diff options
authorIan C <>2005-04-27 00:04:48 +0000
committerIan C <>2005-04-27 00:04:48 +0000
commit3ecd4938767e9fab5a80861fc755dd303da7cfb3 (patch)
parent6982662a9ce191b52cb908909c003a3d093faa5b (diff)
Document updates and fixed use of <cfloat> in OpenGL
4 files changed, 377 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/docs/msGLExport.txt b/docs/msGLExport.txt
index f3cb54b..8eff565 100644
--- a/docs/msGLExport.txt
+++ b/docs/msGLExport.txt
@@ -1 +1,213 @@
-!! TODO !!
+ Milkshape Simple OpenGL Exporter
+ --------------------------------
+This exporter outputs simple OpenGL as either C-source or BlitzMax compatible
+To use select 'Simple OpenGL' from the 'Export' menu. When activated a dialog
+is displayed with the following items:
+ A text box with some basic info on the model and what will be created.
+ The directory that the sources will be generated in. Use the button
+ with the 3 periods to the left to select the directory.
+Class/Function name
+ The name of the generated function or class.
+Use Textures
+ Outputs the required 2D texture commands.
+Generate Info
+ Defines some macros or constants that define info on the model,
+ such as its size, largest co-ordinates and centre of gravity.
+Force COG to 0,0,0
+ The centre of gravity of the model is defined as the mid-point between
+ the most distance vertices. If you select this then the co-ordinates
+ are adjusted so that the model is centered on 0,0,0.
+Generate for BlitzMax
+ If selected generates source for use with BlitzMax, otherwise C sources
+ are generated. See the following sections describing what's generated
+ for each language type.
+Generate for lit scenes
+ If selected then the appropriate Open GL commands are output setting
+ the ambient, diffuse, specular and emissive colours.
+ If not selected, then the vertexes are given a simple colour taken
+ from the materials diffuse colour (or white if no material is
+ defined).
+C Usage
+To use the C source in your project, assuming you gave the function name as
+Test, simply include Test.c and #include "Test.h" to use the model. The
+function either has the prototype:
+void Test(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
+ GLfloat rot_x, GLfloat rot_y, GLfloat rot_z)
+or if 'Use Textures' was selected:
+void Test(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,
+ GLfloat rot_x, GLfloat rot_y, GLfloat rot_z,
+ GLint texture_id);
+Simply call it with a position and rotation (and texture ID if needed) to draw
+the model. Obviously the function can be called as many times as required
+during scene generation.
+Also generated is this function:
+int Test2_CreateList(void);
+If this is called then a OpenGL display list for the model is created (the
+function returns FALSE if the list couldn't be created). The Test() function
+will automatically use this list once it's created.
+If 'Generate Info' was selected, then the following macros are defined:
+ Defines the COG of the model (always zeros if 'Force COG ...' was
+ selected).
+ The maximum and minimum vertex values for each axis.
+ The size of the model along each axis.
+ Set to one if 'Use Textures' was selected. Otherwise zero.
+ Set to one if 'Generate for lit scenes' was selected. Otherwise zero.
+BlitzMAX Usage
+To use the source in your project, assuming you gave the function name as
+Test, simply include "Test.bmx" to use the model. This defines a class called
+Test, which has the following fields:
+Field x:Float
+Field y:Float
+Field z:Float
+Field rot_x:Float
+Field rot_y:Float
+Field rot_z:Float
+ These defines the position and orientation of each instance.
+Function Create:Test()
+ Used to create an instance.
+Method Render() *OR*
+Method Render(texture_id:Int)
+ Renders the model (with the supplied texture if 'Use Textures' was
+ selected).
+Function CreateDisplayList:Int()
+ Creates a common OpenGL display list used by all instances of the
+ class. Returns True if the list was created, otherwise False.
+ Note that Render() will use the display list automatically if it's
+ been created.
+If 'Generate Info' was selected, then the following constants are defined:
+Const COG_X:Float
+Const COG_Y:Float
+Const COG_Z:Float
+ Defines the COG of the model (always zeros if 'Force COG ...' was
+ selected).
+Const MIN_X:Float
+Const MAX_X:Float
+Const MIN_Y:Float
+Const MAX_Y:Float
+Const MIN_Z:Float
+Const MAX_Z:Float
+ The maximum and minimum vertex values for each axis.
+Const SIZE_X:Float
+Const SIZE_Y:Float
+Const SIZE_Z:Float
+ The size of the model along each axis.
