path: root/missile_lock.bmx
diff options
authorIan C <>2019-12-14 19:56:02 +0000
committerIan C <>2019-12-14 19:56:02 +0000
commit0cdd3d106b542c4f7e04aea56390363d2cb2a93d (patch)
tree70edcd9098df22774fac5997477b0fb3c33180ec /missile_lock.bmx
parentc6819b88a79e3ebe7f5d7c69c292b7b29a2d818e (diff)
Updates to work with new BlitzMax.
Diffstat (limited to 'missile_lock.bmx')
1 files changed, 488 insertions, 488 deletions
diff --git a/missile_lock.bmx b/missile_lock.bmx
index b8575ec..1ec92f3 100644
--- a/missile_lock.bmx
+++ b/missile_lock.bmx
@@ -1,488 +1,488 @@
-' Missile Lock
-' Copyright (C) 2006 Ian Cowburn (
-' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-' the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-' (at your option) any later version.
-' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-' GNU General Public License for more details.
-' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-' along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-' Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
-' $Id$
-Framework brl.basic
-Import brl.max2d
-Import brl.glmax2d
-Import brl.d3d7max2d
-Import noddybox.bitmapfont
-Import noddybox.keysyms
-Import noddybox.showlicense
-Import "global.bmx"
-Import "gametypes.bmx"
-'Import "game.bmx"
-Import "particle.bmx"
-'Import "help.bmx"
-Import "sound.bmx"
-Incbin "short_license.txt"
-Incbin "license.txt"
-' ===================================
-' Initialise
-' ===================================
-If Switch("--directx")
- SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
- SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
-Graphics 800,600,32,HERTZ
-' ===================================
-' Globals
-' ===================================
-GFX.Init() ' MUST be first
-If Not GameConfig.accepted
- If Not ShowLicense("MISSILE LOCK -- LICENSE","incbin::short_license.txt","incbin::license.txt")
- EndGraphics()
- End
- EndIf
- GameConfig.accepted=True
- GameConfig.Save()
-Global quit:Int=False
-Global start_level:Int=1
-' ===================================
-' Main
-' ===================================
-While Not quit
- Local start_bonus:Int=1000*(start_level-1)
- GameState.Reset()
- GameState.SetLevel(start_level)
- MissileSet.StartLevel()
- AsteroidSet.StartLevel()
- While Not GameState.game_over
- Local alert_timer:Int=200
- SFX.Alert()
- While Not GameState.game_over And Not MissileSet.AllDestroyed()
- Cls()
- If alert_timer
- alert_timer:-1
- If alert_timer Mod 60 < 30
- GFX.font.Centre("RED ALERT!",300,255,0,0)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ResetCollisions()
- Backdrop.Draw()
- Particles.Draw()
- Trail.Draw()
- GameState.Control()
- GameState.Move()
- SetRotation(GameState.ang)
- If GameState.shield
- SetColor(Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255))
- Else
- SetColor(255,255,255)
- EndIf
- DrawImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y)
- SetRotation(0)
- MissileSet.Update()
- AsteroidSet.Update()
- Local col:Object[]=CollideImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y,0,ALL_LAYERS,0)
- If Not GameState.shield Then
- If col
- GameState.ShieldDown()
- Particles.AddExplosion(GameState.x,GameState.y)
- For Local m:Missile=EachIn col
- If m
- MissileSet.RemoveMissile(m)
- GameState.AddScore(1*GameState.level)
- Exit
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If GameState.pause
- GFX.font.Centre("PAUSED!",300,255,255,0)
- EndIf
- GameState.Display()
- Flip(1)
- If GameState.pause
- GameState.pause=False
- While Not KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
- Wend
- EndIf
- Wend
- If Not GameState.game_over
- AsteroidSet.Nuke()
