LoadObject()
+ End Function
+ Function SaveObject()
+ Local lines:TList=CreateList()
+ Local points:TList=CreateList()
+ For Local d:TDesObj=EachIn obj
+ If IsPoint(d)
+ points.AddLast(d.CreateForObject())
+ Else
+ lines.AddLast(d.CreateForObject())
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ gfx.SetPoints(points.ToArray())
+ gfx.SetLines(lines.ToArray())
+ gfx.Save(Designer.fname_txt.text)
+ End Function
+ Function LoadObject()
+ obj.Clear()
+ For Local p:TVectorGfxPoint=EachIn gfx.points
+ obj.AddLast(TDesPoint.LoadFromObject(p))
+ Next
+ For Local l:TVectorGfxLine=EachIn gfx.lines
+ obj.AddLast(TDesLine.LoadFromObject(l))
+ Next
+ End Function
+End Type
+' **** Main Loop
+Function DoDesigner()
+ Designer.Initialise()
+ Designer.done=False
+ Local sel:TDesObj=Null
+ Local drag:Int=False
+ Local sel1:TDesObj=Null
+ Local make_line:Int=False
+ While Not Designer.done
+ Cls
+ '
+ SetOrigin(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2)
+ If Designer.grid_check.checked
+ SetAlpha(0.7)
+ Local x:Int=0
+ While x>-400
+ x:-Designer.GRID
+ Wend
+ While x<=400
+ If x=0
+ SetColor(50,50,255)
+ Else
+ SetColor(50,50,128)
+ EndIf
+ DrawLine(x*scale,-300,x*scale,300)
+ x:+Designer.GRID
+ Wend
+ Local y:Int=0
+ While y>-300
+ y:-Designer.GRID
+ Wend
+ While y<=300
+ If y=0
+ SetColor(50,50,255)
+ Else
+ SetColor(50,50,128)
+ EndIf
+ DrawLine(-400,y*scale,400,y*scale)
+ y:+Designer.GRID
+ Wend
+ SetAlpha(1)
+ EndIf
+ Local x:Int=(MouseX()-GraphicsWidth()/2)
+ Local y:Int=(MouseY()-GraphicsHeight()/2)
+ If Not drag
+ sel=Null
+ EndIf
+ For Local o:TDesObj=EachIn Designer.obj
+ o.Draw(Designer.normal_check.checked)
+ If sel=Null And o.MouseOver(x,y)
+ sel=o
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ If sel<>Null
+ sel.SetInfo(
+ sel.DrawSelect()
+ If make_line And IsPoint(sel)
+ If sel1=Null
+ sel1=sel
+ Else
+ If sel1<>sel
+ make_line=False
+ Designer.obj.AddLast(TDesLine.Create(TDesPoint(sel1),TDesPoint(sel)))
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If drag
+ sel.Drag(x/scale,y/scale)
+ EndIf
+ SetOrigin(0,0)
+ '
+ ' **** END CENTRED
+ If Not drag
+ Designer.gui.EventLoop()
+ EndIf
+ make_line=False
+ If sel<>Null
+ If IsPoint(sel)
+ Select GUIMenu("Point Menu",["Snap to grid","Delete"],MouseX(),MouseY(),pointer)
+ Case 0
+ sel.Snap()
+ Case 1
+ Designer.obj.Remove(sel)
+ For Local d:TDesLine=EachIn Designer.obj
+ If d<>Null And (d.p1=sel Or d.p2=sel)
+ Designer.obj.Remove(d)
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ End Select
+ Else
+ Local l:TDesLine=TDesLine(sel)
+ Select GUIMenu("Line Menu",["Edit","Snap to grid","Flip","Delete"],MouseX(),MouseY(),pointer)
+ Case 0
+ l.Edit()
+ Case 1
+ l.Snap()
+ Case 2
+ l.FlipNormal()
+ Case 3
+ Designer.obj.Remove(l)
+ End Select
+ EndIf
+ Else
+ Select GUIMenu("Create Menu",["Create Point","Create Line"],MouseX(),MouseY(),pointer)
+ Case 0
+ Designer.obj.AddLast(TDesPoint.Create(x/scale,y/scale))
+ Case 1
+ sel1=Null
+ sel=Null
+ make_line=True
+ End Select
+ EndIf
+ sel=Null
+ EndIf
+ If Not drag
+ If KeyDown(KEY_MOUSELEFT) And sel<>Null
+ make_line=False
+ drag=True
+ EndIf
+ Else
+ drag=False
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ If make_line
+ If Not sel1
+ font.Draw("Move to first point",MouseX()+12,MouseY()+12)
+ Else
+ font.Draw("Move to second point",MouseX()+12,MouseY()+12)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ DrawImage(pointer,MouseX(),MouseY())
+ Flip
+ FlushMem
+ Wend
+End Function
+Function IsLine:Int(o:Object)
+ Local p:TDesLine=TDesLine(o)
+ Return p<>Null
+End Function
+Function IsPoint:Int(o:Object)
+ Local p:TDesPoint=TDesPoint(o)
+ Return p<>Null
+End Function
+Function FindPoint:TDesPoint(i:Int)
+ For Local o:Object=EachIn Designer.obj
+ If IsPoint(o)
+ If i=0
+ Return TDesPoint(o)
+ EndIf
+ i:-1
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ Return Null
+End Function
+Function FindPointIndex:Int(p:TDesPoint)
+ Local i:Int=0
+ For Local o:Object=EachIn Designer.obj
+ If IsPoint(o)
+ If o=p
+ Return i
+ EndIf
+ i:+1
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ Return 0
+End Function
+' **** Callbacks
+Function QuitCallback(w:TWidget)
+ Designer.done=GUIYesNo("Quit?",pointer)
+End Function
+Function LoadCallback(w:TWidget)
+ Local o:TVectorGfxObject=TVectorGfxObject.Load(Designer.fname_txt.text)
+ If o<>Null
+ Designer.gfx=o
+ Designer.gfx.x=0
+ Designer.gfx.y=0
+ Designer.gfx.ang=0
+ Designer.LoadObject()
+ Else
+ GUINotify("Failed to load '" + Designer.fname_txt.text + "'",pointer)
+ EndIf
+End Function
+Function SaveCallback(w:TWidget)
+ Designer.SaveObject()
+End Function
+Function NewCallback(w:TWidget)
+ If GUIYesNo("Lose current object?",pointer)
+ Designer.gfx=New TVectorGfxObject
+ Designer.LoadObject()
+ EndIf
+End Function
+Function ScaleCallback(w:TWidget)
+ Local c:TNumberInt=TNumberInt(w)
+ scale=c.value
+End Function
+Function GridSizeCallback(w:TWidget)
+ Local c:TNumberInt=TNumberInt(w)
+ Designer.GRID=c.value
+End Function