+ Set to True if 'Use Textures' was selected. Otherwise False.
+ Set to True if 'Generate for lit scenes' was selected. Otherwise False.
diff --git a/docs/msGrpExplode.txt b/docs/msGrpExplode.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85668f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/msGrpExplode.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Milkshape Group Exploder
+ ------------------------
+This tool simply allows you to explode a group so that all the triangles in
+it are now in a group of their own.
+To use select 'Group Exploder' from the 'Tools' menu. When activated a dialog
+is displayed with the following items:
+Select Group to explode
+ Simply select the group name to explode.
+Remove original mesh
+ If this is selected then the original group is removed.
+Collate triangles with identical normals
+ If this is selected then traingles where the vertex normals all match
+ (ie. they are on the same plane) are grouped together into a group.
+ For instance, if exploding a cube then you end up with 6 new groups,
+ each containing two triangles that make up one face of the cube.
+When OK is selected the group is exploded and new groups created. These new
+groups will be assigned the same material as the original group.
diff --git a/opengl/dialog.rc b/opengl/dialog.rc
index f0b6995..3a6fcae 100644
--- a/opengl/dialog.rc
+++ b/opengl/dialog.rc
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ GL_DIALOG DIALOG 100, 100, 340, 185
AUTOCHECKBOX "Use Textures", IDC_CHK_TEXTURE, 5,130,60,10
AUTOCHECKBOX "Generate Info", IDC_CHK_DEFINE, 110,130,85,10
AUTOCHECKBOX "Force COG to 0,0,0", IDC_CHK_FORCECOG, 215,130,75,10
- AUTOCHECKBOX "Generate for Blitz MAX", IDC_CHK_BLITZMAX, 5,145,85,10
+ AUTOCHECKBOX "Generate for BlitzMax", IDC_CHK_BLITZMAX, 5,145,85,10
AUTOCHECKBOX "Generate for lit scenes", IDC_CHK_VERTNORM, 110,145,85,10
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", IDC_BUT_CANCEL, 170,165,75,15
diff --git a/opengl/generate.cpp b/opengl/generate.cpp
index 960fd7c..94da651 100644
--- a/opengl/generate.cpp
+++ b/opengl/generate.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
-#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cfloat>
#include <w32dlib/w32dlib.h>
#include "generate.h"
#include "msLib.h"
@@ -13,9 +15,6 @@
#define INDENT " "
#define EOL "\r\n"
-#define FLT_MAX 10e35
-#define FLT_MIN -10e35
// Construction/Destruction
@@ -308,6 +307,10 @@ void Generate::GenerateC(HWND parent)
+ Output("/* Returns true if a display list "
+ "could be created for the model */\n");
+ Output("int %s_CreateList(void);\n\n",m_funcName.c_str());
if (m_useInfo)
Output("#define %s_COG_X %f\n",def.c_str(),m_cogx-m_appcogx);
@@ -331,6 +334,7 @@ void Generate::GenerateC(HWND parent)
Output("#define %s_TEXTURED %d\n\n",def.c_str(),m_useTexture?1:0);
+ Output("#define %s_MATERIALS %d\n\n",def.c_str(),m_normals?1:0);
Output("%s","#ifdef _cplusplus\n}\n#endif\n\n");
@@ -352,6 +356,40 @@ void Generate::GenerateC(HWND parent)
Output("%s","#include <GL/gl.h>\n\n");
+ Output("static GLuint list_id=GL_INVALID_VALUE;\n\n");
+ Output("static void Geometry(void)\n");
+ Output("{\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ if (m_normals)
+ {
+ Output("GLfloat ambient[4];\n");
+ Output("GLfloat diffuse[4];\n");
+ Output("GLfloat specular[4];\n");
+ Output("GLfloat emission[4];\n");
+ Output("\n");
+ }
+ GenerateCommon(missing,";","/*","*/");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("}\n\n");
+ Output("int %s_CreateList(void)\n",m_funcName.c_str());
+ Output("{\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("list_id=glGenLists(1);\n");
+ Output("if (list_id==GL_INVALID_VALUE) return 0;\n");
+ Output("glNewList(list_id,GL_COMPILE);\n");
+ Output("Geometry();\n");
+ Output("glEndList();\n");
+ Output("return 1;\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("}\n\n");
Output("void %s(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z,\n",
Output("%sGLfloat rot_x, GLfloat rot_y, GLfloat rot_z",