- Local bonus=100*GameState.level
- Local added:Int=0
- Local timer:Int=Max(HERTZ*5,bonus/10+HERTZ*3)
- Local bt:Int=0
- If GameState.gonads
- GameState.AddScore(9999+(GameState.level-1)*10000)
- EndIf
- If Not GameState.hit
- GameState.AddScore(500*GameState.level)
- EndIf
- If start_bonus
- GameState.AddScore(start_bonus)
- EndIf
- If GameState.bonus_timer
- bonus:+GameState.bonus_timer
- bt=GameState.bonus_timer
- EndIf
- GameState.bonus_timer=0
- While timer And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
- Cls()
- ResetCollisions()
- GameState.ShieldShip()
- Backdrop.Draw()
- Particles.Draw()
- Trail.Draw()
- GameState.Control()
- GameState.Move()
- SetRotation(GameState.ang)
- If GameState.shield
- SetColor(Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255))
- Else
- SetColor(255,255,255)
- EndIf
- DrawImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y)
- SetRotation(0)
- GFX.font.Centre("LEVEL " + GameState.level + " COMPLETED!",200,255,255,0)
- GFX.font.Centre("BONUS " + Number.Format(added) + "!!!",400,255,255,0)
- If bt
- GFX.font.Centre("TIMER BONUS " + bt + "!!!",420,255,255,0)
- EndIf
- Local y:Int=440
- If Not GameState.hit
- GFX.font.Centre("PERFECT BONUS " + (500*GameState.level) + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
- y:+20
- EndIf
- If start_bonus
- GFX.font.Centre("STARTING LEVEL BONUS " + start_bonus + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
- y:+20
- EndIf
- If GameState.gonads
- GFX.font.Centre("SECRET GONADS OF STEEL BONUS " + (9999+(GameState.level-1)*10000) + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
- y:+20
- EndIf
- If added<bonus
- GameState.AddScore(10)
- added:+10
- EndIf
- If timer<HERTZ*2
- GFX.font.Centre("GET READY!",300)
- EndIf
- If GameState.pause
- GFX.font.Centre("PAUSED!",300,255,255,0)
- EndIf
- GameState.Display()
- Flip(1)
- If GameState.pause
- GameState.pause=False
- While Not KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
- Wend
- EndIf
- timer:-1
- Wend
- start_bonus=0
- GameState.AddScore(bonus-added)
- GameState.LevelUp()
- MissileSet.StartLevel()
- AsteroidSet.StartLevel()
- EndIf
- Wend
- GameConfig.maxlevel=Max(GameState.level,GameConfig.maxlevel)
- GameConfig.Save()
- MissileSet.Nuke()
- AsteroidSet.Nuke()
- Particles.AddBigExplosion(GameState.x,GameState.y)
- FlushKeys()
- Local timer:Int=0
- While Not KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) And timer<HERTZ*5
- Cls()
- Backdrop.Draw()
- Particles.Draw()
- Trail.Draw()
- GameState.Display()
- SetScale(3,3)
- GFX.font.Centre("GAME OVER!",280)
- SetScale(1,1)
- Flip(1)
- timer:+1
- Wend
- TFadeScreen.DoFadeOut()
- Menu()
-' ===================================
-' Argument Routines
-' ===================================
-Function Switch:Int(s:String)
- For Local a:String=EachIn AppArgs
- If a=s
- Return True
- EndIf
- Next
- Return False
-End Function
-' ===================================
-' Menu Routines
-' ===================================
-Function Menu()
- Local fade:TFadeScreen=TFadeScreen.FadeIn()
- Local done:Int=False
- Local defkey:Int=0
- Particles.Clear()
- While Not done
- Cls
- Rem
- If Rand(100)>90
- Local x:Int=Rand(0,800)
- Local y:Int=Rand(0,600)
- Particles.AddScaledImage(GFX.fireball,x,y,0.1)
- End If
- End Rem
- Backdrop.Draw()
- Particles.Draw()
- Scroller.Draw(560)
- SetColor(255,255,255)
- DrawImage(GFX.title,0,0)
- If defkey>0
- If defkey=5
- Else
- GFX.font.Centre("DEFINE KEYS",350)
- GFX.font.Centre("PRESS ESCAPE TO CANCEL",380)
- EndIf
- Local c1:Int=128+128*(defkey=1)
- Local c2:Int=128+128*(defkey=2)
- Local c3:Int=128+128*(defkey=3)
