Main Menu

Depending on the setting in configuration starting viDOOM you may be asked to pick the game type to edit. Pick one of the games from the menu, or if the menu is cancelled the default game type will be used.

After this you will be presented with the main menu containing the following options.

Edit The Current Level

Edit the current level. See editing for details.

Load Level from open WADs

Selects a level to load from the open IWAD and PWAD files. Note that the level is loaded from the most recent WAD file opened that holds a map for the selected level. If you already have a level open for editing and the Edit The Current Level option has been used then confirmation will be asked before allowing you to procede. This warning can be disabled in the INI file (see overview).

Save Current Level

Saves the map you are currently editing into a PWAD file. This PWAD will only contain the map, and nothing else. So if you have loaded the map from a PWAD that contains any other information (e.g. music, extra sounds, graphics patches) it is not a good idea to save over the original PWAD file. If the saved PWAD filename matches a PWAD that is already loaded, after saving the open PWAD will be closed and then re-opened. This could be important to note as the saved PWAD will now be at the top of the open PWADs.

Note that the saved map must be built with a node builder before it can be played in DOOM if the node bulding section in the config file has not been set up.

Important note: While saving viDOOM will remove any deleted objects from the map, delete any sectors that do no have linedefs attached to them and vertices that are not in use. This is worth remembering as objects will be renumbered if any have been deleted so that they fit together contiguously after saving.

Create New Empty Level

Creates a completely empty level for editing. If you already have a level open for editing and the Edit The Current Level option has been used then confirmation will be asked before allowing you to procede. This warning can be disabled in the INI file (see overview).

Change Current Level Name

Allows the map to be assigned to a different map number. See the glossary for some extra info on map/level numbers.

Open PWAD file

Allows a PWAD file to be opened.

Close PWAD file

Closes one of the currently open PWAD files. Note that viDOOM will not let you unload the IWAD opened at startup.

Preview Level

Allows a level to be previewed without disturbing the level currently being edited. Note that the preview is very basic with linedefs shown as grey lines, vertexes as white pixels and things as red blobs. While in the preview press F1 for help on controlling the display.

About viDOOM

See who was responsible for this.


Exit viDOOM. If you have a level open for editing and the Edit The Current Level option has been used then confirmation will be asked before allowing you to procede. This warning can be disabled in the INI file (see overview).

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$Id: mainmenu.htm,v 1.5 2000/07/19 16:39:26 dosuser Exp dosuser $