@@ -370,16 +408,35 @@ void Generate::GenerateC(HWND parent)
- if (m_normals)
+ Output("glPushMatrix();\n");
+ Output("glLoadIdentity();\n");
+ Output("glTranslatef(x,y,z);\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_x,1,0,0);\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_y,0,1,0);\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_z,0,0,1);\n");
+ if (m_useTexture)
- Output("GLfloat ambient[4];\n");
- Output("GLfloat diffuse[4];\n");
- Output("GLfloat specular[4];\n");
- Output("GLfloat emission[4];\n");
- Output("\n");
+ Output("glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture_id);\n");
- GenerateCommon(missing,";","/*","*/");
+ Output("\n");
+ Output("if (list_id==GL_INVALID_VALUE)\n");
+ Output("{\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("Geometry();\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("}\n");
+ Output("else\n");
+ Output("{\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("glCallList(list_id);\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("}\n");
+ Output("\n");
+ Output("glPopMatrix();\n");
@@ -446,6 +503,7 @@ void Generate::GenerateBlitzMax(HWND parent)
Output("Const SIZE_Z:Float=%f\n\n",sz);
Output("const TEXTURED:Int=%s\n",m_useTexture ? "true":"false");
+ Output("const MATERIALS:Int=%s\n",m_normals ? "true":"false");
@@ -460,6 +518,11 @@ void Generate::GenerateBlitzMax(HWND parent)
Output("Field rot_z:Float\n");
+ Output("' This field should be considered private\n");
+ Output("'\n");
+ Output("Global list_id:Int=GL_INVALID_VALUE\n");
+ Output("\n");
Output("' Use this function to create an instance\n");
Output("Function Create:%s()\n",m_funcName.c_str());
@@ -476,6 +539,21 @@ void Generate::GenerateBlitzMax(HWND parent)
Output("End Function\n");
+ Output("' Use this function to setup a display list.\n");
+ Output("' Returns True it the display list is created.\n");
+ Output("'\n");
+ Output("Function CreateDisplayList:Int()\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("list_id=glGenLists(1)\n");
+ Output("if (list_id=GL_INVALID_VALUE) then return False\n");
+ Output("glNewList(list_id,GL_COMPILE)\n");
+ Output("Geometry()\n");
+ Output("glEndList()\n");
+ Output("return True\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("End Function\n");
+ Output("\n");
Output("' Use this member to draw the object\n");
@@ -490,6 +568,44 @@ void Generate::GenerateBlitzMax(HWND parent)
+ Output("glPushMatrix()\n");
+ Output("glLoadIdentity()\n");
+ Output("glTranslatef(x,y,z)\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_x,1,0,0)\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_y,0,1,0)\n");
+ Output("glRotatef(rot_z,0,0,1)\n");
+ if (m_useTexture)
+ {
+ Output("glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture_id)\n");
+ }
+ Output("\n");
+ Output("If (list_id=GL_INVALID_VALUE)\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("Geometry()\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("Else\n");
+ m_indent++;
+ Output("glCallList(list_id)\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("End If\n");
+ Output("\n");
+ Output("glPopMatrix()\n");
+ m_indent--;
+ Output("End Method\n");
+ Output("\n");
+ Output("' This function should be considered private.\n");
+ Output("'\n");
+ Output("Function Geometry()\n");
+ m_indent++;
if (m_normals)
Output("Local ambient:Float[4]\n");
@@ -503,7 +619,7 @@ void Generate::GenerateBlitzMax(HWND parent)
- Output("End Method\n");
+ Output("End Function\n");
@@ -528,19 +644,6 @@ void Generate::GenerateCommon(std::string& missing,
int last_mat=-1;
- Output("glPushMatrix()%s\n",term);
- Output("glLoadIdentity()%s\n",term);
- Output("glTranslatef(x,y,z)%s\n",term);
- Output("glRotatef(rot_x,1,0,0)%s\n",term);
- Output("glRotatef(rot_y,0,1,0)%s\n",term);
- Output("glRotatef(rot_z,0,0,1)%s\n",term);
- if (m_useTexture)
- {
- Output("glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,texture_id)%s\n",term);
- }
- Output("\n");
@@ -621,7 +724,6 @@ void Generate::GenerateCommon(std::string& missing,
- Output("glPopMatrix()%s\n",term);