- Local c4:Int=128+128*(defkey=4)
- GFX.font.Draw("LEFT",250,200,c1,c1,c1)
- GFX.font.Draw("RIGHT",250,220,c2,c2,c2)
- GFX.font.Draw("THRUST",250,240,c3,c3,c3)
- GFX.font.Draw("PAUSE",250,260,c4,c4,c4)
- GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kleft),500,200,c1,c1,0)
- GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kright),500,220,c2,c2,0)
- GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kthrust),500,240,c3,c3,0)
- GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kpause),500,260,c4,c4,0)
- Local k:Int=-1
- For Local f:Int=0 To 255
- If KeyHit(f)
- k=f
- Continue
- EndIf
- Next
- GameConfig.Load()
- defkey=0
- FlushKeys()
- ElseIf k<>-1
- Select defkey
- Case 1
- GameConfig.kleft=k
- Case 2
- GameConfig.kright=k
- Case 3
- GameConfig.kthrust=k
- Case 4
- GameConfig.kpause=k
- End Select
- defkey:+1
- If defkey=6
- GameConfig.Save()
- defkey=0
- FlushKeys()
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Else
- done=True
- quit=True
- EndIf
- If KeyHit(GameConfig.kthrust)
- done=True
- EndIf
- If KeyHit(KEY_R)
- defkey=1
- FlushKeys()
- EndIf
- If GameConfig.maxlevel>1
- If KeyHit(KEY_LEFT) Or KeyHit(KEY_DOWN)
- start_level=start_level-1
- If start_level<1
- start_level=GameConfig.maxlevel
- EndIf
- ElseIf KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT) Or KeyHit(KEY_UP)
- start_level=start_level+1
- If start_level>GameConfig.maxlevel
- start_level=1
- EndIf
- End If
- EndIf
- GFX.font.Centre("COPYRIGHT (C) NODDYBOX 2006",200)
- GFX.font.Centre("HTTP://WWW.NODDYBOX.CO.UK/",226)
- GFX.font.Centre("THANKS TO",300)
- Thanks.Draw(326)
- GFX.font.Centre("PRESS " + KeySym(GameConfig.kthrust).ToUpper() + " TO PLAY",400)
- If GameConfig.maxlevel>1
- GFX.font.Centre("CURSORS TO SELECT STARTING LEVEL: "+start_level,450)
- EndIf
- GFX.font.Centre("PRESS R TO REDEFINE KEYS",480)
- GFX.font.Centre("PRESS ESCAPE TO QUIT",500)
- EndIf
- If fade
- If fade.Fade()
- fade.Draw()
- Else
- fade=Null
- EndIf
- EndIf
- GameState.Display()
- Flip(1)
- Wend
- Particles.Clear()
- TFadeScreen.DoFadeOut()
-End Function
+' Missile Lock
+' Copyright (C) 2006 Ian Cowburn (
+' This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+' it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+' the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+' (at your option) any later version.
+' This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+' GNU General Public License for more details.
+' You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+' along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+' Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+' $Id$
+Framework brl.basic
+Import brl.max2d
+Import brl.glmax2d
+Import brl.d3d7max2d
+Import noddybox.bitmapfont
+Import noddybox.keysyms
+Import noddybox.showlicense
+Import "global.bmx"
+Import "gametypes.bmx"
+'Import "game.bmx"
+Import "particle.bmx"
+'Import "help.bmx"
+Import "sound.bmx"
+Incbin "short_license.txt"
+Incbin "license.txt"
+' ===================================
+' Initialise
+' ===================================
+If Switch("--directx")
+ SetGraphicsDriver D3D7Max2DDriver()
+ SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
+Graphics 800,600,32
+' ===================================
+' Globals
+' ===================================
+GFX.Init() ' MUST be first
+If Not GameConfig.accepted
+ If Not ShowLicense("MISSILE LOCK -- LICENSE","incbin::short_license.txt","incbin::license.txt")
+ EndGraphics()
+ End
+ EndIf
+ GameConfig.accepted=True
+ GameConfig.Save()
+Global quit:Int=False
+Global start_level:Int=1
+' ===================================
+' Main
+' ===================================
+While Not quit
+ Local start_bonus:Int=1000*(start_level-1)
+ GameState.Reset()
+ GameState.SetLevel(start_level)
+ MissileSet.StartLevel()
+ AsteroidSet.StartLevel()
+ While Not GameState.game_over
+ Local alert_timer:Int=200
+ SFX.Alert()
+ While Not GameState.game_over And Not MissileSet.AllDestroyed()
+ Cls()
+ If alert_timer
+ alert_timer:-1
+ If alert_timer Mod 60 < 30
+ GFX.font.Centre("RED ALERT!",300,255,0,0)
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ ResetCollisions()
+ Backdrop.Draw()
+ Particles.Draw()
+ Trail.Draw()
+ GameState.Control()
+ GameState.Move()
+ SetRotation(GameState.ang)
+ If GameState.shield
+ SetColor(Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255))
+ Else
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ EndIf
+ DrawImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y)
+ SetRotation(0)
+ MissileSet.Update()
+ AsteroidSet.Update()
+ Local col:Object[]=CollideImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y,0,ALL_LAYERS,0)
+ If Not GameState.shield Then
+ If col
+ GameState.ShieldDown()
+ Particles.AddExplosion(GameState.x,GameState.y)
+ For Local m:Missile=EachIn col
+ If m
+ MissileSet.RemoveMissile(m)
+ GameState.AddScore(1*GameState.level)
+ Exit
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ If GameState.pause
+ GFX.font.Centre("PAUSED!",300,255,255,0)
+ EndIf
+ GameState.Display()
+ Flip(-1)
+ If GameState.pause
+ GameState.pause=False
+ While Not KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
+ Wend
+ EndIf
+ Wend
+ If Not GameState.game_over
+ AsteroidSet.Nuke()
+ Local bonus=100*GameState.level
+ Local added:Int=0
+ Local timer:Int=Max(HERTZ*5,bonus/10+HERTZ*3)
+ Local bt:Int=0
+ If GameState.gonads
+ GameState.AddScore(9999+(GameState.level-1)*10000)
+ EndIf
+ If Not GameState.hit
+ GameState.AddScore(500*GameState.level)
+ EndIf
+ If start_bonus
+ GameState.AddScore(start_bonus)
+ EndIf
+ If GameState.bonus_timer
+ bonus:+GameState.bonus_timer
+ bt=GameState.bonus_timer
+ EndIf
+ GameState.bonus_timer=0
+ While timer And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
+ Cls()
+ ResetCollisions()
+ GameState.ShieldShip()
+ Backdrop.Draw()
+ Particles.Draw()
+ Trail.Draw()
+ GameState.Control()
+ GameState.Move()
+ SetRotation(GameState.ang)
+ If GameState.shield
+ SetColor(Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255),Rand(0,255))
+ Else
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ EndIf
+ DrawImage(GFX.ship,GameState.x,GameState.y)
+ SetRotation(0)
+ GFX.font.Centre("LEVEL " + GameState.level + " COMPLETED!",200,255,255,0)
+ GFX.font.Centre("BONUS " + Number.Format(added) + "!!!",400,255,255,0)
+ If bt
+ GFX.font.Centre("TIMER BONUS " + bt + "!!!",420,255,255,0)
+ EndIf
+ Local y:Int=440
+ If Not GameState.hit
+ GFX.font.Centre("PERFECT BONUS " + (500*GameState.level) + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
+ y:+20
+ EndIf
+ If start_bonus
+ GFX.font.Centre("STARTING LEVEL BONUS " + start_bonus + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
+ y:+20
+ EndIf
+ If GameState.gonads
+ GFX.font.Centre("SECRET GONADS OF STEEL BONUS " + (9999+(GameState.level-1)*10000) + "!!!",y,255,255,0)
+ y:+20
+ EndIf
+ If added<bonus
+ GameState.AddScore(10)
+ added:+10
+ EndIf
+ If timer<HERTZ*2
+ GFX.font.Centre("GET READY!",300)
+ EndIf
+ If GameState.pause
+ GFX.font.Centre("PAUSED!",300,255,255,0)
+ EndIf
+ GameState.Display()
+ Flip(-1)
+ If GameState.pause
+ GameState.pause=False
+ While Not KeyHit(GameConfig.kpause) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
+ Wend
+ EndIf
+ timer:-1
+ Wend
+ start_bonus=0
+ GameState.AddScore(bonus-added)
+ GameState.LevelUp()
+ MissileSet.StartLevel()
+ AsteroidSet.StartLevel()
+ EndIf
+ Wend
+ GameConfig.maxlevel=Max(GameState.level,GameConfig.maxlevel)
+ GameConfig.Save()
+ MissileSet.Nuke()
+ AsteroidSet.Nuke()
+ Particles.AddBigExplosion(GameState.x,GameState.y)
+ FlushKeys()
+ Local timer:Int=0
+ While Not KeyHit(KEY_SPACE) And Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) And timer<HERTZ*5
+ Cls()
+ Backdrop.Draw()
+ Particles.Draw()
+ Trail.Draw()
+ GameState.Display()
+ SetScale(3,3)
+ GFX.font.Centre("GAME OVER!",280)
+ SetScale(1,1)
+ Flip(-1)
+ timer:+1
+ Wend
+ TFadeScreen.DoFadeOut()
+ Menu()
+' ===================================
+' Argument Routines
+' ===================================
+Function Switch:Int(s:String)
+ For Local a:String=EachIn AppArgs
+ If a=s
+ Return True
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ Return False
+End Function
+' ===================================
+' Menu Routines
+' ===================================
+Function Menu()
+ Local fade:TFadeScreen=TFadeScreen.FadeIn()
+ Local done:Int=False
+ Local defkey:Int=0
+ Particles.Clear()
+ While Not done
+ Cls
+ Rem
+ If Rand(100)>90
+ Local x:Int=Rand(0,800)
+ Local y:Int=Rand(0,600)
+ Particles.AddScaledImage(GFX.fireball,x,y,0.1)
+ End If
+ End Rem
+ Backdrop.Draw()
+ Particles.Draw()
+ Scroller.Draw(560)
+ SetColor(255,255,255)
+ DrawImage(GFX.title,0,0)
+ If defkey>0
+ If defkey=5
+ Else
+ GFX.font.Centre("DEFINE KEYS",350)
+ GFX.font.Centre("PRESS ESCAPE TO CANCEL",380)
+ EndIf
+ Local c1:Int=128+128*(defkey=1)
+ Local c2:Int=128+128*(defkey=2)
+ Local c3:Int=128+128*(defkey=3)
+ Local c4:Int=128+128*(defkey=4)
+ GFX.font.Draw("LEFT",250,200,c1,c1,c1)
+ GFX.font.Draw("RIGHT",250,220,c2,c2,c2)
+ GFX.font.Draw("THRUST",250,240,c3,c3,c3)
+ GFX.font.Draw("PAUSE",250,260,c4,c4,c4)
+ GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kleft),500,200,c1,c1,0)
+ GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kright),500,220,c2,c2,0)
+ GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kthrust),500,240,c3,c3,0)
+ GFX.font.Draw(KeySym(GameConfig.kpause),500,260,c4,c4,0)
+ Local k:Int=-1
+ For Local f:Int=0 To 255
+ If KeyHit(f)
+ k=f
+ Continue
+ EndIf
+ Next
+ GameConfig.Load()
+ defkey=0
+ FlushKeys()
+ ElseIf k<>-1
+ Select defkey
+ Case 1
+ GameConfig.kleft=k
+ Case 2
+ GameConfig.kright=k
+ Case 3
+ GameConfig.kthrust=k
+ Case 4
+ GameConfig.kpause=k
+ End Select
+ defkey:+1
+ If defkey=6
+ GameConfig.Save()
+ defkey=0
+ FlushKeys()
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ Else
+ done=True
+ quit=True
+ EndIf
+ If KeyHit(GameConfig.kthrust)
+ done=True
+ EndIf
+ If KeyHit(KEY_R)
+ defkey=1
+ FlushKeys()
+ EndIf
+ If GameConfig.maxlevel>1
+ If KeyHit(KEY_LEFT) Or KeyHit(KEY_DOWN)
+ start_level=start_level-1
+ If start_level<1
+ start_level=GameConfig.maxlevel
+ EndIf
+ ElseIf KeyHit(KEY_RIGHT) Or KeyHit(KEY_UP)
+ start_level=start_level+1
+ If start_level>GameConfig.maxlevel
+ start_level=1
+ EndIf
+ End If
+ EndIf
+ GFX.font.Centre("COPYRIGHT (C) NODDYBOX 2006",200)
+ GFX.font.Centre("HTTP://WWW.NODDYBOX.CO.UK/",226)
+ GFX.font.Centre("THANKS TO",300)
+ Thanks.Draw(326)
+ GFX.font.Centre("PRESS " + KeySym(GameConfig.kthrust).ToUpper() + " TO PLAY",400)
+ If GameConfig.maxlevel>1
+ GFX.font.Centre("CURSORS TO SELECT STARTING LEVEL: "+start_level,450)
+ EndIf
+ GFX.font.Centre("PRESS R TO REDEFINE KEYS",480)
+ GFX.font.Centre("PRESS ESCAPE TO QUIT",500)
+ EndIf
+ If fade
+ If fade.Fade()
+ fade.Draw()
+ Else
+ fade=Null
+ EndIf
+ EndIf
+ GameState.Display()
+ Flip(-1)
+ Wend
+ Particles.Clear()
+ TFadeScreen.DoFadeOut()
+End Function